meBits tart Sale for Economic, conditions at home and abroad. pictures of a canoe trip taken,,.in Canadian wilds * five'hundred miles north of the Arctic circle, a tri' the photo- graphers and. canoeists dlaim had neyer been -traversedIbV. any * other party previous to theirs, and latest news of. plays- and players in..New York,, ivili be the. program tbreads wov 'en as a pattern for the next regular all- day meeting of the Wloman's Club of, Wilmette Wednesday, Mfarch 30. Franik P. Breckinridge of Chicago will be the first speaker ini the morui- ing. He bas selected for his subject "Concerning Economic Conditions- at -Hene and Abroa." lHe is a miuw- ber of the firm of. Breckinridge and company, investment counsels. 'Mrs. John A. Donaldson, chairman of the civics department, wiIl be chairmian for this period.. At il1:45, the Dr. Leslie E. Fuller Canadian pictures mill be sbown by sons of the late Dr. Fuller, John and Charles Fuller of Evanston. At the timë these pictures were taken, Dr. Fuller was head of the inter-testi- mental iteeature departinent at Gar-~ rett Biblical institute and also held an asu<ciate professorship at North- western univcrsty, The father and .his two sons made a canoe trip start- ing at Edmonton, Alberta,, and termn- inating at Avlavik in the Northwest territories on the edge of the Artic ocean. The father met with an ac- cident and died. i the far north.. The sons show tbeir pictures te help pay their way through Northwestern uni- versity, and are very deserving.young men. Mrs. J. R. Harper, chairmian of the art departmnent-, will present these- students. MoN ett Phot(* Mrs. George E. Slîipitasi, re.ýqcnt of the Skokie IValley chapter of tlie D.A.R.. entertaim'd the board of directors of the chapter at Iiiich- eon at her home Mo>iday, Marc/z 21. following a board niccling. The îiext meting of tie chapter will take place lÏoiida y. .4pril .11. Northricio Notes The literattire group oîi th North- nridge Woman's club will meet at the home of Mrs. William Merkle, 2031 Kenilworth avenue. On Monday, M{arch 28, at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Leon- ard Van Deursen wiîI be assisting- hostess. Mrs. Carl Johnsen, who lias been uinable to. be at the club recently, be- cause of illness, will not be able to read for the group this month as expected.. Instead Nirs. Edward L. Middleton of Evanston will' reviewý "Capitol Kaleidescope," by Frances Keyes, and Kenneth Horan's "Oh, Promise Me," which was selected by the Literary guild as the book. of the month. Mrs. Middleton gives bier ne.- -views quite' differently froni those to which the group has been acçcus- The William White guild will meet with Mrs. Robert Osgood, 2446 Ira- quois road, Indian, Hill, Estates. anîd the Whitehouse guild with Miss Hel- ene Holloway, 330 Oxford road, Ken- ilwortb. Mrs. . M,. Porteri 1218 Foresýt' avenue, ,ilentertàini the SeaburN gmild, and Mrs. Lawrence Mitten, 310 Cumnor, road, XIenilworth, will be hostess to the Stewart guild.î .The McLaren guild is Ito meet with MNrs. Hill Carruth, 48 0.Eider lan.e. Winnetka, and the Chase guild with NXrs. Clara Drake, l1721 Ashland av-. enue. Walter Doerin-g, 1335 Chestnut, avenue, will be hostess to the members of the Anderson guild. and Mrs. Alan Tyler of 1427 Gregory avenue,ý will entertain theé Griswold guild. Circle Rummage Sale To Be Two-Day Evenl' The East End circle 'f tli.c First Congregational cburch will conduct a- Rummage sale in the basemnent of ic church Thursdav and Friday. 'Marcli 31, and April 1. The doors will be opeýn at 7 :45 o'clock in the morili1ig. Mrs, J. Nye Macalister and M.\rs. Garrett John;ton are managing the sale. Ms ÈEvan J. Mcllraith and. Mrs. F. A. Cushing Smith are co-dhirnien of the circle. Social Cluairmun program a Friday,. at 12 1o'clork. "lyou movie goers gather 'round and join in ail the funi the juniors of the N\oiiaz's, ýClub of Wilmette.are going to have when they sponsor their, last big wvays and means projeet- of t he year, henefit."Ç the ç1ut)urges. The timne is April 18-21, inclusiv e. The place, the theater in Evanston. The show,. "Stage Door," or "The Buccaneer," each to be given as a single. feature, du ring that timie, the exact days not yet determined. The price' of admission will bc that charged regularly. For the project. the Junriors already have laüunched anl advance ticket sale. Under, the direction. of M iss Mfary Stoddard, present. acting chairman of the ways and means commnittee, the club is divided ito teams and there 1,, at present a vigorous battle raging to determine the winning team. The teams 'are captained by Miss. Helen Aldrich, Mrs. Xestoil Butz. Mrs. Quintin Crawford, Miss M[arion Cook, Miss Myrtle Lundquist. Mfiss Rosaline Milîs, Mrs. Charles Jackson, Miss A-Imna Muehlberg, MIrs. Carl Reeb. and «Miss Priscilla Wheelock. Further information may be oh- taïnvcd fromn Miss Stoddard, whose hî.nie i,, at 524 Lake avenue. Bapfist Links WiII Meel lfo Sew Friday Friday of this week is to be the îîex t sewing meeting for the Links of the Women's society of the Wiinmette Bap- tist church. On that dav work wfIll be clone on theatce whicb inembers are donating to the B3aptist Old Peo- ple's home bazaar on March 29. Mrs. 1W. F. Crawford's group. Tink R, meets with Mrs. Howard Brown,' 1539 Highland avenue, with Mr,,. P. man, iue. ,aeKC ive WlLMETTE, LIFE Dn pli ch- on-