FwUh.ff n %~Z~ ~1~ 0 e Tmdbg t, NULS J. JOHNSON nus Sinusa Av.. Evad.m r.e.b.f 1*77 first street, in Kenilworth Garderns, Wihette. t was des igned by Archi- tect Beresford Beck. of Chicagoq, in response. to a demand of the owners for a permanent and compact home for a family of four, with guest ac-. commodations. The lower story is faced with aid brick, giving the appearance of solidity, while the. Second story is of wood, with overhanging sectionls. The first floor provides living room, dining room, kitchen and hall,ý withattached 2;-car garage, the' second floor bas tour bedrooms and- twa baths,* with exception *al .claset accomfmodat ions. The out standin~g.-feature is the clever utilizatian of space, showing that a small .bouse may be as conveniently and comfortably -arranged as a large one. Gather-oal, Dewyy Concerns Removed to New Location,: 'The Paul H. Gathercoal company announces the removal of offices and work rooms f rom 415 Green Bay road, Wilmette ta 938 Spanish court where the firrL will combine its display of awnings and Venetian blinds with the display of outdaor and chrome furniture of Dewey and company. Building permits for three new resi- dences and one alteration job in Wil- mette during the past week, brought the total for that period to $37,900 and gave hopes that the anticipated revival of building activities bas. finaàlly arrived.. Two of the residence permiits were taken out by Roth,,Brothers. One of tbeir'bouses, a seven-room fÉrme and costing $10,300, is being buiît at 2200 Kenilworth avenue., Theý other, a six-, îoom, brick veneer on frame with attached two-car garage 'and costing $10.000, is at 2225 3,eechwood avenue. Paul Frederick Ol1sen, 404 Xorth \Vell' streeti Chicago, is the architect and Rydeil and Hassel, also 'of Chicago, builders of bath bouses., .The othér.residence, a seven-roomn Stone veneer on framne with'attacheil two-car garage and costing $16.000. i6s heing buit for C. B. Randail at 160 reenw-uood avenue. Edgar Mfar- tin, 54 North Michigan avenue. Chi- cago. is the>architect and the *North- western 'coinpany, Evanstôn, bnfilders. Permit for the alteration lob was issued ta G. N. Lamb. 115 Woodbine qvenue. The most of this improvernent Tre'iians Drot Traec Meet by One Point BN a single point. 41 to 40. Oak- Park defeated New Trier in the Suburban high school league indoor track -meet Coliseum Show- Dates of May 14 to' 22 are an- nounced for Chicago's annual Na- tional House and Garden exposition. Ltwill be. held in the histôrical, Coli- seum scene of many, national ipolitical conve ntions, trade shows and exposi- tions. Leading architectural,, build- ing material,, househald. furnishing and a 11 i eAd groups are caoperating. with officiaIs of the show who anti- cipate an increase in, the record at- tendance of more than 260,000 lastý year. According to, Manager John A. Servas the. exposition' will be field ini the interests of' better homes, better buildings and better construction. lie says t h at plans are -underway ta make it the , nast.1o utstanding homne show' ever held -in America bath in artistic presentation anid.diversificéa-, tion- of' exhibits. Landscap ing and gardening wjll be-stressed as, import- ant in residential beauti fication. ,Prominent among the arganiza- tions indorsing the exhibition and w or ki ng for its suçccss are the Brick Manufacturers Association of Amnerica, Chicago District; Archi- tects Smnall flouse Service bureau;- Society of Painters.and Scuiptors:. Underwriters' Laboratories, bIc.;- Na- tianaf Warm' Air Heating and Air Conditioning association; The M'ý,a- Iiogany Association, - mc.; Chicago This is the only displav room afits kînd on the North Share. Paul H. Gathercoal is well known along the shore, being a member af a, long - established Wilmiette» family', and active in.community affairs. The new -offices and display romrs will open March 19. HOME FROM HOSPITAL. second. Those whlo scored for were : Carney: ticd for firt où high jumnp;, second. brond h reau : tied. for third.. hi!2ýh nis: -tied for third,. p( Roberts : 'ied: for! third. n Stlblett :first, ,shot mnt, O' third. shot "Ut. \fCFý117ea hroad jui-hp. jeniiing!,: firt, mtn. Cushnian : fnurth. 880) was aglain toker associatïon ; 111 naîs Uapter Amnerican Society ,of Heating and ,\ew Trier Ventilating LEngineers, and ma nyv other arganizations. in the real estate, ace- iii the, building, homi..e furnishing and, allie*d LimD). MoI'- induistries. lump.Si DIe vauît. Realtors Ho-Id DIrie oile vault.mie terstroI*In Meeting Next Monday aI-third1 The Evanston - North Shore- Real _0 yar--- IEstat.e.board wil hold it rezula1r, -adrunI. round table meeting'ad -nera Ne Dut--Ne Sook-No Sot 5«r Ou oRlt At~ghcé. st* WILMETTE COAL & MATERIAL CO. i»I Le" .Av., WOI.tte. L4M0 :e bo wis amee heavenue, entertained Sunday evening ce bo wis amee hebecomes at their borne in honor of Mr, and natically ineligible ta take part Mrs. Anthony Conrad (Genevieve iy other one. Winners will be ono)o imetwoaemv ýd on a total-pqints basis and wiîî. n fWimte hoaemv itered in the tliird annual sports ing soon ta Evanston. val, Friday, April 22. table awards are to be made for second, and third places in total meet ta the boys, taking first, point.