featuring an aII-sfar collection s-eAi r4,., rmà j' dresses frôla $19.75 to $29-75 ron flernie Photo is4princes: wceddiing dress of zuhite brocaded chiffon velvet tvas worn by' Ms Helen Carolyn' Kluge, - daughtcr of AIr. and Mrs. H-enry Paul Kluge of .Evanston, February 19, when she becamè the bride of Theodore George Delang of Detroit, sont of, Mrs. Sigrid Delang of 1501 Forest avenue, WiI- enitei PIow1 EIecfed t. 0ffice To Review Book A book review ýwill be- held Friday,, Mardi 11, under ,au spices of: the' Mary Crane league. Mrs. Mary jane Ward Quayle wili review "'Sinabada," by Elinor Mordaunt. Mrs. Quayle is THE BLUE PARROT 1551 SHERMAN AVENUE, CVANSTON FREE wi.every Maëy, Dunlilli putchés. you Wili moie ra $1 Uipuio bioard e ac- Miters aux-, 1 Ci