Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Mar 1938, p. 64

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A U Tiese 10 studenî.s are' me obers of lte Newý Trier boys' ensetnble tohich 'Ii anq; bef are the con ference. of music supervisori thlis week in St. louis and Ilwhich wilI u n Fn ridav eveniqat a. din4er for the deic.qa tes to the con- ference of itudent hiqh schools of the state at New Trier Iliqi school. 1~A1cou camp Cornes;ý. t. the ChiIdrea, TI,res no n..d to ..nd y.ur cildren .wey fo camp" whon you bive on the. north shore. Juif $hirty minute.s awav Mithomolwe Wpoderaff. <Camp uffori *Vary fclity for your boy and girl. Ineluded or*.~ ,Swimtmns Indian bore creutive Art fiandirtai ("amp(;l Badminton Ridiy< Rifle .hoo(tuqe DAYT1ME - ULLTIME CAMPING The ry are: s"atèd, Richard. Kix Miller ; ha ning (.,npian,,, -jarfts Wff ; standing:, Henry Rici,, Richard R6,th, 1.f4ward Be'ýnsn, Sandy WlleStanley Rhh, W %illiam J.azctar, D1n)()nrhig "Whist Kind iof Sçkoohs Do Parents Want?" to Be Subject of Meeting ,fhi llrst (i a serie >s of meetings t-o In'staili EIetrie Organs cr' wàat.theirshos to do and what in Seott's Mortuaries kind (if graduatcs they wish to hiave fItal latlin(if crnorgans in . produced, wil] be held'on Xednesday. botb 11147Wilrnett<: amI Ev:ansto)n i CVCling (ifincxt v.cck at 'the' First chapels wNas aninourcd,-r thisý week b)y1Congregational church, 1417 Hiln'iîan *Çorman and Jidgar Srot t of thc Scot avenue, Elvatstori Temeeting, will take the forun of T~he services establiblhed by the lateapaldiusini hchteo- William Hl. Scott, fhiune.r of the firm, lowing wvill participate: lTho'rnton W'.. Oxford hi. rteand by teMsiW.oit h C erriam, director of religious ac-. Oxfrd guatit ad b M. W Brn-tivities at Northwestern, university; i,îail, North Shore organist. Dean lFrede(ric:k C. Grant of the Se-a- .Th b latf- Mr. Scott Was the firstI hury-W\esterti theological seminary; mortucian on)i the. North Shore to Rabbi Charles fE. Shuuhnan of thel provide a limousine hearse and a North Shore Conigregation Israel, litnousine ambulance, and the first Gîenetcoe ; Prof, James Altoui james, t!) instaîl air conditioning in the cican emeritus of the graduate schooî chapels. of Northwestern; the Rev. Lester -- Mondalv, of the Iivanston ýUnitarian Miss Ruth McÇIelland, d aughter of churcb;. Charles Thomas of the Ev- Mr. and Mrs. J1. R. McCIelland, 726 anston Quaker meeting, and the Rev. 1E.rnWood. avenue, is spcnding ber, Charles Heimsath of thue First, Bap- Mî.,c fl Isum 120>riras tanbp $lirý aoil 10114 te~ ~tt:aio la: - soo lu.vî,,Î,tbureaus alre.ady bave indiça ~fl flai 114y wil priiae (' t o il ttai ( Ma fl:oa.e al, i t hàï b Oe ýn n e - Tliore will lac co)n! in 1(>ruz n tlen-lt rosi, Il a. an. t 1< p. n. an 11;y offlhe exp<>ositiori. An e#ýxpVi't C Ilicaler is beiný -contructed in -the e.xlib)itio hllitwhetravel. 1ectures. sojusid motion pictures, Musical Selec. tiOuos,ý folk, dancing and iash ion shows 'will be stagc<il. Admission hoth to the exhibition hall and the -exposition theater wil l c frec. Children. howv- ever, mnust be accompanaied bv aduits. An Exposition Number of the Chi- cago j1)aily N1Cws will be published; Saturdlày, April 23, carryin.g complete progranis and exhibit booth locations., Sixty thousand. reprints, will serve as directoriès for those attending the exposition and will be'di.stributed to ail those entering the exhiliitionu hall *durng thc four days and evenings oi flic affair. Here's Grand Trip .to Norse Çountries 1i4s Helga Rosing. 920 North Michigani avenue, this week announc- ed thue sPecial, itineratry for her i938 private Party to the Scandinavian countries and Finla nd.* The trip, com- prising 59 days, wiliI begin at New York July 2, with return to thât port scheduled for August 29. *Sailing on the S. S. Stavangerfjord, modern twin screw mail steamer, the itinerarv is as follows: JuIy 1lO-Bergen, Norwa y: July 12- Eidfjord; JuJy 13-Stalheini: .iuly- 14- Btallestrand; .july 15-Ol)den; July 1- Vallidai; July l8.-Andalsueý; JuIy 19- Lilleharnîner; July 2o-OKI.July 24- ýStockholm,, Sweden; July r tI-Fi-nland: Augu*qt 1 - Helsfngfo3rs; 'August 4 See;August +5-Stockholm ;Auguet C-otaD Canal, Vadtena; August 7- Cenhagen, Denmnark;- August 14- Odense;- AugustI l5Aarhiu.qAugust 16 - Frederikhaven; August 17 - Olso:, August 18-Bergen; Atugust 19-sili for+ New York. 1541'S. St. Johns Av*. Ph...: HIGHLAND PARK 2122 jJ41.g4ining xor reace." Mrs.. Patrick N. Balmes, 1115 Greenleaf avenue, is no.w conval- escing from anillness of two.nmonths, one month of whi# she spent ini the hospital. 1 ý Photo by Dernio . 1

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