e? A are typical things. Typ Evanston Wq with style con the North She, NEW SPRING Ie First model sketched iý, the classjc sailor itr brilni Softened with a b taffeta. The second mode] vorite. A. gayyoung b)retoi veiled crown. Each $5. with any e? SHUER CHIFI Tissue sheer and cr, "crepe"hose in lovel exotique, sun-nude, col ? .3 for $2.25. MeC VINKELMAN SNOB SPE $7.95 1$10.75 and $12.75. new SI n Genuine Watersnake and Pyt cly neutral shade 'to harmoný costume-.swing strap, pumj fON 'HOSE.. 79e ystal clear silk chiffon [y>new spring shades: pper blush. 79e each :aIIuin Hose $1 Up. a of the many new Enster pical examples of ýwhy our lomen's Shop is a favorite nscious women ail along rc~ fATS. * *. ýs a new treatment of preted in bacu, its anding of shirred J is à. spring fa- nof baku with ECIALI, ,pring thon ie r k bhernes and CburçI--VANSTO x --i i a, e$2o9S