Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1938, p. 57

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0-ItOOfli 1 F. Pavlik, Jr., Kenili FOR lIENT OR SALE - 7 RMS., 3 battis, 2 slpg. pchs., sun pch., att. gar. H. W. ht. Near schools, lake, transp. Owner,,Hlghland Park 2913. 133LTN46-l.tp EAST WINN, LOVELY 'MODERN brick house, S bdrms.,--2%-bas., oit, furn. :or unfura. This is a grand. house neyer offered before. Winnetka 269. 1 33LTýN4 6-ltp 6 RIOM flOUSE NORTH BROOK.. Hot water heat,' garage. Lot 50x141. Also for sale for $6,300. Cai Wiiniette 4978. 917 VERNON GLEN-6 RMS., 1 BATH, H. W. ou fieat. Gar. 245 Greenwood, Gien.-7 rms., sun 'parlor, 2%~ battis, 2-car gar. H. W. olitheat. Owner, Gtencoe,1205., 133LTN46-ltp. WILMETTE- ATTRACTIVE BRICK colý.,Ige.. itv., n., spaclous bedims., sun and slpg. pchs.. 2 battis, H. W. ht., gar. . Phone Winnetka 1800. 133L46-ltc BY OWNER -COMPORTABLE .8 rooMi house, East Winn., conv. to lake, chools, transp. 4 ýbedrooms. H W.H. No sales clause. Cati IWin- netka 3530. 1 133LTN46-Itp WILMETTE: DESIRABLE 7 ROOM house, 4 bedrins., oit heat; gar. Modern 6 rin. brick, 3 bedrms8., IH. W. heat. 2-car garage. Kenilworth 2016. 133LTN46-ltp NORTH EVANSTON, MODERN ENG. brick. Close to scliools, "L"e and lake. 4bedrms., 2 battis, 2-car gag. H. W. gsheat. Newty decorated. (Ireenteaf 52Z11. No agents. 133LTN46-Ite FOR lIENT $60-8 RMS.-GLAZED porch, garage, wooded lot. Avaitabte May lst. For appointrnent cati owner Uni. 1715. 133LT146-ltp 6 RI!. BRICK, 2 BDRIMS., TILE BATH on 2nd. 1 bdrni. and lav. on lot. 2ý-car gar. For sale, or fer rent at $90. Win- netka. 269. - 122,L4N46-ltp> 7 ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE., OIL 1heat.. Provldent avenue and Spruce street. $75 per nionth. Phone owner, Winnetka 397. 133LTN46-ltp 7 RM. BRICK HOUSE, 3 BEDROOMS, - 1 bath, 2 bîks. from "L," North Shore and beach. 330 Central Ave., Witmette 2890. 133LTN41-ltp * LARGE 7 ROOM HOUSE, ENCLOSErD front and rear sun roonis, heated; lovely trees and, yard. Attached ga- rage. Wilmette 3226. 133LTN46-ltpl I3RK COL. 6 Rmns., 2 bths., sun & stpg. porches. H * W. tit., attchd. gar., conv. * to "L." $85. Winn. 1800. 133L1'N46-ltc "Char.ming and Colorful" YOjir first words. Then-"1*jow Weil- built.. rooniy, and'conveni<ent!,, This shingle Colonia~l with Its modern kiteti- 1en, dintng rn-i. wtt corner cupboardtj, 3 bedrms.,. 2% 'battis, sunrmn.,, open screened porch overlooking the lovety garden, is iln perfect condition. -Hot water heat,- oit burner and. B. & G. system for. dom estic tihot water. On a large . wooded corner Ina Northwest Glencoe, this, home les-a real buy at, thée reduced price -of $15,500.. It: can be bought on easy ternis. Qu R1ýi&insim TyMa 8«I INC. 584 Lincoîtn Avenue Wianetka 177 147LTN40-1te MODERN':COLONIAL $?YO.0 4 BEUROOMS2 BATHS T his attractive home, built in 1929 .and sold origilnalty' for over $20.000 muast be sol-d quickly. The location le ,very fine--there are four cheerful corner bedroitns-La 2 titd battis with show- cm; a sun room overlooklng large Fard 60x180 feet. Garage, la attaetied and house has oit heat. A -down pay- nient of $2,500 will handie and balance can be carried on ternis of les. than rent. ACT QUICK. (Shown by appointment only> E. SAWYER SMITH,, Exol. Agt. 725 Etni St., Wfinnetka Ph. 3500 147LTN46Ite ONLY $ 16,750! FOR 534, E S SBX ROAD IN THE h e a r t of Kenilwortti, cut-of-town owner wlreu mdll at the. above greatly reduced prkee. Ideal location, only 2 bl. to grade and hlgh seul. 3 tô tra.nap. and laite. 