Bernie- IPhotoè Miss frene Smith, 879 Oak street, Winiietka. 'ciuH bue onet1twfr eolois jor the isrMumnta4 cocrt to be given by thte graduates anzd students of thte Winnetka Puiblic schools on, April 22 ai. Skokie .school. Albrught Art Show .Draws Large Crowd' iy. The public is reminacu oy the icague show, one of the most important ever sponsored by the organization, will remain at Communitv House until April 23. The program Sunday afternoon, introducing the artiats, was opened by Mrs. Jasper King, theý president, Mr. King presenting the speakers.' Serving at the tea tables during the social hour wbich followed were Mrs. Charles Wachs, Mrs, ing an augmented band and orchlestra comPosed: of graduates and students of al the schools, the, Skokie band and oprcheéstra, a -violin choir comf-: posed 6f students of . Mary Nancy Graham, a dou- hie brass quartet, anda double string quartet. 1 Miss Smith began the study of the cello wth MI ,iss Swigart of the Winnetka public school mnu- sic, faculty while she was attending'Skokie schôol. She, played first. cello in the Skokie. orchestra' and solo cello. with the . New. Trier 'orchestra. .Lastyear Miss Swvigart presented.ber in a-,joint recital with Millicent Grant, violinïst, pupfil of George Swigart. She . as spent tnc last tNwo :summers at ýMusic Mountain, Conn., where she played in ensembleé under the ,direction- of Jacques Cordon and Naoum. BeriFk-y. Atpresentý she is a. member of the' ýMerrel'Piano trio, a.nd the Tara trio in which she plays with Alice Merrell, violinist, anid Marie. Mlansfield, harpist. She is a member of the Evans- ton Music club and-the Chicago Musical1 Arts club. At the Dushin School of Music she is assistant to Miss Swigart. At the age of seven, whiie he was attending the second grade at Hubbard Wcods school, Edward Katz began to study violin *with Mary Nancy Graham, violin instructor in the Winnetka public schools. His progress was so extraordinary that very early his work gave promise of distinction. At present he is studying with Leon Samentini, head of the violin department of Chicago, Musical college. For three weeks at Christmas tinie he did some intensive coaching with Mischael Pias- tro, concertmeister' of the New Yor.k Philhar- standard in school. Whîle at Skokie. he carried: a full course in addition to several hours spent daily on bis music. At New Trier, where be is now a junior, bis name olten appears on the honor roll. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.. Ellis Katz of 1144 Asbury avenue, -Winnetka. Made Chairman Daguerre Photoý Edz(,ird Katz~, son of Mr. and Mrjs. l3iîss Katz, 1144 Asbury a;veitue, Hubbared Woods. violinist, w«iII .bc heard in the intstrumiienital concert to bc preseffled at Skokie school i;i j'Viietka oni April 122 biv the graduates and stiudeiids of the ,1Wipletka, Pubflic schools. Ushers on HoIy Weeks With a Lenten Oratorio~ Chicago's pioneer . musical organization, the Apollo M3vusical club of 200 vcoices, ushers in Holy. Week with the first Chicago performance of, Bach's "Lenten Oratorio', the P-assion according to St. John, Monday evening, April 111, at Orches- Ira Hall, under the direction of Dr. Edgar Nelson, and assisted by the -Chicago Symphony orchestra.. liu presenting the St. John Passion in Holy XVNeek, the Apollo club is carrying on a tradition begun by Bach Iimself two hundred and fifteenl years ago. During bis years in Leipsig, 1723-1750, Bach presented a Cantata on alternate Sundays and on Good Friday in the Thomas Kircheand the Nicholai Kirche. The first record 'of the "Johannes passion" is on Good Friday, 172à, ini the Thomas Kirche. Four years later, on Good Friday, 1727, it was given again ini its present formi, the forni used by theL Apollo club in its coming performance. M is; Theodosia Paytter of Chicago, forinerly 0f Glencoe, has been appointed working chairman for thte annuel convention of Phi Mu Gammna, pro fessional allied arts freternity, which iil be held at t/he Congress hotel in Chicago on Jüne 3,4 akid.. charge, ing will Arthur I4IUst, B. 'Va nzwoll is social chairman in tea, and the hostesses for the meet- rs. Henry T. Hohnian, and Mrs. J. und. WILMEtTE ,LIFE 59