week-end lollowsflg kaster bunday she is planning to fly east to attend the Holyoke junior prom. Other guests at the Booz home last week .were.Miss Katharine and Miss Char- lo.tte, Madson, Grinnell college girls and members of the. Grinneil Gie club, which was in Chicago on tour from .March 26fo Marc' 30. It was suggested tmat the village seek the aid of the state highway department ini erecting sign~s through- out the comrn'nty designating maxý îmum speed lirnits. Major off enders in speeding, is was declarçd %were, people driving to or from the* Sears ýschool or the town- ship high scliool and, to and from the railway depots. GAR9ÇNING SERVICE andIWATIRIALS Ask for our --eekIy Ia-i. cultiag re £gclntfmelt. 561 fr.eticcoI Put yourself i the EASTER stle picture. By coming into BURNS TOGGERY. today You cap be smartly and çorrectly dressed for EAST ER and. months to follow. Hart Schaffner &, Marx~ Lehie Photo For two successive Saturda3's, Mlarch,26 and April 2, tihe 80 chairs'have bcsz illed bv childree cager to sec Peter Pan. and lus friends pcrfornm on the iliarioiiettt' stage at 'the Iibraryv. The first scetie depicts Peter in theý nursery of the Darling f ainily lookii for his shadow. He teaches \Vendy and the boys to fly, and away they go to the "Never-Land" .to let the. "lost boys" know the rest of the story of Cinderella. The second scene takes place ini the "Ne%,er-Laind." Some of the boys, Waiting for Peter, shoot XV"en4y be- cause they think she is a white bird. Peter finds' the arrowv does lier 11o real harmn as it Iodges ini the acorn kiss hc liad given ber. Pirates and uîiuer the ground. vvnen i Inker Bell,1 the fairy, drinks Peter.s poisoiled medicine, Peter appeals tQ the audi- ence to save her life by clapping their hands to show they believe in faines. The spontaneous clapping keeps Tink's light burning. Then Peter dlashes off to rescue Wendy *idthe I boys f rom the pirates. On More Show The children who have flot, been Distribution of tieý tickets will begin the Saturday preçceediig- that dlate, it was added by Mrs. Annti McKay, children's librarian. The puppeteers showîi in the pi'C- ture are from left to-righit.Jean Stewa- art, Mairgaret Paulson, B"etsy ,J ones, and Brenton Smith.' Harold Steffens, Baby Is Christened Sandra Lois XVaring lier grandiather's christ- ening dress and lier great grand- imother's wedding shavvl, the daugh- avVAIMV,-%vas l.i111bLeI at a service at St. jos Wilmette oný Sunday. urch in Amnong those present for the christening.were the godinother, 'Miss Beatrice -Steff ens of \Wilniette, the baby's aàunt, .and, Richard .Miller of W.\ilmlette, the godfather. Sandra, who was born MNarch 18, at St., Francis hospital, has an im- pressively long list of living grand- parents and great grandparents, moat of them making their homes here in the villaze. WIU.eff. 2435 Rowland and Margaret Davis, son and ýdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Davis, 1215 Elmwood avenue, both freshmen at Miami university, Ox- ford, Ohio, are home for the spring holidays. They will return to -Oxford Tuesday. j