Club of IEvanstofl on March 2. This exceeds by six hundred dollars the proceeds of the first annual bridge party of the or- ganization held a year ago. Ways, of spending this" sum drn the coming year were discussed Wed- nesday of thià week at' the regular. montbly meeting held at the home of. Mrs. Grant' Chandieri 727 ýForest avenue, Wjlmette,. one of the patron-, esses of the group. How Eriends of, Lake Bluff Orphian- age spent their funds duùrinig 1937 Was explained in an interesting report read to the guests at the party.. The report in partsaid: "Througb the unselfish dev.otion of our small but effective. group of forty young wo*men we hav e raised during the year f rom March 1, 1937 to date, from, ail sources, the almost stagger- ing sum of $4,200 in, cash or its equiv- aIent. This -amount does flot include, the proceeds of today's party.*** We deem it only fitting that we should take a* few minutes to give you some concrete examples of what bas been accomplished through tbe use of funds which wve have raised. 1. "We provided a new boys' play- ground that can be used the year around. This was a major improve- ment necessitating grading, provid- ing drainage, and surfacing a large area of ground. 2"Remodeled and furnisbed ai room. on the third floor of the Swift building as a playroom for the small- er children, 3. "We provided the following items:. 700 dozen Étrictly fresh eggs, Two $500 orders of canned goods, A 200 pound barrel of coc<>a, 15 pounds candy per month. 4. "We sent the following wear- ing apparel: Six dozen sweaters, 125 pairs new shoes, 50 pairs'new rubbers, 16 doz- enboys' shirtsI 57,pairs pajamas. 5. "And the following-.miscellan- cous items: . Five dozen sheets, 3 dozen pillow cases. 6. "Provided weekly treats for [axon wiIl review "The lIm Living" at the cburcb at Friday morning, Marcb .18. Smotored 'etroit and Durant Studio M-s. IEdmund-Burke of'Wt»lnette is a. member of the committee Ù1 charge of- the- sale o! attractively wrapped packages of pads for mem- orandisnus of various kitnds, which are appropriate bridge table prises.. The. praceeds from this -year-round butsiniess wüill' aid the Keiiilworth: center of the Inifanit Welfare SocietY of Chicago. Infant Welfare Cenfer Launches New Business The Kenilworth center of the In- fant Weifare Society of Chicago has undertaken a new project, a year-, round business wbose popularity is not seasonal, and that is the seiling of packages of househol& pads. Attractively wrapped, these boxes contain pads for telephone memor- andunis,: for kitchen use, for bridge games, menus, engagements, .pocket "memos" for the purse, two, each in attractive colors, and a pencil, pack- ed in eacb box. Singly, or in large orders for table prizes for bridge parties, these packages of pads are sold. They are in great demand. Witb funds f rom their purchase, the Kenilworth center will swell the yearly budget for its infant welfare activity. Mrs. Marian King: of -Evanston is sne, zi - -e Win- He is bringing a collection of bis ider the slides, several-of which picture price- r.Mrs. Iess treasures saved f rom thre wreck- ance of age of the museum in Madrid. o'cldock Mr. Paris wili be introduced by Mrs. Cox. if you're prtcua about the shape of y'our legs exclusive with Stevens in Evanston EDGAR A, STEVENS. lac* Ivemstom