129LTrN44- ltp 130 WT. O. oRmfT-AP1Us. * 3 TO 5 ROOM COTTAGE OR~AT * on priva.te place by young couple. * (4ardener). Supervision ormaIntenanýýe .of jgrounds, as payment of rent. WMhat arrangements can you offer?.. Wm. Weers, C/o Weers & SeM~our, 156 Green Bay Road,, Wlnnetka. i,13OTN4*-Itp P33 'ESRREDTHOS 8 RICES RED:#UCED 8ROOM, 1%.~ BATH, HOUSE ON ASH- land, Wiltnette, reduced'to $95 for quick action. Has mnany nice thinge, such as Pullma.n windows in sunroom, and cro$$-connected coal arnd gas fur- naces. N4EW LISTING. CLOSE TO EVERY- thing In Wil mette. 7 roomi, 1%~ bath, ohl heat. New decorating. Handy housekeeplng. $85. KENILWORTH, BY THEý LAKe. A tenent mlght get this S5 bedroom, 3 bath house for only $150. FOR, A LARGE FAMILY NEAit * sehool and station. Wilniette. 6 bed.. rooms, 314~ baths reduiced to $1.50. Might take $10 Ipss for' A-I teffient. NORTH SHORE REALTY 523 Winnetka Ave. Winn. 81 133LTN44-ltc "SIGN WITJI CXSACk;7 FOR RENT - HOUSES CENTRAL Wlnnetka. Spacious 6 roomn Colonial. Heated sun parler and sleeping p orch. H. W. heat. 2-car garage. $100. NEAR INDIAN HIILL CLUB. WhIte framne Colonial. 6 rooni., . eateïl porches. Garage. $80.00. 795 EIm Street Winnefza ".15 Winnetka, 111. Rogers., Park 22 133LTN44-i*e EATJUST LISTED EATWIIMETT-1l% blks. to lake- Older.'home, fine loc. for chidren. 5 bedrms.,, 2 baths, HWH 011.......$,125 5 bedrms,, 3% baths, htd. slp. pch., recr. .rm.,. 2-car garage; no sales clause, long Icase............ ..........$150 EAST KENILWORTH- - Attractive, 4 bedrmis., 1 bath, oul heat; ne sales clause . . . . . . .. . . . . . .$110 CO nven lent location. 3 bedroo me, 2 baths,. sun porch, oil beat, 2-car. garage. $100. ANN MORELAND.. 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 305 133LTN44-ltc RPENT'SPECIALS$ 6 rm. brké. Col,. HW. gas, 2 baths. .$135; 7 rm. brk. HW. gas;,2%4 bs.-.. ..$7 7 rm,ý frm . Ni'. sch., 2 bs., oh ht....$90 rm. brk., 1 % b., nr. Howard sch. $85 EDDINGTON & ýALLEN 410. Linden. Ave. Wilmette, 407 133LTN44-1tp SPECIALS Brk., Col. 5 bdrms., .3 'k bas., polis. $12 5 Brk. Col. 3 bdrms., 2 bas., enc. pchs. $90 Brk. 4 bdrms., 2 bas., furnlshed. . $100 ELMER EB. STULTS, INC.' 460 Winnetka Ave. Wlnnetka 1800 133LTN44-.ltc JUBT LISTED Choicest ]oc., frame, 4 bdrms., 2 ba.s. HW nil, ? ç. g., r. jrans. $125 *E. S. WISDOM & CO. 526 Green Bay Rd. Wlnnetka 387 133LTN44-Itp EAST' WINNETKA. 8 ROOMS, 2 heated pchs., 2 c. g., conv. loc. $80. East Winn., brick,. 5 bedroorns, 3 baths, 2 p)chs., o11, 2 C. g. Rent or sale-want offer. NANCY LEVINSON WINNETKA 269 133LTN44-ltp, D»S¶IRABLE MODERN 8 RM. HOUSF, 2 bathe, hot water oil, convenient lo- cation. Phone Wlnnetka. 2759. - 133L44.ltp FOR RENT $60-8 RMS. '- GLAZED porcli, garage, wooded lot. Available May lint, For appointment eall owher Uni. 1715. , 133LTN44-ltp 330 GREENLEAF AVE., WILMETTE. 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, OIL H. W. GARAGE. $100, AND WORTH IT. PH. WIL. 1268., 133LTN44-ltc 136 WANTED TO.- RENT-HOUS6U REFINED, MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE wish to reflt amail bouse or 4 or 5 roorn fiat. or share unfurnished bo'use wit reliable couple. Wilmette 31216. 