88eu wo t V.'LC lui*j u;c jl ecki in the interests of protecting the, ballot boxr. In the group were >: Miss Harriet Vittum, head resident of the Northwestern -university settiemient; Mrs. Horace Bridges, of: the. Chicago Ethical society; Mrs. Mark P. Mears, former president of the Woman's City club,;, Mrs. !Laura Hughes Lunfde, VOTEFO E-1^ UNj. ARK for Coeuuy Judge Ix- W. C.ý CONNOR f.r Township C.mmiffeemom office. II know Judge Jaeceki for his service to the people of this county., My inter- est iu te vote for the mnan, neot the party. 11 want honest enforcement of .the. election iaws. Mr, Courtney stands for the saine kind of service, that Judge Jareeki and I do.", HOME FROM -ARS>ZONA Mr. and >Mrs. Ira C. Darling of 256 [Keni lworth1 avenue, Kenilworth, camne homne Sunday from Chandler, Ariz., after: a stay of four mnonths., On, thé way homne they stopped for a while in Kansas City, Mo., te visit their, daughter, Mrs. Ray Harvey Whiddeni (Jane 'Darlingý.__ E- To the Voters of New Trier Tewnship: Do net b. niisled by any false. st atenients reIlgardling your right to choose your party in. this primary. Botb Attorney General Otto* Kerner and State's Attorniev Thomas J. Courtney have ruled that you may vote in .ny party you choow,ý regardless of howvc ou voted iii- Aprill, 1936. ShouId your vote b. challenged for thi.s reasôn. youn mav vote by -àffidavit. No judge of election cali deny voui the sacred nright tO vote if you areregistered. Dernand a Denmocratic ballot and cast your vote for hoieç;t elections.in Cook County and against the unfair tactics bvy. which theKellv-Nash machine seeks 4to, deprive vouý of your sacred right of the ballot. VOTE FOR: tountY Judge EDMUND. K. JARECKI Congrmun SCOTIT W. LUCAS for United States Senator Mathew Francie Photo Ràll:E.Silnsheimer 0of>winl- atetka, is thre Horner-Courtney- Jarecki entrant for te nomination for state seniator fromll the 6th senla- toriol-district ini next Tuesday's. priiiiory,.- contestinig foi flic. scat now occu pied by Charles F. Baum- .rUcker of River FDrest, seceking re- niomieiation under the bnnrofthie KeIl.v-NVash machinec. Silice 1925 Mr. Sinsheiner lias been a justice of the peace, and by virtue of that office a member of the New Trier- Township board. H1elbas been active ini both township affairs and civic affairs of the village in which hie lives. He was a supporter of the proposition i-n ex~tend a~id tn Wilmette Health Cetnter in the mat- ter of exces- sive .expendi- cotnty: mon- eys. He -says. that. the ex- -N travagance of the C o u n ty board in past. yea rs rnust tnust be-cur- tailed if Cook county continues. to function as a ,gOing iconcerni If this wanton disregard of the taxpayer'sý rights is continued, he adds, there is bobund to be tax strikes,, payless pay days' for county officiais and, a re-. turn of the _choatic conditions ex- perienced iniiCook county in -,1928--- and subsequent . year's. Mr. Fr&lle cornes f rona a pipneer Cook county famlly, one that settied- in Niainp township more than one bundred years ago. He has a thoroughness of manner that whenhe undertakes a jobhle wili see it through -to a finish. That has been exemplified In the service work lie las been engaged in within his. owni com- by the Township board, which aid has materially increased the health service rendered hy the Center. I hereby off er a reward of $100l for information Ieading to the apprehiension andî conviction of the person fraudu- lently irner.ntig me ini soliciting so-called "political campignfunds.» The purpose of this offer of rew'ard is twofold. (1) to' protect any person. from M'aking political contribu tionis to a man who as late as this week represented hiniseif on the telephotie to be. Congressmian Church, thereby ob- taining a check, apd fraudulently endorsing and,cashing sanie in my name; (2) to urge the cooperation ôf those approached in apprehending thse guilty person with a view to prompt prosecution. Repeated'reports of such fraudulent solicitation drive SMASH KELLY-NASH BOSS RULE TUESIffY, APRIL 12 ave colitributed to' this persori who is îg me write mue direct or cooperate -r, Dean Lake Traxier, 10 South La- Sfurnishing hirn with the details?. (Signed) RALPH E. CHURtCHl, M.C.