Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Apr 1938, p. 48

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An communicationls. 3»d contibutions intendos for publi- catioan met bear tih.e e ad ddrcsof the. author, net aoccmu*iy for publication, but for Our filea. Sudu material muît r.ch te. ditor bq Tuesday iuses to be in time for the current sissue. "AMBRICA, WAKE UP! With "Arnerica, Wake Up 1» as its battie çry, the Union -teague Club of, Chicagoha issued astiirring cal ,to al citizens loyal to illie American formn of governmeiit tQ, joiniu a crusade to bring America back to first princilsad po ti from 'Fascism,- Naziism,, Communism,, or other allen subversive isms with whi.h it is now lm- minently threatened.' Taking the lead in this patriotic. endeavor,ý the Union League club'bas promulgated a "restate- muent of pri nciples"e to which we believe every citizen of this country flot completely insensible to the benefits of free governm ent, c an whole,* heartedly subscribe. The restatement, of course, is a rea$frmation of faith i American form of government, as set up by the Constitution. Tbat document, it as- senbs, is the law of the land, and should neyer be nullified, or changed directly or indirectly, ex- cept by amenchuent as provided in the Constitu-. tion itself. It ecplains the system of checks aud balances by which the governinent is divided into three departments, legislative executive and judiclal, and proclaims that neither shoul ever be permitted to encroach upon the other, or seek to usurp the powers delegated to either of the others. Siich encrôachm.ent wo uld, it states, b e a violation of the spirit of 'the Constitution, tend to create a dictatorship and threaten the liber- tics of the people. State rigbts are defended, ini words which con- clude as follows: "Ail efforts by legisiation, by bureaucratic mandate or otherwise, wbich in- fringe the rigbt of the states and break downlu- herent sovereignty in' local afairs, directly threaten the Anierican form'of government." Recontin theBill of Rights, and designating the integnity of the courts as- the final bulwark of the people, it is added: "Only >o long as the courts stand untrammeled and independent will the American tonm of goverrent and the rights I~ALBSWOMBN The storied courage of women in meeting the adversities of life and in the endurance of physical pain aud discomforts is splendidly matched lu their fearlessness lu standing up for principle- political, social and religious. An example of this courage bas just been given by the Woman's Republican Club of New Trier in making its recommendations to voters in next Tuesday's primary elections. Their endorsements a wVU.aIVK yct us f rom a bot spel Chicago weatber. ** * * "The approaching April prieuary election moves me to wonder wbat action, if auy, is being taken to promote in Illinois the adoption of a secret primary such as that iu effect lu Wisconsin. The advantages of the secret. or 'Australian' ballot are widely recognized. The (Illinois) voter in the important pimary electi.ons% should have thé samne protection." The intelligent, independenti voter feels a, sense of deep humiliation when, upon entering bis poli- ing. place on pi mary -el ection day be. is compelled to .Say,, in effect, tà,theofficialgisn icharge: "Give me a Repùblicanh collan,"' or "Put: a Demnocratic collar around my neck!" And there' really iîs nô, .More rea son why -he sbouild be compelled to do this in a pimary election, than tbat'he sbould be required te, do it in. 'a regular electio n. He not only rebels at a Iaw. which makes bum the politîcal chattel. of a Party, but' frequently the revuls ion that: sures through. hlm is sufficiently stnong to compel. him to forego the exercise of franchise and stay away, from,,the 'primaries.4 When the primary law was under conisidera- tien, the politicians , were «quick te recognize wbat' a secret ballot would do to the party machine, aud se the bill was se witten that tbe voters would be required 'te declare tbeir party. affilia- tion by asking for a ballot of one party or another, and makiug it impossible for them to change froni one to another until two years bad elapsed be- tween primaries. In this manner the party brand is placed onu the voter, and be is deprived of tbe opportunity to follow the dictates of bis judgment -aud select for bis support the best qualified candi- dates for the. varieus offices. Advocates of go.od governnment have long recognized in the prinuany law a, serious obstacle to their efforts. It shouild be amended witbout de- lay. Have you a baby giant panda Tbey make excellent pets, and common. Four more have been makes six ini ail. ini your home? are now very captured. That Want te make 500. bucks - easy? Here's how you cati do it. Governor Goddard of Bermuda offers 100,pounds (about $500) for the apprehen> sien of the person or pensons wbo helped Ameni- cari soldiers te roll a bundred. barrels of gun-. powder aboard Amnerican' ships. It happened. in 1776, and it was Washingtons soldiers who were assisted in swiping the pow'der. The reward ha nyrbeen claimed or recalled, sô it stilli stands. Go to it! The Sta te- mn, through a reforming-bus iness id uphold the basic prmnciples of out We call upon all citizeus, regardis d or party, ta, joisi active support bers, of the. Naionl Cones.."> Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford will celebrate their Sth wedding anniversary next MQnday. Our cou- Not that we have seen it-yet-btit frotu hear- say we recommeud the annual flower show on Navy pier as being the most worthwbile show now playîug. THÉ PHANrOüM RxmmutTZu j'-' - The atrocious murder of a mohr aud daughter wb .ile crossing Texas enroute to the east ýby'auto.- -Mobile, is 1a .warning to women to not travel that 'waste section alone. Still, twe& men and their -wives disappeared ip the same.general neighbor- bood sorne time ago. Maybe It is a warning to al motorists te shun. that 'section.- Power companies in Michigan are geing too far*, tbat's g:il. Tbey are. even demanding that their pla nts, selzed recently and stili beld by the C. 1. O. be returned toîtheni. Slitting cbicken gizzards bidis fair- to become a popular business enterprise since a1 Bradley, Ill., lady found two goldnugge ts in one she sI t. Pan-. niÏng.of backyard dirt yielded almost a cogen more. Wônien are getting too parttkular for any use. Always demanding perfection in. husbands, no doubt on the ground that thene should be one perfect person in the partnership, their exactions are now becoming impossible. Wby, one of the creatures in Chicago actually left ber spouse just because be kept eigbt dogg and a flock of chickens i their bedroom I Men, unite I

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