Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Mar 1938, p. 40

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m tii. G.mmral Assembly th Senatorial District ComPleting bis FOURTH Term Send him BA CK for PIFTH ACCOMPLISHMENTS ARE THE BEST GUIDE FOR VOTERS Partial Recordl of Accompliahinents of EMMETT McGRATH .Sponsored bill for eleo nag of Des Planes river And Sait rrtceh is *bealth mlasures. Recrords show tbese streans. have beeun eleaned. * espousible for ainendînent of zoologleal Park extendlng the perI140. of tax payiuent whlch made possible completion of Brooktleld Zibo. *Sponsor 0f plan for permanent reglatratlon. .Ce-notbor of anieudmnent te elty pelton aet. *Ce-amthor of met authorlzlng, elty, villages, Incorpterate(l towns of less than 60O,OIJte oCenutruet self paylng sewer systemi. * oauthor of B>nergency .Relief pl]. A pril 12, 1938 Toloff Photo) Paitl J. Misniei, Glecncoc superin- tenidenit of schoo!s, is i;inddd (a;iioeig the 106 proincutj educa tors fron:Il leadiinq un;iversities and col- leqes îcho will servec as yiiest bi- siructor iii the 1938 sin eris es, sion. at Northwèsteriz university, * Lirector Erniest H. Hcih>e aiz- nowice'd this zveek. Offering more than 400 courses under a faculty of .300 teachers, the North- western summer session wjfl'open junie 21 and close August 13. Eight depa.rt- * nents of the ianiversity, including liberal arts, education, speech, graduate, law, music, commerce, and journal ismn, w give work. HOME FROM CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. N. Chase Flint of 233' Warwick Toad, Kenilworth, arrived- home Tuesday afternoon froni a six weeks' stay at Lajolla and Los Angeles, Cal. Thieir son, Bob, is' home this week froni the Lawrence- ville school, where he is a senior pre- pariiig for Princeton. He will niot be returning' until Tuesday of liext A b.* .credt for chant. AIbaIsuqed bauet. ou eut fdobt.- thse au ma mer- sponsorship of 40 groups, affiliated with the E>Vanston Counicil of qocial Agenlcies. Purpose of the itistitulte is to pive badin.eibheis of welfare aueiicies thpý opnortunity of havinor their ow,,n 4scliool" ini social woî-k policies and 1-rocedures. Its. ohiect is to flirth r' eoneration h.etween liy boar<ls ;ind iwoesioa-social aYClCC ind in tertiretatiot of thrir workl9 i rein t imn to thie ommut itys a wholé. Nptgd_ Leader 41l4dii'-,the otno-dav inistitulte vviii c Miss Leah Fcdpr, as4.stanit pro- fesor of social îvork at WasliinteIoi uî;.Pri.St'. Tuiq. Miss Ferler. ,'0 iaiçccesfilllv Ccnduct'ed h day:it iup ii otliir Cities. ivili ier- ture and lcad'discuissionis on til(,.mimî- 1w)1-le-nis confront ing board nmemhc erç oi wýelfare ac«encies. Anionq, the tonirs to 1w considcre .d iii>), bthe re1;iiti,'ip-ý hetwccn mav ~nd ~ 4aff îvorke(rçs iniwlar o "Ild 'lie rsosbiii of thejnivd i1pl, ln-rd rmember. 1 lUto 4 p).ini at the Ceorgian anljd a "'nealucenîeetine, 'Ifwhich M ~Feder will, sneak.Allen li 30l>crt. Jr.. flflP of the director-s of f1- Familv 'Welfiireasoatn.w1 ~,e'uc !flsFrd"r at the Ilunchleonl. <icl-ortes to -ho 11-d-iv'scssinlit .1)111 1- bulsiness nieli ulnable to be)cprese Il ai flhc morninie or afterno>on meetingç. Boar&A tiendang Anoil, tueroiins ilvite'd tri nar- tiaein, the i lstituite are the Aiduit Fduatoncotuncil.- Anierican Ried irCross. Ardt-i Shiore association, Big P.rothers ass;ociation, Bnov conlts,. BPureaui of Recreation, :Business and Professional Vomien's cltib. Central 1Volunteer Burejt.CmuivCet (¼nmunitv H-osoitjl. C0uci'of Schol lus, ayNtursorv. Hcaltlh M~arrent. Evalnston 1lsia sCiation. Evanstotn Relief administra - tion]. Evanston l-igh school, Familv- Velfaro- assot-iation. CGrl Scots i-il- Il.n1ý Birth Conitrol leaQuie. Tlitnr-4 HAS BRIDGE LUNCHEON Mrs. Frederick W. Shefte, 64a Brier street, 'Keniîworth, entertainedf :en guests at a luncheon' and bridge- party last week at he~r hoMe.

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