Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Mar 1938, p. 60

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bers of the center would like to meet the parents of the children iwho take part in the many activities at the tenter. There will be an exhibit of crafts of interest to adults. Refreshrnents wil be served and an entertaining program, lias been arranged. Dein.ntrtioms The , 1th annual indoor physical training demontrations.by tbe pupils of interest to, aduits. Refreshinents will be present ed,>during the next tw#o Weeks at the Howazd>gymn. The first demonstration will 4e giv-. en Thursday evening, March 17, by the pupils cf the second, third, and fourth grades. The: second demnsratonby the fifth and sixtb grades witll bé held Wednesday, March 23 and the- third démonstration for. the seventh and eighth grade pupils will be. heid Tuesday evening, March 29. The demionstrationis, stated Daniel M.. Davies, director, of recreation and su- pervisor of the physical training depart- ment are given for the benefit of the parents that thiér may 'see the varioas phases of the physical training ,or, ca- ried on in the public Sbol. Folk dancing, rbythmic drills, formai gym- nastic, athletic, formai marching, nd, posture drills, gaines, and stunts >Will have a place on the prograin. WiD Assist 'Mr. Davis will be assisted in the pro.- ganby h instructors of physical Odcton in the various scboois. They 5Iuwk1,x7 .. ... .. ....U Wi ............ 8 3 Inga's X --1....... . 8 z Blow Outs .... .....4 . 7 Mercury .. --- 2 9 ConYa-uts...... 2 9 "6A" League Stan4igs W. L. Murphy's Lodge..- .....10 1- Wllmette Confectioneryý.. 8 Ï Alumni.......... & Red Devils...........%5 6 Rovers............ ... 4..4 7 Va-Va-EIll...........-2 9 ""League standings (Third Rounid)ý W., L. Uknow .................i1 O Ridge Runners .......... 1 O Trerriers...........- r'-...i 0 Flashes ............... ..0 1 Wacker.,A. C....... Demons................ 0 1 66"»League Standings (Third Round) W. L Super Stars ....... ...i 0 Minus........... , Cacomo.............i1 O Groucho ...............O i Imps ................... 0 1 W.-W. L........ i 1~i~ LW. ~L. T.N. T................. 5 O N. T.F .................. 4 1 S.O0.S ........ .......... 3 2 N. T. 8.w. ............... 2 1 M. H.S. ............O0 3 Rocketa.......... ......0 3 Pet. .900 .454 t454 Pet. 1.000 1:000 .000 .000 .000 Pct. 1.000 1.00b 1.000 .M.0 .000 i.000 .800 .600, .400, .000 .0001 vice, showing thse way. 'iony nad games of 210, 214, and 199, for a 623 series. Eddie> Bleser lead his RiverIn teain o a- three-game victory over Alten's Morturary. The Inn teain, which started slowly, has apparently found its stride..and much will be heard from it in the near future. Bleser with 203, 236,'and 188, for,627 enjoyed aprofitable. evenïing.. Bungalow Taverný dropped the Wil- mette Battery and Electric 'a notch* by winning. two. gaines. Scett's Morticians, whohad been en- joylng one 'of the 'firat* tour positions, have been slipping. very rapldly I ately, losing tw'o gamnes to Shimoônek Service Thursday. Wllmette Ice treated thie second place icks Krler's to a two gaie deteat, although Ray Bartel of Hicks krler had a 638,erles wlth 22e, 225, and 191. 1Bill Conngr's Boosters béat thée v-, anuton Paint' and Glass twice. Braun Brou.ý 011 tnrnmmed Phil Bles- Schaefer's Tavern, wIi Ray Rau sub- stituting for Capt. Puinkin Braun who Is I Florida, and Joe Nilles substitut- Ing for Frank Meier, Sr., who has gone ,o California for tliree montha, tock two gaines from thé fourth place Frank Meier Jr. Ray Rau cf Sohaefer's Tav- ern was high with 198, 227, and 189 for 6 14. I NTER TAINS j The effort was made at the request of Mrs. M. R_. Patterson, 464 Wini- netka avenue, Winnetka,. whose son Robert is attending school in Gien- dale. Much disturbed because of tbe absence of ýany niews or1 assurances. of bis,. safety, Mrs. Patterson appealed to Mr., Dean. His first trials were. made Friday, February 25, but, be- cueof the. ice stori and other weather conditionsi, were unsuccess- fui. Renewing attempts at frequent intervais,.he finaiiy succeeded onSat- urday, February 26, in contacting,,the Patterson,-boy. andrelayini, a mes.- sage to bis.mother tothe effect that he was safe. FargoaBoyle >Boxing Contest Is Postponed Owing to a date, conflict with other important spôrting events, tihe heavy- weiglit boxing cbftegt between jack Fargo, 724 Green Bay road, Winnet--. ka, and Eddie Boyle of Cleveland, Ohio, scheduled for tomorrow (Fnî- day) evening, at the Rainbo Fronton. arena, bas been postponed. Accord- ing to Ali, Bob and Ottie Eckart, managers of Fargo, the contest wiIi take place later, but thse exact 'date bas flot yet been set. 17 Il The three deinonstrations are' open té the public and will begin promptly at 7:30 o'clock. There will be a siail ad- mission charge which will go to defray expenses 'for letters and other awards preentd t grmma shool athietes.- The rogain f Mrch17 wiil be as Second Grades baturday ter a stay et three weeks in Biloxi, Miss. While tbey are away, Mrs. Panl's sister, Mrs. Ger- trude Cave of Burlington, Iowa, wil take charge of the bouse. RETURN FROM VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Clifton L. Keitb of 222 Ninth street. are expected to ne- turi borné next week f rom Arizona, where tbey have been for several q,.areners' association will ut givlil on the night of St. Patrick's day, Thursday, Marcb 17. The place, whicb bas proven popular with this group in the past, will be the Air- port taverni on west Lake avenue in. Glenview'. "The hall is large, and everyone is cordially invited," the members announce. Tickets will be on sale at the door. Henry Carst- nesen of Winnetka is chairman of the dance, and assisting hum are Ott, Zschau and joseph Pfetzer, of Glen- Grade mning high in the table urnaments at the coin- Eddie Fritcb occupies top ruîng in the senior be is ciosely pursued VISIT IIERE* Mr. and Mns. William J. Rade- macher of MilwÉâukee, spent Satur- day and Sunday with Police Chief' and Mrs. Cloyd C. McGuire, 515. Greenleaf avenue. Mr. Rademacher is a brother of Mrs. McGuire. Harold Lind high-cwerage mai Herc he is demo The~i ucn : tj member of the Boulevard Drug bowling team, is ýe Wilmette Bowlers' league wi4th an average of 184., eg his delivery to, AI Ackermann, tihe photographer. imette alleys. 11 8-IMý

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