you. do know them before Primary Election A 12 So hatyou con nominate County Commissioners who truly repreent suburba and rural Gook COi.mtye Y.our Republican Count'y Commissioners invite You to -Study Their Record WILLIAM BUSSE was born in Elk Grove Township, and Las lived there ail his life. Hie was a deputy sheriff for ten years, and ham been a member of the County B~oard for 36 years, including one term as president. Hie ha. also served as president of the Mt. Pros- pect Village Board and as secretary of the school. board for twelve years each. He is chairman of the board of the Mt. Prospect State Bank and is connected with an automobile concern and, a, hard- ware store. GEORGE A. MILLER Las lived in Oak Park for the last 36 years, and Las been an active member of the County Board for 20 ycars. Earlier Le served ini the House of Representatives of the Illinois Gencral Assembly for two ternis, asa asistant state'. attorney, and as member and attorney of, Uic O.k Park Village Board. CARL J. CARLSON was born in Blue Island where Le now lives, the Blue Island public schools. For the past FOR HOME RULE APRIL 79 1938 L'. :