'I CARPET. SALE I30per yrd quiy,$58 13.50 per Yardqait,$.8 1000 Ydg. of Carpeting. Choice of 4 ColIora. 13VANSTON CARPET CLEANING -CO. 1911 Chuirch St. University 0877 17 ILTN47tp FURNISHINGS OF WILMEBTTU house. Inc. a few ânie mid-Vic. pieçes, odern living roomn suite, linen,, glass- ware,,dishies, clockâ, old cabinet, ýand ruga. Minc. items. 251 Laurel Ave. Wilmette 4931, or Mrs. George Van Fleet, 96 Linden'Ave., Whnnetka 207. 171L47-ltp USED RADIATORS BOILERS AND SINKS REFRIGERAOR *S KENILWORTH 5 631 1 71LTN47-ltç USED F~RIGIDAIRES Reconditioned, Guaranteed V. J. KILLLAN CO. Winnetka. 908 171LTN47-ltc TO SETTLE ESTATE BEAUT. FURNISHINGS 0F 5 ROOM apt.; ic. rare antiques, and modern pleces, linen -dishes, silver, rugu, paint- ings, objet. d'art and draperiles. For appt. Mrs. George Van Fleet, 956 Lin- dlen Ave. Winnetka 2067,. 171L47-ltp) iJ.o metal Ice-box, - $3. Alec, baby buggy. Winnetka 1235. 171LTN47-ltl> GODGAS -STrOVE GODCONDITION. FINB BAROAIN, $61Gencoe, 24Ç. 171LTN474te 172 Wyo. 0100MIIID.GOD CASH VOR TOUR USED FURNITURU modem aor antiue, anvd, other bouse- hold article.. will also a.cept your -fun iare on consignîmfenîttbim. CROST FURNITURIE STORE Eutabliiabd,1898, 1004-6 Emerson St., ,Evansfton, Uni. 0189 ]IL BERO wjU ar tp prms fr r u ued furai- t tm c-a-Labrc, hoïfthold article, book@ and menas clothing. Winnetka 1582.172LTN47ý-4te MANS ELGIN BICYCLE 2 pairs militarýy shoes, aime 8% Doli carriage, large aime 173L47ltp ANTIQUE WAL: 00OV. WINTHROÔP aecy. Antique marble toi: table. Child'a muslrat coat, aime 10-12. LadYs cloth and fur coat. 18-20. Beds. Ori- entai Kashmir 8.8x10.6. Winnetka 1455. 173LTN47-ltp BOT'S SUJIT, 15-16 YR. SIZE; AN- tique mah. bookcaap; day bed; g9" stove; ln-and-outoide-enmfel Ice box; porch -furn. AMl very reas. Wil. 1374. 173LTN48-ltp RUMMAGE SALE. ..o * s p. 2 RUGS, 8.3x1.6;* COIL T springs; baby hamper; fiai standard; reed furniture ii Il~etro1ux ibe box; drapes> reasonable offer. accepted.9 land Park 3251. rrigidaire, Large DINING ROOM TABLE chairs. Victrola. Keniwort tP; BLIGHTLY USED 4-B' Iny §tant-lightirig table. h- stove. 1867 Kiest Ave., IN Ltp USED HOOV19R VACUT] $25. Guaranteed. Must 6 appreciated. Phione Wilni 175 à « 226 3 5- 243 3 55 250 2 5- 264- 2- HARRY W. MILLER1, Treasurs, village, of Wlimette., M. Match 31,.19,88 VILLAGE OF WILMXETTE Wiliuette, Iflimols Notice odf Pro-Rata Payments on Spe- cial Aseament Bonda and Interest Cou- rons Maturing Dcemnber 31. 1932. N.1otice i. hereby given that pyet on Special Assesanint Bonda and la- tarest Coupons or the 'VIfle. fi- mette. flilnols, (Cook Couànty); Winile made through the Wllmette State Banik, or Treamsurer, Village Hall Wilmette nîmisi, to- whbm Bods>.andl Interée . Coupons shouid be forwarded for collec- tion and endorsement of the. undârnoted Dayinents: 1Spectl Per Cent of Assesament Pro Rata Pa>Mett No. Inat. Bonds Intereot 143 104 - 147 le 169 7 175 ý6 - 195 5 243 4 5- 246 3 5 250 3 255 3 16- 264 3 - 5 HARRY W. MILLERt, Tresurer, Village of W11mette, Ill March 31. 1938 VILLAGE OF WINUKETB wumet., Immole Notice of Pro-Rata Pa»'ments on Spe-. cial Asseomment Bondeanad Interst Cou- aymets: Special Assesament ro. Inat. 92 6 D8 5 13 4 8 5 24 5 25 5 5 5 ~II8UI5L UL 15 14 INO. I142 t149 159 23 6 - 235 6- 40 237 6- 30 240 6 15 243 6 10 1à 244 6. 252 5 - 255 5I - 256 lu1 1 262 2868 4 . 1 57849 HApRt W. MiLLURa, Treasuts? Village of Wllmett»,. Match ai. 1938 VILLAGE OF WULNUTTE- Notice of Pro-Rata Pa.inentson Spe- ciai Asseasmênnt Bonds and InterefftCoDu- pons MaturIng Deembsr 81, 1935. Notice la hereby given that paYnieflt or. Specie.l A.eUsmiit Bonds andI- tereat Coupons 0of th iiê Vllaet of WI- mette. Illinois (566k CounU'>, Winl le made through the WhbueteSat a1 k o 1r Treanurer, Village Hall, 'Wub=titt Inoisjj, to whom Bondséa"d intereu Coupons should be forwardad for olleo- dion and endorsjIeïet or tha underntea paymtents: Asseament Pro Ratgt Paymnt NO. Inst. Bonds Intefeut 149 10 - 16 159 10' 10 là 174 9 1883 . 192 2 0 25 193 . 5- 195 - à 206 7 7 10 8 715 1 210 7 . 212 7- 213 .6 6 à 215 7 6 218 7 17 là 224 7 17 là 225 7 - 60 226 .7. . -5 228 7 17- 231 7 - 10 232 7 S9 233 *7 5 237 7 10 26 239 7 .. - 240 7 15- 244 7 -5 250 6- 254 6- 10 26. 6 - 10 $59 6- 266 55 - 267. 5 -5 269 5 10 1 273 4 S 5, 276 4 5 - 2774i 5. I oeclan, 4Lý