The high quality worsted wilton rtagsar*ethe lest word in durability for dcorative Ooor coverant Smnrt, clowly woven wool ruis that art ni.Cely linished to give added chari. A large group of attractive1 patterns and colore to ohkoose fromn. A replat $8950 ,Vtlue for....... $5 9x12 WOOL WILTON Reguar É$59SO50 Value A splendid aaao rtnent: of patterns and colors are avaîIlable in tbese loveèly woùl Wilton rugs. Strikcint Persien end American Oriental, deaigas. Specimi for daim- sale.............. .......... $39 9x112 Aminster Rug Regularly $34.95 Beautiful, cloaely woven rugs pric- ed specially for this daree-day event. A beautiful selection of Oriental designs ini new colora. Special .. ~24* 50 9x1 2. Rug Pad .27 inch Stair Carpet: Velvet stair carpet with blue, Th... heavy wafle rug cushions will double the lif. of red and green bordera. Regular. your rui. Bvery rug in your home. ahould b. protected et 88 $ 1.29. On sale for threç days the low pricea. You cannoi mford deihotoi. t, yard ................ 8 8 colore, end you'Il Con,, early for Conuiste of a 21x54-inch met with math- ing seat cover. A good assortmniet of umert' patternas end colora. Obréd et * this price wbile quaniki.. lait. WILMETTE LIFE