Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Mar 1938, p. 5

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Hie lives wîth, bis tamily at 506 lith Street. In conjunction with, Consultant Robert E. 'Everly of Glencoée, Mr. Wallace for the past year bas super- vised construction attendant upon the extensive improvements stili: to, be completed in Washington. park He, is therefore fully conversant- with 'the park situation, its needs and possibili- ties,- and shares with other officiais the belief that in a few'years -Wil- mette's, lake front park will be the miost beautiful- pleasure spot in al Chicagoiand. Forestry Expert Foilowing two years at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin and a, like tume at the' University. of Montana, iiiboth of which he -majored in forestry, Mr. Wallace was engaged for a year with the United. States Departnient of, In- terior, bureau of plant1 industry, in M4ontana and Idaho. lie then accepted the post of assistant superintendent of the Glencoe Park district, in which he served for two years. Later he Forest Park (Ill.) Park district, was miade -superinten dent of the where he also served for two years, during which time lie designed and supervised construction of a 16-acre park on Harrison street, in the heart of the Village of Forest Park. SMr. Wallace stands bigh ini bis pro- fessona~~nd sa kv~~ialudmi.mh.r rof the. Bd le Hon ored at &* 7 & ~w ýWednesday evening, April 6, is the day' on- which the Wilmette Baptistý church will commiemorate tbe 25th anniversary of its organization. The event will be marked by a congregational dînner andi a prograni of reminiscences and feliowship Bernie Photo Miss Rosalie Carlein, 1713 Wal- -,nut avenue, Wilrnctte, Tvill oct aS hostcss for an April Footsparty as -the social part of' the évenig's pro- grain at' the meeting of the St. Johii's Junior Walther league at the church at 8 o'clock o n the evening of April 1. Nomnamtions for ofBleers for the forthcornipg year icill be made. The topic for discussion is "eMozies anid Their Inifluenice Upon Us.> est linicin thicheain oft nrst aid sta-1 tions encirclîng Chicago. Police ollicers compieting the'traàin- ing are as. foliows: Sergeants joseph 'Steffens .and John Scbaefgen; Officers, Roger Sherman' Arthur: Hawkinson, Edwin Wbiteside, William Schmidt, John Hendrickson, ,John Voss, C ý. C. B ransco me, Lewis' Popple, Edward. Phillips,, Phiiip Schneider, and Peter Schae fer. ,Volunteer first aid wil be available, to victims of highway accidents Oc- curring in this* vicinity., Parents of Juniors, Will Hold Meeting on Tuesday Tuesday evening, April.5, thjere vili be a Parent-Teacher meeting for teh 1prents of juniors. at New Trier Tjigh school. The meeting wilI be for the purpose of conferences and teachers wil be available froni 9:30 to 10:30 o'clock._____ Shore Leaders Will Attend Inauguration of Air marked by, elaborate ceremonies at the Curtiss Airport in Glenview Fri- day morning, April 1, to be attended by civic and social leaders of the North Shore. 111 charge of arrangements for the morning prograni is R. F. Ahrens, of 1002 S. Linden avenue, Highland Park, district traffic manager for United. The first plane will leave Curtiss Airport at 8:25_a. mi., after Servi.ce peoples orgaflization ot the WlJmnette Parish Methodist church, wiil hear Harry C. Kinne, village president, speak on «Youth ini the Community" at the church* at 5:30. o'clock- Sun- day, April 3. The meeting is open to al. Wiimette young people above high school age. servation Co.rps, winvi W1L11Dan11m per cent complétion. of the 1argest copibined drainage and reclamatioan CCC, undertaking in the Uinited States. Scores of invitations have been issued ;to 'Cbiçqgo and North Shore officiais, and citizens, 'who ; wilII .be guests at a dinner at the camip, Fn. day noon, of this week, followed by, an inspection of the camp andpoj ect. Major ýGeorge E. Cook, F.A. D. O. L., bas wired, an invitation to President Franklin D. Rooseveit and Robert Fechner,- national' director of the Civilian* Conservation Corps, to. be present on this occasion. Invite Secr.tary E. J. Lundin, principal project superintendent, bas invited Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes, to be his guest, Friday. Mr. Ickes is to be in Chicago on that date,. and, whiile definite acceptance of the in- vitation had not been rectived, Mr. Lundin is hopeful that he wiil be able to corne. Camp officiais will again be hosts to the hundreds of visitors next Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'ciock, when the general public is invited to i- spect the camp's work. Ail visitors, at this titne, it là announced, wili be rinzeipinto gr<>l1nM and conducted. Lagoon No. .5 15 25 per cent com- plete and much work has been doné on Nos. 6 and 7. The diversion* ditches, one on either side of the project, are funie- tioning, and the large dam, with'its flood controri gate, at Willow road;' was completed several months ago. Thousands of trees and shrubs have already been planted, and this. work is being carried fôrwaird,, as rapidly as areas for landscaping are made Brig . Gen, Philip l'eyton, district Thn commander and other officiais wiil be on t] p'resent to participate in.the exercises, view it is.aninounced.. iger, LU Devoi. flight f rom G W, White of on Page .10) for later offerings. You are sure to find what you want. s siîster-rn.7Iaw.. : (Conti

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