Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1938, p. 50

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..just Stc detbve a Gar-deacr who féed .ia,,aa early enjoy the following cos weds. 2. Plant food Je eg to.mpggy 8Tii job gets done u yom Feed withrigmr, the dlean, oolcus plat "odtatu- plies the- Il food élemebte plants requre from thé soil. Vigoo prmtesflouirishing lawns, fBowem , hrubs, trees, and v«OUMMSSfr Od. Your supply now., FCEED -LA VNS r" Sbe.p Mner* $2.25 $2490 Qeri.an PEAT MOSS SL-bu.. baie *Muslical Intereste are welI cared for b>' Misse Koch. A. large Junior choir re- hearàps on, Saturday mornùing for their next service on Palm Sunday. The MXe's chorus là goin; stro ng, and the, chorus choir continues enthusiastie work on Thursday evenings. Men arewelcome to tho 'Informnal re- creation and fellowsahlp of our Monmday evéning social gatherlngs., Many are planning to attend the 'Chicago Baptist Men'sa rally at Oak Park on TuesdaY evening, March t9., J. D. Dingle ls pro- tpoting thifa affair amon»g us. Remember thé fine time we.had atOak Park last year. First Cowgregational Rev. John G. Hindley, minister 9:30 a.m.-Church sehool 10:50a.mi.-Beginners and Primaries, il am.-orz~ngworahip 5:30 p.m.-Kappa Pi Phi 8 p.m.-Union Lenten service The tihem'e ofMr. HIndIeyýs ser-mon for ncxt Sunday is "LIfe's Growlng Edges." This service 1s sponsored by. the Board of Trustees and Abracadabra. The music for t'he morn1ng service wifl be as follows: Organi Prelude-The Sea of Galile ("Peace, Be Stili") . .. . Deane Shure Anthemn-A Legend .. .. . Tschaikowsky Offertoire Quartette-"Jesu, Do Roses Grow So Red? .................o.. Organ Postlude-Ave 'Maris Stellis.....................Kreckel CALE'NDAR FOR THE WEEK Thursday, March 24- 6 :30 p.m. Church dinner in eelebra- tion of.seven years of the preselit ,Noit, few e t circ 4:30 p.m. Kappa Pi Phi trip to Bryn >Iawr Sunda>', March 27- 4 pm. Board o! Religious Education Monday, March 28- 8 p.n. Men's Fellowship Forumi 12 :30 p.m. Elast Eud circle 12 :S0 p.m. North End circle 3 :30 p.m. BroWnies 7 :30. p.m.. Boy Scouts, Troop1 ;tuesday, March 29- 7 :30 p.m. CÇampfIre girls.at the home pf Dr. Hazet M. Hodges, 901 For- iIsUIumea ontBi o51Uve ineLaIL£uroaus With the end of the war and re- turn of control to the roads,, Mrý. Johnson assumed bis post as gen- eral trafflc manager until 1921 when, he1 was appointed. vice president of traffic. He -heldý this post until 'his retirement. M.. Johnson' was. a,32nd, Degree Mason, Knight Templar, -Sbriner, Elk Wodma anda nmember of the Union league,. Traffic and Highland Park clubs. He is survived by a son,,. Carl D. Johnson, Watertown', S. D., and two daughters, Mrs. J. D. MacFàrland and Mrs. C. H. McNie, botb. of Win- Mrs. H. Louis Meyer ýf. Dubuque, Iowa, is. spending two weeks witb b er sister, Mrs. George E. W%,ells of 334 Central avenue. lty Worship and Prcaching services will be held ln the Congregatiolial. church, Sunday cvening at 8 o'clock. Dr. H!ubert Carleton; rector, of St. Augustine's church, will -preach the sermon. -11EXIS FORUM The men of tiie parislh wilil' meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H{oward Smith, 1115 Forest avenue, at 8 o'clock,. SMonday', Maatch 28. The speaker le W. Frank McClure, who will give hie famtous talk on -Advertising ln a Changing 'World." A hait hour' of fniendly -acquaintance and choral sing- Ing will precede the talk. WOMENI'S GUILP The. Nortiiwest circle will meet to- iuorrow aftcrnoon at thec home of Mrs. A. W. Farrail, 1624 Highland avenue. The assisting hostess will be Mrs. Fred V. Robinson. The East End circle will meet Mon- day, March 28, promptly at 12 :30, at the home o! Mrs. Howard Smith, 1115 .Forest avenue. Thie assisting.hostesses will be Mrs. Fraucis Burd, Mrs. George 111ff, and Mrs. Evan J. Mcllraith,. Mrs. Louis Sherman o! Evanston will re- view the book "T1he Conqueror 1o! theý Seas- by teuân Zweig,. at 2 o'cloc k. Nat han' Milstein, internationall-V famnous t4oinist,, who last week setthe critics into ecstaciei. Of prase or hi great performance as slitwith te Chicago Syrnphony orchestra, has been engaged to .aP- pear on the North Shore jiext sea- son. Mr. Milstein bas been engaged b>' the Artist-Recital committee of the Win- netka Music club to complete its list of artists for the 1938-'39 season. Secur- ing Mr. Milstein, moreover, meets, nurnerous requests voiced by .Artist- Recital patrons. Next year will mark bis third appearance in the Nc rtb Shore series whiçh annually brings out- standing artists of world-wiee reputta- tion to this vicinity. O.scar Ch1-apmnan, Once Local Resident, Dies Oscar E. Cbaprnan, of, Birmingham, Ala., died suddenly Sunday morning, Match 13. Surviving him are bis widow; two daughters and one son, Mrs. Francis Cole of Glen Ellyn, Mrs., W. R. Nelson and Oscar E. Cbapman, Jr., botli of Rockford; one sister, Mrs. G. C. LoweIl of. Wilmnette, and one brother, Dr. E. M. Chapmen of Aurora. Mr. Cbapman and bis family lived in Wilmette for several years before going to Birmingham where be had I ABEACÂDABRÂ TOWNSENI lMEETIN4G I Mr. and Mrs. IL 8S. Davidson wili The Wilmette Townsend club wil1 Ientertaî05the Abraaabrain their hold its regular meeting this Friday J 1. They wiil be assisted by Mr.. and eVeigt oclkluheWjtt Mrs. A. GrinneIL.Village. hall. The Public iS inVited. S 1 , s

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