Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Mar 1938, p. 75

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Senio Walte eaue, Sunday, 5:30 p.m.; supper at 7. Adult catchumen cans, Monday. 8 p.m.. ln the pastor's study. Votiuig nembers, Tuendy, 8pm Eveuiflg circles. Tueuday, 8 p.m., wtb Mi'.. William Wei». 2619 Licoln- Wood. Ladlies' Aid. next Thurda.y. 2 p.m. Rntglisk Latheran Sevextk street at Greenleaf "A ROTSE 0F WORSHIP", The Rev* David R. Kabele, pastor S9UNDAT SERLVICES8 Church sehool........9:45 a.m. Morning worshlp........ý'*-...h .m. Junior. Luther leaue ..........3p.m. Senior Luther league.... ..30 p.M. IlID-WEEK ýLENTIEN SERLVICE Wednesday................Spm The music for the service of woréhip next Sunday morning Io as follows:- Prelude-"Andante." Patheique 8'yuphony . .Tochaikowsky Anthemh-HoW* Long Wilt Thou Forget 1Me.... ... .........Pflueger The Senior choir Anthem-gavior, Hear Us, 'We Pray ........... Brahms-Luikln The Junior coir Postlude--Âllegro, lut Sonata.Guilmant- Victoria MLeod-Ministry of Music The Senior ch.oir wil rehearse on Thuruday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Junior choir wilI rehea rue on Saturday nioTulng at 10 o'clock. Church schoffl con venes on Sunday morning at 9 :46 o'clock. There are classes for ail agea. We invite you to learu with un lu Sunday achool. Attendour service of worship lext, Sunday morning at Il o'cloc NextSunay,. beng he irst Sunday munion Bunday for the boys' and grls' communion lbagues. There will be celebrationu of the holy. communion ou Wednesday at 7 a.. and on fflday at 10:30 ain. The Woman's gulld will meet on mr- day immediately after. the, service ln the church. with luncheon at noon. The vestry *111 meet tomorrow, Tri- day, at 8 p. nm., ln the church offices. The third ini the serles of Joint lenten services wili be held ln the Preubyterlain. church at 8 p. m. next Sunday wlth, the Rev. David Kabele as the. preacher. GO TO FLORtIDA Mr. and Mrs. William A. Figueira, 411 Laurel avenue,. with- Mr. and Mrs., T. O. Weiss, friends fromn Chicago, are leaving Friday to spend threc Weeks in Floriîda., The party wiil go. down together by. train, and the Figueiras will ship th.ir car and thea motor home by themselves. They plan to stop at Miami Beach, do some deep sea fishing, and to sec as much of the state as possible. END MOTONI TRIP SOUTH Mrs. F. J. Scheidenhelm of 804 Forest avenue, accompanied by ber daughter, Miss Frances, and Mrs. J. B. Olwin of 8M0 Lake avenue, re- turned home Saturday from a ttn- tnrougnout the Middle West for its May Music Festival where tihe Chi- cago Symphony orchestra, under the direction of Dr. Frederick Stock, for over thirty years has made its only appearance. West of ,tihe Mississippi. Edwin G. Martin, 614 Church street, )Evanston, is the 'chairman of the Aluni. committee, and Dr.; F. M. Darling, 108. Nortil State street, Chi- cagoý, is the executive secretary. Both are in. charge of reservations for the banquet. Patronize Our Advertisers I-ANDSCAPING besigning and FRANKEN BRO 8IN. .De«ÎWU 241 FRED A. ELLIS & COUPbINc.D IHoeafin end Air Conditioing - Engjin»rs - Conftmtr 40: Yeors of>Continuomis Servic, on 0* .North Shom Attend the UNION ýLENTEN SERV-, ICE next Suaiday eVening at the Pres- byteriau church. Service begins at 3 o'cbock. The Bey. DÉ&vid R. KZabele wIll preach. The Church council wili meet on Tueuday ev ening, April 6, at 8,.o*ciock. Attend our MID-WEEK LENTEN SERVICE next Wednesday evening at, V IIM KENILWQRTH, Recent house guests pi Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Fuermann of Kenilworth have been the former's sister, Mrs. William B. Pearn, who has returned to.her home in Baltimore after a stay of two weeks, and Mrs. A. W. Zendtl and son, who have gone back to Los Angeeles. SAS IOILES Ouur~ ~ ~ ~~drm qfye .uir.uearuiO hsUnuu 80 Cuiter Sfr..I Winnnt& Skokie-VIey Cal & Mat. 3640.LAKB AVE. îm1,i w 511 Green Bay Road (No1 Wilmett, e i. STOURS

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