Chtck-N-Rich Dog Fod The anistocrat -of dog foodi -Keepi your dog :healthy .end in the bet of temper. 3. fer 27C Doz. 1,00 Appte Jutte A deticlous and most refreshig bof ors breakfast, làneh.on or din- Bar. 3 fo .0 35c Crob Meut Slcted me&*t wiMl plentV of ten- der', fasly claw meat incuded-4o good la cocktails, saladi or en-, frocs. 3 /2-lb. dies 1.00: IPure repe Jutce Ciadelicipus luice rmode frou s*I.cted NewYurgepsN. Quamrt- 3 for ou "c lSc Paney Tomofoosi Extra fine hahd-packed-Exc.l*ent Iavo Pure 5 GOLD M'aAL Aiways a3 mest acceptable acc.mpadÎmei.t CaeSgrF-bl~ 5 LOUR tsteak edFec Fi potatos- CHOP SUEY Beau sPro ts-2fo'1 D«. -* VChimes. Noodles-2 for 29c lu. bu 3 9cI ____ 2___2 ___C1mpm»y V.g.*s- 17c RIB ROAST 0F BEEF Aged beef, deliciously tender end "pcrfect eatini," whother* it is roestcd rare, medium or wel-done. S.-3I 34c Large-I.29c CHOICE SIItLOIN STEAK. So tompting when served with u French frics ad stèWed. otoeo r "HarvardSet" . ...... j b . 37 SLCE0 SACON '2I. * To fry, frizzIe in the oven or broil..................1. pkg. 1 1 ROASTING CHICKENS. Plumnp, white and tender'. Ail cleaneci andi ready to pop in the oven to roast fo a golden brown. 1 .57 More than 4-lb. average......................... each FR5514 $PARE RBS. Yes, wc have the sauerkraut to serve wifh these boited or bakeci spare ribs on sale ýaise.....Ab SONEIPESS BIISKET CORNED SEEF. A perfect meat for wintry "spring days.' Cook fo boiling point int cold wate-then immer until tender. Slice hto or cold ....... 29C JUMBO NAVEL ORANGES I ~~ 7 5~ Seedbssand dL39 PINK SUEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT4fj So colorful and refr.shing. Wonderfully ijuicy fruitéDOL 76è........4fo29 FRESH WHUBAR Outdoor g"n. Sest for pies, faits, and sauce ...................... b. GREEN IRANS. ' >. Tender. stringious. 1-asily and quickIy prepared .. .. . .2.b NE POTATOf i i.wc fidrw...... b.4S Fulo avr. They boýucl n r iewe re a .....1 i. 9 N4EW CASSAGE. 33 Crisp, *fresh. For coic slaw or cooking ................. tbs.1 NEW BEETS.3 Tender. ruby red. Plenty of fresh green tops fo use for greens........ bunches &VC FR1514 ASPARAGUS.- ml / nh 5-~c '2i.bc, 9 To k.ep tipi from breaking, cook in ml bundies.12 ah354e.1/bbn, SANANAS. For salads. fo caf out of hand, for fryiag, ba&ing or sicing '11 and serving with plenty of lemon juice and sugar...........l. U LEM ONS Specially priçed et ................... ........ dcL25e #%DÀ%d-R vdl A P RI 7, 1938