FAR M SCHOOL Sanders Road Nort4,rooc, DuBois-The Drake A priiwess goum of white velvet was worn by Miss Marjorie Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice S. Miller when she was married last Satur&sy to Dr. Frederick Liebertlwl, son of Dr. and Mrs. David L. Lieber- thal of Chicago, at the homne of her parents, 130 Beach road, Glencoe. Her flou-ers were calla lilies and her, tulle veil. fell from a Juliet velvet cap. Dr. Liéberthcd and hi: bride have gone tb Mexico for fhree weeks on, their knyoon, and uwen they retuirn «'iii live in the imnMaor1armnts on Fulierton avenue iît Chicago. Offers Home for Hadassah Meeting Wednesday, March 23, a.t 2 o'clock, North Shore Hadassah will bave its reguilar meeting at the home of Mrs. Leon, J. Caine, 162 Euclid avenue, GIenctoe, in the interest of member- slip. C. A. R. Meeting Super-seniors of William Dawes ch apter of Children of the American Revolution wiIl meet Sunday,,. March 20, at 7 o'clock, at thehome of Miss Joins GRUINMUxE For Inforuetionu-T.iepIaon* Glâeo98I During the nmn. Vantage ot tis very rnterestin iterLVI- noon, the organization states. Tea will be served, and Mrs. Caine extends a. cordial invitation to any- one who wishes, to come and enjoy. this afternoon with the Hadassah. cerLmwwTy lionlor ofi sevei» O doe iU'l Ufc lcfleOfl Z7 iates and preceded a ban quet. HINMAN AVE., North of Davis St. Euanston