ýer "No Man's Land" rt of Wilmette, which week when a group supporte gOve imne- die relief* W. nt, them to nict otOuT in- Ao.e aie otTest. TAYLORS Ille WDmettO -Aie. WIluette 1914, jKcrom:tmrm vIllage Hall NEW Spiug COIFFURE Styles Thes. Go with fthe New Sprinq Mati personal intqre f in, your coiffure beauty shopI I1137 Central Ave.-2nd Floor Yol Me'I 1k our We h ave the lal equipmeimt combli ord as a, i...risian leaer. Heiç s seen a group of, churcimes grow from 369 to .2,930, and church members in these churches grow from 19,327 to 341,700. A college presidentsay of him: 'He îs a very fine speaker and, made a great .u.iression- throughout the state' . A high, school :rincipal says of hlm: 'Dr. Clark's talk to our bhigh'schbol assembly wisý well received by the student, body. 1 cati also iendorse lt.' The leader of a 'Rotary club says: 'Hle gave a talk before: the ménibers of the Ro- tary, club, and they we re very en- thusiastic-withpraises of the inter- esting message that he gave.' !'A group of key laymen, of. the six cooperating chur-ches, the Bap- tist, -Congregational, Episcopal, Eng- Ii-sh Lutheran,' Methodist and Presby-ý terian, lbas joined the pastors of these. churches in boosting this event. AI) the men of the village are welcorne." VISITS MEXICO Mr. and Mrs. George A. Quin- Ian and their daughter, Miss Eliza- beth, have returned to their home at 21Greeneaf avenue f rom a trip south. Witb a friend of Miss Quin- Ian, Miss Catherine Brothers of Ev- anston, they ail motored south, to spend three weeks in Mexico. At the end of that time Mrs. Quinlan and her daughter went to Dallas to visit the former's family. COOl> PROFIT- FOR TU -Womnen wîth exclu- sive citentele.. Entlrely new pat- ented toilet article wbilch com- pletes the monogramming of the modern bathrooms. Samples fur- nlshed free.J -Phone Mrgote 7166 COMPLETE. test WASHING and Ined with 10 years' e Stiliman Photo Miss Mary Jane Falvey has re-, turned from. Hollywood and Is isit-, ing her parents, Mr., and Mirs.. John J. Palvey, 1015. Askland-avenuek_ Wilmette. MisIs FalveY wastae to Hollyz#ood last spring under contract to Paramount. studios. Since t hat tirne she bas worked at bothi Paramount and Uniiversal studios and has'been heard regularly on such radio shows from Hollywood as the Lux Radio theater with Cecil B. DeMille, the M. G. M. Maxwell, House Coffee show with Robert Taylor and Faniy- Brice, and the "Seeing Stars" prograni starring Harriet Hilliard and Ozzie Nelson. Miss Falvey is a graduate' of the Kenneth Sawyer Goodnman theater of the Art Institute in Chicago. Electric Rate Cut Locally A nnounced by Public Service Co. (Continued from page 5) a nd reasonable rates to thé public for public utility services. Most of the custoffiers receiving re- ductions in three, four, five,. six and seven rooni homes will have their mntlv ills~11 redured ini an amount in 'the Coiinty court fto-discon- nect frpm the vil- lage,, wtre dis- sipated Tuesday , wben ,the' peti- tioners, .through th ei rattorney,. Clyde L. Todd, asked for dismnis- sal of the action, and it *as grant- ed by, County Judgeç Edmund W. M. Jaes, K. Jarecki. The quick coUlapse.of the suit, which, if successful, would have removed seven parcels of -land, aggregating some seventy acres, fromn the. village area,, was due to the determination of ýthe Village authorities to oppose the. action to the higbest court, and the added fact that the filing of the petitioh raised a storm of opposition in ail parts of the village. Homme Owner7 Act A special meeting of the Wilmette Home Owners association, hurniedly called by President Robert E. Ricksen for Wednesday evening of last week, developed effective resistance to the, petition. While the association could flot participate in the litigation as a body, it was explained, members of the association jointly authorized Attorney Frank L. Petru,,1140 Michigan avenue, to represent theni as citizens and tax- payers in seeking to intervene in the case. Mr. Petru obtained such permis- sion from County Judge Edimund K. Jarecki on Monday. The association meeting wvas addressed by Village At- toriney Wm. -M. James, who explained the significance of the court action. Would. Retin Tax Burden,. Another influence which evidently had great weight with the petitioners is the fact that, even though successful in a. court fight to disconnect from the vil- lage, their properties would stili be liable, for ail special assessnients and village taxes theretofore levied against D 8.8%. 'or g5eL menense u,,wver or:a. tid- of, 2 cents e W scriptiorn of the driver.. She- took the KWy I cutmesnmehias boy to,,the police. station, from where by cstoers n CI-1he *as sent to a' physician's dffice. for 110 th Ucrate