Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Apr 1938, p. 11

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Reynolds, wilI presicle for the aay and Mrs. Walter Cavanaugh, national board member, wil! be here. A talk on the purpose andfnvction of local councils will. be given by M(rs. J. H. Pratt,' a member of the regional committee. The regionald- rector.. Mrs. Katie Lee johnson, ivill discuss- the trend in organization fol- lowed by an open discussion of a. co uncil's responsibilities toward pro-, gram planning and training.of leader- ship, and informin g the public. At luncheon there will be a mariner program presented by Mrs. Arthur, W. Wakeley,: regional skipper. After luncheon Miss Barbara Embury, dis- trict *director rom Chicago, will speak. of the Brownie program of today. During the afternoon the meeting will be divided into discussion gropps.1 At the close of -the day, reports from these groups will be givenl. FIELD TRIP 1 Ail Girl Scouts who are going on the trip t John son and Johnrson Monday, April Il,. should register with tbeir leaders by Fniday nigitq. COOKIE SALE Now aIl Girl Scouts and Browniies, are at work selling cookies as liard as they can. They want to reachi every citizen ini Wilmiette. If any onie shoul<t escape and at the samne timeé wants to help the girls have their new camp as soon as possible, his or ber order- will be takeil by 'phoning Wilniettc' 31. Coôlçies wiil be delivereci April 20 and May 4. In connection with the inew camp, we woulId lilce to say that Mr. L. . Anderson of Wheeling lias given 50 small trees to be planted on the camp gtounids. Camperthipa The fflimette counlcil lias 1>cc.î granted a few caimperslips. to b1eý awarded to Girl Scouts, Pre-Easter Rug Cl( The local council of Girl Scouts is holding a, meeting Tliursday of this. week at, the. home, of Mrs. Paul Schulze, Jr.. 300 Abbotsfond rôad, Kenilworth, to 'discuss the new ne- vised prograff to be put into effect. immediately througbout ,the ctountny.* Both programn activities and pro- visions. for their uise' have been c.hanged to make the>Girl Scout pro- gram, more flexible and more- easily related fo. the interests' and nfeeds. of the members. ýWays and means, of raising money, for the three troops will also be considered. The-local couic il consists 'of the followitig members: Mrs. Schulze, commissioner; M.\rs. Lawrence Mit- ten. deputy commissioner:* Mrs. Harrv Williamfs4 secretany; Mr s. *Warren Hathaway, ýtreasurer; Mns. Leonard Paidar. publicity chairman; Mns. Gardner Hendenson, badges and awards; Mrs. Homer Robertson, chairman of camping and hiking, andl Miss Phoebe Bleeker, personnel. SENIOR CONFERENCE Thene will be a senior scout con- fenence at the Palmer House Satun- day, April 9, rom 9 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. The first conference of this kind was hield in March, 1937, and was such a great success that thîs one on Satunday promise.s to be even betten, and 900 senior scouts are ex- pected. Five delegates. rom eachi senior troop ini Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, antd Illinois will bc thene. and the entire day. is plannéd- and executed by the girls tbemselves. ýThe high spot of the yea's ac- tivities will corne at the regional con- ference to he held at the Palmer House in Chicago, May Il and 12. Anyone interested in Scouting is in- vited. AIl tbose who attend wilI have an opportunity to join ini the round' table discussions which will be a part of the pnogrami. __ O AL TEN MORTUARY FUNERALS' 0F QUALiTY- AND DISTINCTION', National Caskets 725 Ridge, Road EVANSTON CHAPEL MAPLE AVENUE AT GROVEý PRINTS and 'WiliI of the Wisp"' SHEERS from $29 * . Lg~.. S0L4f ron$ 3.9 il ' makers. Jorjorian & Co. are located at 607 Davis St., JEvanston, and you may reach them by phoning Greenleaf 0700 on Winnetka '672 to have youn __ rugs picked upso that you may enjoy dlean nugs for Eastei. Avrieet k'ayo~u for YourE aster yWard robe f - 1

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