I Stunning Hais, and only .55 You'II scarcety. believe your own eyes wfhen you see what utterly chic hats you can buy for .$5.95 -big brimmed mushroom sailors like the one at the right, pert aif-the-face rolis like the one at the Ieft and scores of others-flower bedecked toques, salad bowl bretons, ail the very smartest hat fashions! You're sure ta find the very hat to' make your Easter costume a huge success. tom) wiltn criss crosseu i .Trdpb ilu** *** - toe Up over the instep, $8.75-and those are only three of our many very grand Easter shoes. navy rayon flowers of wI Seo but annoncement on Page 1 IDOAR A. , STEVENS,- c. 1614 Orri ton AeI