ehM .7. us1.1--- -- d-for a wek, Or "..d âaIlday" lieu, .o.ceiled 'blue9" are purelY playdalc&uem. Tl 1,r may be outiof Wrer. or vs are just Plain tired- Lot& remember wben îhinp look blue today that ahey Ioaob.d pretty good yeter. da-m hy not today? Walashave good fiews for you. here in the iway oÏ good merchafldse at reabon- abepricel. cv>. ribtedb E. C. Casai à J. 8. S.yIer of the 5.Id@r.CoiIdgeA,#*.. FOR A tLSIITED:iME ONLY y urteyed ge.sly Cered tr More Noterai SLokiUId L/ yoIll hair In soft, n lustrous waves and gborlous Shirt .Ing ourls. We style your hair In the preseit mode, and select theo rlght mnethod to masure Yeu a mnore. Isti Permanient. tuty rs Spot eaf Ave. Ways to peace for a world shaken by wars and the fears of war will be out- lined by three distinguished speakers at a forumn sponsore<l by the North Shore Baba'i comniunities in the Wiflnetka comrnunity House, 020 Lincoln- avenue. îixtWednesdav evening at 8 o'clock. Speakers wilt include Dr'. Stanwood Cobb of Chevy Chase, Md., nationally.- known progressive educator and child psycbologist, Dr.,Paul A. Schilpp, asso-. ciate professor of philoso phy at North- weser .unversty, and Rabbi Charlesý E. Shulman, of the North Shore Con- gregation Israel, Glencoe. Dr. Schilpp's appearance will be his' first following bis return f rom the con- ference on wvorld economic coopei'atiofl ini Washingt on, D. C.i this week.. Dr. Schilpp is attending thé conference as a delegate f rom the World, Peace- comn- mission, of. the. Methodist Episc opal church. SNoted Lecturer He is also noted as, a lecturer and, author on religions and philosophical 1 question1s, and'a'series of.bis lectures on "The Quest for Religious Realismi" is to be published witbin a few weeks. ,Dr. Cobb, in addition to bis field of progressive education, possess an inter- national reputation as a lecturer 'and author. Among bis best known books are "Discovering the Genius Witbini You" and "Security for a Failing W'orld." He is making a lecture tour at the present timie, and other lectures and their subiects include ".How Can Re- noted authority on progressive ed- ucation; Rabbi Charles E. Shulman (tq'per right) of the North. Shore Conqre galion Israel, .cholar and speaker on world conditions; and Prof. A. Schilpp (above) prol essor of philosophy at Northwesterfl unt- versity, will bce the speakers on the "Ways ta Peace" pro grc*m 10 be giv'en next Wednesday evening at the Wirnetka communiy house, RJECORDINOS by Victor BIu.Bfr Escaped Dunning Itimate Is Captured by Police Tuesday afternoon police arrested Tony Campagnac, 39, at Tenltb street HEALTH NEWSý Froan Headquarters, Wilmette' Hemth Center, 90S Ridg. Road jstreet, on Monday evtining at 8 o)'clock: and an informai discussion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. john McHenry, 116 *Sixth street, Wilmette, Friday after- -noon of next week froni 3 to 5 o'clock. I Puished Ob&emv*fioui Rabbi Shulman, a schQlar of note,,. bas long been known as a liberal Ithinker of importance. His extensive ]travels and lectures bave given bim a *widespread understanding of contem- Ieading to the 1bospitai Friay, IÀ ofthe crimin- Ifens is the former .1Mette., for infoi st and cc