4 Zaster bcd., 2 b., servants' rnis. on thlrd, htd, sun and sleep. peti. Wood- ed 80 f t. lot. For any appotntment. Sec SEARS REAL ESTATE Exclusive Agents 421 Richmiond Road Kenilworth 5288 147LTNIG-lgct S. E. WINNE'rKA WHITE F1RAME COLONIAL, 6 RMS., beautifully decorated, slp. poreti, tiI.' b ath, bk. nook, garage. H. W. ticat, cil. near station, New Trier and Greeley sehool.. A buy at $12.600. CatI for appt. FRANKLIN REALTY CORPORATION University 7777-.-- Evanston 111Ô Dobson St. Red rk Many atti'. feat. Iipmed. Pous. Smaýlt down pay- ment. Bal, as rent. ITCD 0 INC, flVAXiSTON:. 522 Davis St. GreOneaf 1855 liollyo'ourt. 1855, WINNETKA: 790 ElmMSt. Wlnnetka 2740 Briargate 1855 HIGHLAND PARKC: 5S. St. Johns St. W.Innetka 1802 Highland Park 18655 147LTN46-ltcý Llived M11n NEW SIX, ROOM, BRICK Colonial house, 1%, tile battis, 3 master bedrooms, automatic air-condltioned heat,, located' in fine section of, Wilmette. Price reduced to $13,500 for quick sale-might rent. W. G. RUGGLES & Co. 517 Davis Street, Evanston Wil. 1660 I 47LTN46-ltc ".SIGN WITH CUSACK"1 CUSACK ATTRACTIVE ENGTISH BRICK. Practicatly new. 6 bedrooms. 3 bath.. Library, toilet and làv- atory on lot floor. Recreation roomn. 2-car garage. Weil In- sulated. One of the few houa5es of its type now available. Shown by appointment only. Frice ...........8..$9,000 Cuu~ckRuJLty Coo T95 El S treet .Winn. 115 Winnetka, Ill. Rogers Park 2321 147LTN4&-I ta QLENVIEW Modern 9 room bouse. 5 bed- irooms, large living rooni, ire- place, hot water lheat. 1. block to school, stores and trangp- portation. Lot 70xl75. 3-crS garage. Fric. $7.600. 2-story. brick. and half tlil- ber,, 5 rooni bouse. 1-car ga- rage. Lot l00x120. Price for &COONS be 1Rictini itSEARS REAL ESTATE FR- 4g Richmond Road Kenilworth 5288 ýr 2 '147LTN46-ltc riing RED> BRICK COLO1,UAIo. 4 SLEEP- and lng roonis, 2 complote battiroonis. Oit len- burner. , ot 50x187. Ihwulated. 476 Lin- den Avenuie, Winnetka 1796. -4tc 147LTN46-lte G.(RAN T,eý47 147L4$-ltp 407 Linden Ave.: TOP BU Frame, 6 rn,, 1 bath, Lot 50x187. Exe. nel Wisîdom & Co., 526 , .-W innetkA &H, 1-cai' gar. kborhd. E. S. Bonl Bay Rd. 36é, Pàtk Ave. CI1r.Ballard SHORE-TOwNs REALTY COR?. 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evanston, Gre. 2700 Wit. 608g IRoi. PIC. 8636 147LTN46-lItc GENEVA, ILLINOIS, 4 PICKET PENCE SURROUNDS.TUE outstandi.ng early American, houe.of this charmning Fox River Valley town' Six bedroomo,. four. batti, four lire- place, living rooni,. library, dining room, breakfast rooni. Steam, heat. Large sleeping poroti large ivingporeti. Stone: terrace overtookIng beautlfully landscaped acre of garden, -lawn : ad orchard. 2-car attached garage. at, frequent North Western suburban, serv- ice. T o super-hlghways to the Loop. Inspection by appointment. Detalled de- scription« on request. Priced linier Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard 746 Elm Street Winnetka 3063 147LTN46-lte 1028 PAWNEP,'ROAD WILMJDTTE Open Sunday 2:30 te 6 NEW EARLY AMERICAN RESI- dence, 7 moinis, 4 bedrooris, 3%~ bathi, br. rm,, rec. nm., 2-car att. gag. Auto. heat, humidified, 65-fout fromtage. Architecturally planned and supervisai. D.corated 'in excellent tante, May alo be Been at other tîmes t>y calling Mr. Daity. Uni. 777. 147LTýN46-lte .English Architecture MODERN BRICKC, SLATL' ROOF. step-down liv. rm.. nat. ftrqklace, can- vas watts, hand-carved mlwork, extra large soreenedflv . pch., 3 bëdrnis., talc. twin beds, 2 tule bas., lot fi, lav., oit lit. Att . gar., beau, 75 jt. landscaped, lot. Price.$18,000 fr mmd.sae.Mbu- Bridge. slr THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 Davis St. Wtt. 3740 147LTK4G-1te Northeast Wilmette SEVEN ROOM, TWO BATH HOMEi in beat east section of Wilmette. 4 large bedrooms, den and sleeping poroti; Wooded lot. Ai real buy for .someone- If sold quickly. W. G. RUGGLES & CO. 517 Davis Street, Evanston Uni. 6886

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