Guy Psrniuré Te adventage of c a umiuol @pprtemlly f. purcbase Serk.Y, & Gay Furiuree t mb.Nev- *l prie... W. are Oéle t oëfer mcl ontstaoedlmg values b4cause ,ltb.y atr«e B.rey à Omys dlscetloeuamce of corlai. mmbers «Bd aise oui owm ol-ur 000 et wal-mw e hav'e ouIy orne or two of a kled., TWis fine-Iookinc shup and qualil, $40 off the. reg ir priçe. 'Graumond" 3. 3Pc.'Bedroon Suiteq Chinese Chippendale bedroom suite consisting of dresser, Reg. $179 chest and b.d. Ieautifully styled of the seme high qua A .. . ---- AL-- :- &L ;. À~ cuia4 afill addlo The "Gunston Hall"., Bedroom Suite On. of the outstanding .b.droom suites in the. collection Reg. $249 of fumniture of the. 0W South la tus suite. YouI mervel in the simiplicify of design and the. fine worlmmanship $d198 Matils. Regularly $249. EVANSTON IRIE PARKING Il