Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Mar 1938, p. 67

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DOUBLE BOX SPING ANDCVR for sale. Very reasonable. 748 Green- wood Avenue, Glencoe 412. 171LTN45-ltl) 17st wTD. TO UUY-HSHLD. 00098 CASH FOR YOUUH USED ,PF4ITURE, modern or'antique, and other bouse- hold articles. Witt also accept your ,furniture .on consignment baste. CROST FRITIESTORE 1 Establishied 1898 1004-6 Emerson St.,. Evaneton, Uni.: 0189 1,72LTrN39-tfc m. BERG will, pay top prices for your.used furni- ture, brlc-a-brac, household articles, books and mens c lothing.. Wlnnetka 152.2. 172TTN43-4tp -l78 FOR ALî-NiSCELLANmOUS FOR SALE, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS aitlIn* good coniditilon, at. a emal fraction of their original cot: canvas bed rest; canvas cot; Battie Creek helh bilder with .2 applicators: Battie. Creek sun arc lamp; Clarke electrie portable eanding n' ine: -Black and Decker.,epecial % electric dm1ll: Thor ironerý with 42-in. rolle. Phon~e Gleneoe 201. 173LTN45-lte BOOKS: DICKENS, SCOTT, IRIVING. Poe, Hugo, Cooper, Mark Twain. French, Latin, German, Encyclop., Natl. Geographie bound, etc., very reas.: also picturesî bookcase, Simmons bed and showcase. Wilmette 3216. 173LTN45-ltrp ,FOR SALE - 50-GALLON GRAVITY OIL TANK WITH AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC PUMP. $15. PHONE GLENCOE 157 FOR INSPECTION.. INFANT'S CLÔTRES (NEW). LA-1 ..4CV.eOitilU Jpulie ways ofQthe s 5îUVil- lage of Wilmette, lines of poles, anchors, wires, cables, conduits, vaul1ts, laterale and other fuxtures and equipinent, and to use the same for. the transmission of sounds and signale by means of elec- trility, anid"especially for the conduet of a generai, telephone' business, for the period of twenty-flve ý(25) years froîm and after the date of the passage of this * ordinance, and thereafter until termi-, nated by isixty 60) days'" written notice, either> by said .Village to. the Company. or by the Company te the Village. SECTION 2: The location and height above or the depth below the public t.horotightares, ofthe, exlsting Unes of poles, anchors, wires, cables, conduits, :au=s laterals and other fixtures and qupent, et Said Company wlthin said. Village are hereby approved, and the same shaîl be maintained a.nd operated under and subject to the provisions of this. ordinance. Any change, extenision of any of said polos, anchors, conduits, vaulte or laterale, or the construction 'of any additions.! polee, anchors, conduite, vaults, or latemals, ln, tapon, along., *croee, undor or over'the etreets, alleys andi ftubhle . wavs of îohd 17ilnara of ne voK 01w n SaMtev I.. as may be designai time by the village purpose, who shall, change, extension or forme to the provisi wittevi flAVWhtR ther iage, or! cueuiJ Iomeer ted from ltime to 0 Board for that Il If the proposed È construction con- ýt dons hereof, Issue v reter. The height r Mfaes of&Hnires . nIc 80 aes1* Vs, assis31 inaULUIIUIi5ng a> Bucu dlaim or suit, but solely under the di- rection of the Company or Its attorneys but the Company shalh not be .requiredâ to reimburse the Village for expenees incurrod by It in case it, shall elete t ut assist.- SECTIONý 5: In conelderation of the toregoing grant, whlle ss.ld Company is- usIng aniy polo or poles erected or, maintained herounder, it will permit said Village, tho use oet sufficionit ,pace for carrytig the Village police and tire alarmn signal wires by means of one crossarm to be placod, ln accordance with the- Company's epecifications, by' said, Village at lté expense a. tho top of the space available for tho :use o!. the Company on any 0of eald poles, It being understood that the poles upon which space la permitted the Village, shahi be- conisidored for the purpose of this aireemont, 'as. personal property; provlded that such wIres 'shah! be so placed and maintainedà by eaid Village that the use 0f the same will not Inter- fere with the operation and maintenance of theo lmn.&n nwit ànninmîsnt orl 1*. no id only No su( wires saldî wlree i mquiro, the sala Wompany shall zlovet its polos and eut its wiîes ýand cablea, provldod the- owner Or mOver Of thie building or othor structure so to be moved Bhall have dopositeid with the' Company an a mount equai to the cpst of ca ,ring, fori, eplicing and. replaclng t he. said polee,, wires and cables, as esti- mated. by the Company, The actual coat of car1ing for, splicing, and roplacing the said ple 'Iwres and cables shall b. paid eut o! sald deposit,' and ani' s'Mount unexpended fromi said sum a0 deposited shall be returned. te the per- son making the deposit. SECTION 8:- In case said Company' shall tail or neglect Ïte>c omply witb. any or ail of the provisions ef! thub ordinanco (unles by order of the Illi- noie Commerce Commission or of ani' other body, board, commission or court of competent, Iurisdiction, sald Cen- pany la otherwlse directod, or unless the compliance by sald Company, wlth such provision le prehlbitedl or adJudged unlawful. by an order e! thé Illinois Commerce Commission or by an order of any other body, board, comm~issionl or cort fn pt en miiasdifnÀ iozliônthe the ri toi>.e repeal, gt or be or foreign stamps. itî. crib, large size mnaple s coe 355. FOR. SALE METAL <ý for dental ofilce or beau Paf dar facial and shampox houschold. furn. Wilmeti 17 USED HOOVER VACUUM, $25. Guaranteed. Must be appreciated. Phone Wilnet 17 BOLID WALNUT DINI] table. 2 tricycles. Anti LU to grUae or enangg o~ f width o! any Comnpany shall qh das to confotrm U kdsuch change of gi any street or aile, *»tien with the rear ior altoration *of mu Ine.nt inê *nv jupon or a o f or ln Co ýy part )n as. l used1 fr lial by: the Ltiens ýhet by It, o Dn wiïth ia.aJ or impesed rreason damage >m time h o mpany ho 1h. i turi ,ettef RETIN9: AU grants, frtncl I lgts hen»s ansd privil bc h or vmae i only, NCOAPMLM only,NCOL8P'ILLR 1thin Village Clark. stees ÂPPROVED thils 15th day of Mare>, lu-A.D198 saidA.D S* frm, HARRT C. KMU Sites.Prosident Lther Âttest: ut'.. n(I" .I Shue NICHLSPMLLR su>b- Village

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