Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Mar 1938, p. 50

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Naines Attendants for April Wedding Miss Thelma 'Beatrice Man- cinelli, daughter -of Mrs. Eugene Mancinelli of 1010 Sheridan, road, Wilmette, this week an-. nounces the.plans for ber mar- niage to Dr,.. Rolland J. Sandee of Waukegan,, son, of Mn. and *Mns. James Sandee of. Fond du Lac, Wis., which will take place Saturday evening, April 2 The members of te wedding party wfili include Miss Fr-ances AllWorth of Wilmétte, maid. of honor: the brîdesmaids, Mrs- George' Fairbairn of Wilette; Miss Margaret IXelson, Miss: Eleanor Anderson. and Miss Vera Crealese, of Chicago; Miss Ma- thikfr MancineIlli cousin of the bride. and Mr. 1Ralph Mancineli of ' Wilnwtte, ber sister-in-law. Robert Miller of Wauwatosa. Xis., wili serve Dr. Sandee as best man.' The ushers are to be Miles Sandee of Fond du Lac, brother of the bride- groom; Arnold Finle of Fond du Lac, George Fairbairn, Eugene Manicin- eli of Wilmette,,brother of the bride;. Henry Rbyan of Waukegan. and Aistedes Refakes of Chicago. Miss Theirma Beat rite Mancinui ui11 bec ore lte bride of Dr. Rol- tand J. Sawkee of Waukegan at 8,30 o'ctock Saturdoy evenùtg, A prit 2, at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapel in M:wustos> wtk a recel'- tion fottoing immrediately in the cha pet hall. cdate, assisted b>? the Kev. RichlardI at- a iscelaneous. showven Wednes- .Matteson of -Chicago. The brides day ýevenn of last, week in honor off eldest brother, Ralph Dante Man- Miss Bodi Yarian, daughter off Mr. cinefII. wilI give ber ini marriage. aid Mrs., Emmett D. Yarian, 1021 After the weddiîg the young Central avenue. Miss Yarian and couple will leaçe to spend a month In Dudley W. Steen, son of Mr,. and Mrs. Mexico and then will make their home George T. Steen of 1441 Forest ave- i Waukegan after May 1. nue, will be marrned Easter Sunday at a candlelight ceremony in the Peoý- The Most recent. party in hlonor of ple's church in Chicago b y Dr. Pres- Miss Mancinefli. was the shower ton Bradley. Following t he wedding given 1"t Sunday afternoôn by Mrs. a receptiop will. be held at the New IPibar-Mi«. Anderson- and MinsLawrence. hotel. The açinit éducationi departient off the National -Council of .Jewish Wom- eni, Chicago section, will be hostess to several hundred foreign-born wom- en, who are. enrolled iii.,the -public schools' Americaiization classes, on WedesdyMiiich. 3, in Fullerton hall iii the Art ustitute. The program,, which, is. scheduled for 2 o'çlock, ,will feature a number of the coiloýrf u!l sprightly folk ýgroup dances in costume,.of the various na- tionialiti e rrsented in the, day clase or the foreign. bon. The dances are under -the direction of Vytantas Finadar.Beliajus, a Lithuan- ian dancer of the first rank. Preceding* the program. at 12:30 o'clock teewl be a luncheon for Council members ýat the Art Insti- tute- restaurant.- Mrs. Anna Levin Salznian is.the chairman of the:aduit education conimittee, and Mrs. Michael Leishin ts the vice-chairmfan. A meeting of the hard of hearing9 commî-tteé of the Chicago section, National Council of Jewisb Women. will be held Tuesday, March 22, at Il o'clock in the morning. A meeting and program at the Art institute is scheduled for Wednesday, March 23, with luncheon at 12:30 in the institut e restaurant, and a program at 2 in Fullerton hall. Friday, 'March 25, the international relations class convenes at 10 :30 o'clock in the mnorning. avenue ;S avid F. Hall off 809 entertaining Fniday of her bridge club,, Central for the ls Mrried Parties Honoring Barbara Watrous The. flrst of a series of, tell p arties, honoring Miss Babara. Watnous- of 399 Ridge.-avenu e. Winnetka, was held Wednes- dav.,%when Miss Nancy Oliver ofWýinnetka gave a* tea and a personal shower. Mrs.. Kari Palenske is having a tea and shower Friday of this week at her home in. Winnetka, and on Saturday night Mrs.. J. S. God- dard of Riv erside will entertain in honor.of Miss Watr ou s and ber fiancé, .,Claude Theodore Huck, who is a son of'the Claude A.EHucks of Riverside. A luncheon and kitchen shower has been planned for Monday by MiîSsý Marsha Huck off Kenilworth; on Tuesday Miss jeannette Wright off Winnetka is givinjz a tea and bath- room shower; and on Wednesday a linen shower and tea will be given hy ..Miss Betty Bennett of, Vinnetka. MNrs.. Floy Watrous of Evanstoti 1blas issued invitations for a large tea ini honor off her niece, Friday of next 1 ieek., and' the following night Miss JQan Sutter of W'innetka wvill entertain. Miss Dorolyn Uhlemann, former WVinnetkan who now lives iiear Bar- rington, i s having a luncheon and a bosierv shower Mcinday, March 28, and thie following Wednesday Miss Miarjorie Truesdale will entertain the bridai party at dinner at ber home ini \innetka. Mr. Huck and his bride aret to have a three weeks' weddirsg tripýý to Ber- niuda. and will be at home at 305. Northwood,-road, Riversi4e, following' their wedding which -,iill .'ake place on April 2. Chi Omnegas to Hear TaIk ixth division was held er March 25, le 25, fon >e at homne at fund of eb church., !benfit of, e- Wilmette esbyterian, of Mrs. W. ' avenue. Th meeting wer Mrs. Clyde Geppert. il 896 L 'ootù. ie co-hostesse 'e Mrs. willia Smith1, a n d WILMBTTÉ LIPE 'vwo a"' nsl$. Otto

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