136L1N4'I Itp 4 or 5 Ikdroom House Good location. Rental $150 to $200. Address B-117, Box 60, Wilrnette, Ill OnI>' a iînall cash paymt. required to Sown tbis. brk. Col., -fine loc., 4 bdrms., oil lit., .ni'.sebîs. $13,500 make offer. WILMETTE Brk. Col. 3 bdrmns., 2 btbs., ene. sun1 and slpg. polis. ]EL W. Ht., att, gar., conv. to, transp. Small cash paymit. req. $12,000. Owner wants, offer. KENILWORTH "Location.and a bargain" means a satis- lied buyer. These features are offered in this charmlngbrick Col. Lge. liv. rm., brkfst. nk., pchis., Ige. hdrms., 2%ý tiled litha., oulitL, gar. Less then $15,000. Owner inust sell. Inform. only given at office. ELMER E. STULTrS,. INC. 460 Winnetka Ave. Wlnnetka 1800 147LTN44-ltc I'N FINE RESI DENTIAL SECTION 0F .Wlnnetka, seven- roo 1m Engllsh brick bouse ith four b edroomas, tree batbs on second fioor-two-car attached garage - lot 75xl65. Priee only $20.0O00. W. G. RUGGLES & CO. 517 Davis StreAt. Evanstoni Uni. 6886 Hol. 0886 Wil. 1660 147LTN44-lte 1028 PAWNEE ROAD Indian 11i11 Estates East WILMETTE Open Sunday 2:30 to 6 NEW EARLY AMERICAN RESI- dence, 7 roonas, 4 bedrooms, 3% batha br. rm., rec. rmn.. 2-car att. gar. Auto. beat, hunmid1fied, 65-foot frontag Archltecturally planned and supervised Decorated ln excellent twste. Mjay alec be seen at other times by calling Mr Dally. Uni. 7777. . 147LTN44-lte' PREFER TO ,SELL BUT MAY REINT, 4 family bdrms., with 3 batbs, 2 maide' rmns. and bath, library. Over 1 acre beautiful wooded grounds. Marvel- ous location and only 2 blks.. to HUb. Wds. sebi. If rented price whll be $175 for 2 yrs. lease. Sale price, $35.000. In-ý spection invited. R. M. JAEGER &co.ý *Exclusivre Agents 522 Green Bay Rd.- Winnetka 89 pine reeroation room, attachedf garage,, wdoded. lot wtth fenced-in yard. Owner bas niovedto thxe country; and has pût a priée 0f $5,00 forqulck sale. W. G. RUGGLES & Co.. 517 Davis Street, 19vanston uni.,6886 1o01 6886 WiLl. 660 147LTN44-lte 147 CHESTNUT -ST. WINNETKA YOU MAY GET THE KEY FOR ITI >deligbtful Georgian Colonial and g through at your lelsure. Ail reasonable offers for rent or purchase *111. be con- sidered. Call us or your own broker for ful particulars. ý1 SMART & GOLEE, Ime. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1564 Sherman Ave. 'Wllmette à486 147LTN44-lte 1940 SHERIDAN ROAD HIOHLAND PARK JUST COMPLETED 7-rooni brick residence. 75x155 corner lot. 3 tiled batbs. Linowall* kitchen. Living room and bedroom 26x14 eacb. Large gaIme room. 011 beat, air condiý- tlonecl. 2car garage. Open Sunday' or b>' a#polntment 2%. E. Herzog. Randolph 1187 147LTN42-Stp. Style! Snap! Comfort! , LGE RMS., 2 TILE BAS. ON Central Pk. Ave. in Lincoln- wood. Breakfast rm., den, uer. poli., att. gar. H. W. gas. Space for 1 or 2 ad4t. rms., in attie. Shown by appt. Mir., Clarkson. 9DIRrd & Warm1elr 522 Davis St. Gre. 1855, Hol. 185&; 147LTN44-ltc RAVINIA ATTRACTIVE, MODERN teG- 1mbh brick on 5Oxl5O ft. wooded lot near lake, scbl. & tranap., 3bdrms., 1% bas., att. gar. Price only. $13,5100. CalMs Starnes. THE-BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529, Davis st. Wilmette 374& BAUMA.J'Li~N.N-L- Exclusive Agentý 553 Lincoln Avenue Wil 13 WILMETTE, 729-11TH S and sun porcli. IH. W. H. gzar. Lg. yard. 2 blks. to Ni.' Flentye, 729 Lake ýAve;,. Wf 13 13450 r44- 1 P RMS1. r brIt. a. $70. à1382.. 43-4tq FOR Inqu!*re RENT - STORE burnr 4 Carleton Court THIS 740 Elm. Winnetkca 626. C. R. *140ýL'N4I-t &CWL TT.42 147LTN44-itpn Ph. WlÏ 147,LTIN