CHESTS of DRAWERS These chests of drawers are so construct- cd that -full çapacity niay be obtained, giving greater storage spatce, yet doca flot lose its graceful liues and design- 14 xl3x269 $6.9 5 14x13xX0,$1.9S. 25x16x4, -$14.95 .3.Drwer. Modem XKneeholde, DESK, $18*9 Bige 30 luches wide. 21 luche, doeep,804) luhou Croup, of Rookesses 4 hell, 45 Pler type ... Phone Stand or Nite Table II>s esy uovnqdrawers t.eephoue339 books .......... 39 Radio and Magnzine B.d Table Seml-clrcular s3peclal com- partment radio 345 anud end table ..$-- Corner Piot Cabinet Corner pler cabinet book- case has 5 36 shelves .........$39 e J. Regularly sels for $1.69. Washable and sanitary. EVANSTOW. IlAPRIL 7, 1938