SPONSOR nI ROBÉERT J. SURDET DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE Mat. ltapreseutatlvi The, I*gi.Iative Voters League- rocom- nmends hi.»: Xobert J. udt, 17834 Howe Ave., .oewo,I&aWyer. A hlgh-grade, well n forrned and dlependable young man who is welI qualified for l-egisiative work. JPA,&TRONIZE'OUR ADVERTISERS Another measure lie introduced amended the revenue act providing for the publication of the cllinquent tax lists in 'local newspapers in the towns where the property is located. '1'hese lists appeared for the first time this winter and* had aný imme- diate effect in stimulating the pay- ment of taxes., TO HAVE MOTOR TRIP Mrs. Paul Schulze, Jr., 300 Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth, is taking ber three children, Idamae, Paul III, and Walter, on a. motor tript o the south-ý ern -part of the state nextý.week dur- ing their spring vacation.. They wîll visit Springlfield, New, Salem, other interesting places, and will stop to see some friends. ______________________________________ * *11 à. _______________________________________ T. TiE REPUBLICAN VOTERS:e The Primary Elecdon will be held next Tuesday, April [12th., It is most important that ail Re publicans vote at ffiis election. Party organization must be maintained in order to insure success in the fait elections. At this primary election, Mr. Harve G. Badgerow, a man of char- 4ter and ability a resident of Winnetka for many vears and a man of high standing in the community, is a c andi- date for State Central Committeeman. I earnestly request 9.EAUVE G.u BADGEIIOW office is one of greater importance than is generally known, because the Central committee wields a large in- fuence in. party affairs. It flot only, shapes state convention metbods and procédure%, b ut it bas much- to' say in the sélection of Candidates for pub- lic. office.. Mn.,Badgerow, who bas been a citi-. zen of Winnetka for the past six- teen years, is known as an acivocate of, high. efficiency in public Servants, civic-minded, devoted to t he inter- ests* of his village, state and nation, and is recognized as, a man, of, high chanacten and undoubted qualifica- tions: for, tbe post hé seeks. In. this connection, bis own words are stnong- er than any that others migbt, write. He said: 11 have been prevailed upon to be- corne a candidate for. State Central committeernan. I have no political as- Pirations, but 1 believe that every: man should serve the public when called upon. The primary 18 of greatent lm- port.ance, beeause it is tlzenithat parties elect their organization representatives. We must have candidates who are thor- ough Atnerivans, of real character and ability, free from ulterior motives, who appreciate their responsibility to the public and are fitted to fulfili lt." William Mason Makes Bid for House Seat William Mason, 419 Ninth street, Wilmette. is bidding for the Demo- I thhia go College of Law but has * discontinued active practice, being engaged in the home construction business. * An impor- tant plank in tbackiUg of the party organizatior and the Womnan's Republican Clubc New Trier bas endorsed Hintzpetei Hanley and Graham. for thei thre places.on the senatorjal commIttee. Il