Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Apr 1938, p. 33

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nomination to the Board of County Çommissioners f rom the country towns, in opposition to the siate sponsored by the Kelly-Na.'sh Chicago machine. Tlit County board lias. a rcp)rcsti- tative of five from the country towiîs -htis, froîi the districts 'of tht ýcounty outside of Chicago-tlîe bal- anceof the membership) being f roni that City. For this reasoei it is. im- perative that, these couintry- town, members bc, men, of strong ýclaraCcr and high motives, cise tlue interests of the country districts migbt suffcr. It is especially important tlîat thcy bel not, controlled by any, faction seigto use the offices for politi- cal purp oses. The canididates sponsored by tite. Horiier-Courtney-J arccki group) arc as follows: 1Edward T. Arnold of .Evanston, %vbere he .was born and hais always - resided. Reolis.aIawyer, and was formerly C211y attorney of L4*vaiston. He succesmtully, defended the ordina.nce providîng foi- the conpulsry inspection of motor ve- hicle. HelIs activ'e In club and *elf'a?. work. James Ogden Basta of Oak Park, fis aloo an attorney, with offices in Berwysn and Chicago. He graduated from tlàt- Univ,,ersity of Chicago Law school, and took post-graduate courses In.law and better government at Loyola uiiverslty. William T. McAndrews of Oak !Park, le a World war veteran, and by proie- sion a combustion engineer. He took a leading part I organizing the Young Demnocrats, and has long been an advo- cate of btter'government. He is vice- president ot the Weighnmasters union, an. A. F. of L. affillate. Albert HI. Brandt of Oak Lawn, his mayor of hi. town, andl engaged in the real estate and hIsiaranee busiess. He la deeply interested in the county Insti- tutions, Oak Forest and otherfi. Ho has the endorement of orgauiized lalior in bis communlty. John Anthony ZimnY Of Chicag, Heights, Is in the undertaking bousineSs. He was elected alderman ot Ciicago1 Thomas J. -Lynch. o! Glentcoe, present Democratie Comtititteemta,, for N-ew Trier township, is# seeking re;ioimùtatoi ain Tieda's.pritaMY. He is eantf*ign manager ini five nsoth shore townships for the Hor- *er-Coirtiey-Jarecki-Ly;ich faction. Mr. Lypich is zvelI k;iozti throu.gh- out thte North Shtore, and is desig- ..nated by his supporters as -a square shooter.' Mrs. W. J. Kitchen and ber smal 1 son, Dicky, arrived in Wilmette Tuesday, for a visit with ber mother, Mrs. johin Segsworth of .1006 Forest avenue. Mrs. Kitchen's home is in Sharon, Mass. Helghts in 1919, and i Qw serving hie second four-year terni as City commis- sioner. He le. sald to. ho conscientiou adn.abl ivo1 .n Dubic service. BINIC T. VAN DER VRIESý, PrésentMesbr Hofale pf Repiresentatives. Gen'I Ass.mbly of 1illinois U advocate: To tihe Voters in the 10*11 C@.gressionol District: The only possible way for I the people to insure for themiselvcs a hetter choice of candidates for Public Office, is for the people to first- give attention to the selection of their local rep- resentatives wbvo' are tu serve on, the respective,~ Committees of the respec- ive Party Organizations. If the people as a whole would spend less, time criticising their Public OfficiaIs, and ,more time and -care in se- lcting their Party Organi* zatiGn repvesentatves. tley would be amiazed over the transformation that would soon occur in the matter ut tvne. charactei andi ability of candidates for Public Office, wh o in tua would hbe selected and endorsecl by their Party Organiization. Notbing today is so important as our coming "Primary election. The respective parties at that time elect their Party Organization repre- set tatives. Be certain that they are men f ree of ulterior motives, niea of character, ability and independence, completely' free of any affiliation. obligation or domination o~f any partisan factor or faction. 1 bave been iinportuned to become a candidate for Republian 'tate Central Committeeman for the, lOth Cong ressional Disrict. 1 have no political aspirations and no obligations. 1 amn a Repubiçan through and through. 1 have been a resident of Winnetka since 1916. I believe my personal record will speak for itself and that it W111 command the respect of anyone wbo cares to investigate. If I am elected Republican State Central Committeemian by the> electors of tht lO0th Congressionai District, I will'most certaiaaly do aIl in my power to, aid in the future selection by the. Republican Party of a btter class ýof, candidate for Public Office. We must bave candidates who are true. Americans at heart-men frete.of ulterior motives. men of real character and ability-mèn who will appreciate their responsibility as servants of the peo~ple. -And if rdner Frn Edward Hall -rbert Pope Republicon Primary TUESDAY ..APRtIL 12, 1938 PrimwIles Tuesd. April 12. 1938

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