speakers at a national conference on municipal accouinting andi finance t6 be hiel by the Amnerican Institute of Ac- counitants at the Stevens hotel in Chi- cago on March 28 and 29. The confer- ence will be held for the purpose of pro- moting efficient, accounting -and finance systeins for municipalgoveri*ments., Mr. Woolhîser Will be one of a group, of Illinois men who will be among the conference' -leaders. .Others will, be George P. Ellis oèf Chicagg, chairman 'of* the committee on governmental account- %ing of: the American . Institute of *Ac- jcountants, which is arranging the confer- jence; Lloyd 'Morey, vice-chairnian of te_ national committee- onmuipa .accountinig and comptroller of the Uni- versity, of Illinois; Carl H. Chatters of J the Municipal Finance .Officers' associaý- tion, which bas its headquarters in Chii- cago,?,Prof essor Hiram T. Scovill of the ' college of commerce and business administration at the University of, Illi- nois and president of tbe Illinois State Society of Certified Public Accountants: Professor A. R. Hatton of Northwestern uhiversity; Donald C. Stone of P'uble Administration service, which bas its1 aiiLs, Natonai Mvunipal. league; coin- audits .of the burety sociaino mittee on better audits of the Surety. AmeÎiéa; 'James W. Martin, comnmis- Association of America; Investment sioner of revenue of the state. of ,en- Bankers Association, IllinoislBar Asso- tucky ; Albert É. Neale, chairman of the ciation, Illinois Chamber of Commerce, municipal accounting commnittee of the and Illinois State society. of Certifled National Association of Cost. Account- Public Accountants.. ants and city auditor of Springfield. Discussion Subjecta Mass. Municipal cost accounting, the dem~and- ,for which is growing in connection with Last Pt. Sherîdan Horse expenditures of local' governiments;- in-Shw etfr auda stallation of modemi accounting systen-s .So e o in municipal. offices, the relation of ac- The fourth and: final winter horse curate. accouniting reports to municipal show will be held in theriding hall at, credît and the selection of personnel for Fort Sheridan, on Saturday, at 1 :30 municipal. accounting offices. will. be o'clock. amiong the discussion, subjects *at thet In addition to the usual jumping conference. Financial. planning for the classes for wonien,,officers, and enlisted. imunicipality and the application of sound men, several military exhibitions have- accounting principles to the keeping of> been scheduled. Included will be a the income and' disbursement records of' parade by the first battalion, second in- local governments also will he ctscussed. fantry, and music by the band, third field C'onference events will include a con- artillery. ference dinner on Monday niglit, Mardi These winter horseshows have proved Aýmong the citations which com- prised the lesson-seriwôn was the fol- Iowing from the Bible: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence. of thingsý not seen. Through faith' we understand. that the worlds were framed by the wor d of, God, so, that things which are -seen wvere.flot; made of- things wbich do appear" (Hebr ews Il: 1, 3). > The lesson-sermon also ineluded the follo*iing. passages fromx the Christian Science textbook, ",Science and Health. with, Key to the Scrip- tures," by MaryBae Eddy: "~Sub- stance is that which is eternal and in- capable Of discord and decay. Truth, Life, and Love are-substanceè,.as the Scriptures use this word in Hebrews: "The substance of things hoped for,. the evidence of>thi.ngs not seen'." (P. 469). popular with the 'garsrison and 4hâve tt- tracted a large number of civilians from neighboring North Shore communities. TODAY, more than ever, the lincoin- TZephyr V-12 is a car in a class by itself!! ]7t is stili the only medium-pricedAmeri- can car to give you the thrill of 12-cylin- der performance ... a V-12 engine that ÀffERFICÀS3'0OAILY choice of body ty'eB. Your Lincoln. Zephyr Dealer~ invites you to drive this new and finer motor car-today! increased to 125 inéEL engine ... 14 t. 18 mi] less handling case ... new convertibles . .6 iper gallo oice ôf 6i .Ont seat" for al .passengers.