Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Mar 1938, p. 3

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MONDAY Leagues Of, Women Voters Sponsor Non-Partisan Meet- ing at Winnetka Center More than tWenty-five can didates for office in the April 12 Pnimary élect ion have accepteci the invitation to participate in the candidates' meeting to-.be, held in Matz bali Winnetka Community House, Mon-' day, March 14, at 8 o'clock. Tfhis meeting, which is open te the public, bas been arranged byte Wini.netka, Kenilwortb,- and Wil- mnette Leagues. of Women Voters to acquairit the voters with the qualifi- cations' and poîkcies of candidates on both party tickets. Each candidates himiself presents bis statements and ýanswers questions from the floor. Important Ellection bBy, holding, these non-partisan Meetitigs before Primary elections, the local league hope to emphasize * tbe need for alargerý participation. Mativ voters regard the final election as of greater importance, than theý 'priinarv. OnIy at the p)rimary, bow- ever-, does the voter bave an oppor- tu11itN to pass. uponl the fitness of bis pai-tY rep)resentation.. Mrs. \,William Wallace' Ranisey, Chic-ago, will discuss the work of the Cook County Board of Commis- sioners and tbe presidential veto Power Which. makes the office of. president of the. counity board ex- * tremely> important. She will also out- line briefly the function.of,,tbe state seniatorial, conittee. List: Speakers Týhose candidates. who had signiified adesire te attend the meeting Mon- day nigbt, up tQ the time of going to press, include: Wl!l Be Shown ut New, Trier Mar. 20 Plans bavebeen completed for a post- sea son programi of the New Trier Sunday Evening club, which, closed its current year about a month. ago. W. Frank M~c- Clre, president of the club,, bas been, successful in secur- 4 ing Branison De Cou, the "dream picture" man,ý for a lecture Sunday toi MOUWevening, March .20, on the subjeéct, "Around the Bal-. W tic- Sweden and Denmark." Branson De Cou Programns7 of the Sunday Evening club art held in- the auditor-iumn of New Trier High scbool wýhere -the De Cou illustrated lecture wiil also- b..,iven. The Sunday Evening club, largeiy supported by popular subscription, is open to aIl residents of the township and its officiais are hopeful that the post- season lecture will attract a. capaicity bouse. Plan New Pier for Beach at Kenilworth Erection of a, new pier, to extend 125 feet out into thae lake, to proteet the Kenilworth batbing beach, and te replace.an old wooden breakwater, wbhich was destroyed by storms, was approved at the meeting of the vil- lage council iast Monda y night., Sidney. Wood, resident, of Lake Bluff, and designer of. a new tye of. breakwater whiich would ýact to build up the entire beach and wbich would elimnatethée "scouring" action of lake currents common, with thesoi type of structures, appeared before the meeting of the trustees. Village Manager C. M. Osborn was authorý- ized to prepare plans and estimates, and it was indicated that the aid of;the Works Progress administra-' tion would be sought. It is estimated that the work, wbich will cost $5,O0, would ,be started as soon as possible and that it would, be completed, if practiable, durntg the early part of the bathing seasQn. In addition to the 125 feet of pier extending into the lake,' there will be 75ý feet of wall built.between the water's: edge and the foot of the bluff. Men'of Wilmette Churches Wil Be Guests. at Big Dinner1 Rally WiIniette Mi n is t er s' Union Sponsors Event March 18 The men of the churches of Wil- mette will unite in a Union Cburch- men's dinner Friday evening, March 19, at 6:30 o'clock, at the Englisli Lutheran churcb, Seventh street and Greenleaf ave- nue, un.der the auspices of the - Wiimette Minis- ters' union. An- nouncement o f the significant eve'nt il adekas License Delinquents Facing Arrest, Penalty The Wilmette police. departrnent is issuing a. warning to ail dog owners who have flot taken out 1938 licenses that a summons, will be served'on ail who deIay further in securing.the annual 'permits. This wiil necessitate. appear- ing in court and paying *a penalty in i ad- dition to the cost of the license. It" is stated that this applies also to those wbo are delinquent in automobiles and business licenses. HÂR WBEN ILL TO BE ERECTED BY LEGION POST Village Board Grants ýUse of Room, in Water Works on Lake Front The flrst "4Hall, of Peace'» in alilih world will soon be an accomplished fact, and it Will be iocated in Wil- mette. This, announcement 'was made M'oniday evening byý the Mimette post of the American Legion, crigin- ator of the idea, at its regular month- ly meeting. Durin the session Village Presi- dent H;arry C. Kinne advised the membersbip that the village board had. granted - to the: post the use of a large. room in the waterworks building on the lake front at the foot of Lake avenue, for its proposed' "Hall of 'Peace." .Commander James R. McCue, 635 Park avenue, expressed the gratifica- tion of the post at the action of the board, and gave a brief outliné of* the plans tentatively adopted for the creation. of the peace exposition, which is fi-st of ail intended as an educational exhibit in the interest of world peace. * Ends Semwçli The grant by the village board ends a search by the post for a per- manent home that has extended over several years, for the "Hall of Peace" wili not only bouse exhibits emphasiz- ing the benefihs and desirabiiity o f peace, but will serve as .a meeting> place for the post. And not for tbe post only, because, in an% unselflsh spirit, it will offer the facilities of the, space te ether local civic or-« ganizations. The large room placed! at the 'dis- p osai of the post is now used by the (Contintzed on Page 11) Candidates for 'nomination te the offices of state superintendent of public instruction and to the United States senate were also invited, butf party meetings in southern. Illinois will prevent their atte 'nding. New Trier Township committee-t men candidates have also been asked to participate. Rge, from the pastor hosi ,m the president cf the Mit ion. 'the sDeakcer for the event (continued on. Page S) of the t, and ristersp isDr. the permanent registration relis. To do this is a duty you owe to yourself, your family, your state and your country. REGIST7ER-NOW I week. It is .such cases as this, Chief of Police McGuire asserted, that in- spired him to request of the village board the authority to include house servants in the classification cf per- spns Who may be required 'te submit te flngérr-prmting.

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