rThe above picture wus taken on Se pte mber 23, 1937, thse beginning of our present bowl ing Çta$On. it includes, Lesides a large woajority of tse league bowlers,1 Pres.ident, Harry C. Kinne of W'ilmette (center with bouquet), who oI>eed the league by roing thse lirsi boit. The fair menbers uhown in thse picture have been faits fui jin their attendunce on bowling niiis and ordentiv cheered for their respective favorites. Il has e en a kabit ti the pat Jorthe ieague Io *ske th.sni wo, ised. lo go ta thse NationalJK. of C.. touron ent ecci year. riss veor is nso exception. On Saturdoymonng pi t730ocok he u-boads of K. of C. bousiers and Mheir psfofBrS sii leave for the National tournament w hicS is being held this War at Cincinnati. The party tf entrain from the Big Pour station at Tuseif h street, at 8:50 a. mi Ten teams entered in the five men event and a large nomber of the bousiers are olso showing in thse singies and doubles. They wili return to Chicagqo about Il P. m. Sunday, .44>71110. Wl ARE MIGIITY HAPPY TO ADVERTISE OUR SPONSORS "THE OUILMETTE K. 0F C. COUNCJL" rFORD tINCOLN ZEPHYR 435 Green 5uy Rd., Wilnietto A.C. Lynch Wilmette 535 'p I. Wilmette JOB. ALTEN, .Evgan.ton UNI. 4643 EVANSTON PAINT AND GLASS 812 Oak St, Witinetkm Phil I-. Braun Carl L. Braun Rtobt. P. Doepel HICKS KRIlEItS TAVERN local league. We s incerély hope that dur- ing the present season you' bave shared i the enjoymlent and pleasure that the respective team members derived. from théir bowling. President Larry Schaefer ani Secretary George'Bleser,-at this time:also wish to thank you for yorhelp in inaking this -league suba.,huge success. It is with great pleasure, that we invite you* to rettirn 'next s easo n as a sponsor.. Thé com- ing season bas every indication' of being bigger and,,better. Tbere is- stili time to miake reservations to see our members bowl intbe National Knigbts of Columbus tournament in Cn-« Cinnati April 9, .10. Altbougb it. may be impossible for you to join. us there, by ail means do- flot miss the Bowlers' ban- quet at the end of. the season. Sincerely yours, Knights of Columbus, Ouilme tte Council, Larry Sehaefer, president. GeOrge Bieser, secretary, Ouilmette Council Bowling- league. THE ,BUNGALOW TAVERN Ska'ki. Jlvd. Route 41 1/ Ml. et of Glenview Rd. HARRY ROEMER LAWRENCE SCHNEIDER Frank Meier's Tavern Lake Ave. & Skokie Valley R. R. Glenview Glenview 630 IL I Chicago Meter Club A.- A. A. 14. Ave .sd GenouB"aRd. Ii Jensen Fra*nk Meier, Sr. Andy Frankowits 1120 Central Avenue Wilmette 390~2 G, G.King marobali'Dooley i t --f