Program for AUpUy Session Pre- »nt.ed by Art. Muiic, and Phlifan- thropy Departmeudts Three departments o the Woman's Club of Wilmette, the music, art, and philanthropy, will present the next ail-day program of theclub on Wed- nesday, ]Marcb 16.. The Howardý school orchestra,- under the direction of Mrs.'Margaret Russell, will open ithe morning ses- sion at 10:45 o'clock,, Which. is in charge of' Mrs. R. C. Marley,' music chairman. ,From 11:45 to 12:45, Qi-ville Oaks of New Trier wilI speak on the, "Ro- mance of the Woods of the WVorId." He has several hundred samples of woods, and many of these will be ex- hibited., Mrs. J. R. Harper, chair-' man of the art departmnent. will be in. charge of tbis. period. 'A program of "Songs and Rhytbms of Qld Mexico," by Josephine Alt- man Case and Mrs. Helen Hawk .Carisle. constituites the after-lunch- eon. program, .which is presented by the philanthropy departmnent, of wbichMrs.D. 'Porter Empfield is chairnian. M\rs. Case is also known for ber programs on the art and music of the American Indian of the south- west. The material for this M-\exican Program for Youth to Be Discussed by Chairman of Young Folks Temple Lbague The nionthly meeting of the Northb ShoreC o ng9r eg ation Israel.Sisterbood will take place at.the Temple on March 21, at 2:15. Tbe speaker wvill be Mrs. Hugo. Hartmann. of Winnetka. Who bas selected as'ber subjeet, "Tbe Sisterbood and Its Pro- gram for Youth." Mrs.. Hartmann, active in phil- anthropic work for Many years. .was the first president of the North Shore Sisterhood of Glencoe, anid is chair- Man of the civics and philanthropy depâ,rtment of the Chicago Womàn's Aid. She recently was .appointed treasurer of tbe National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods. She is.also the national chairinan of the Young Folks Temple league, and through, lier many interests and untiring wvork, has become nationalIy knovn and loved. Mrs. Hartmann is a magnetic speaker, and' ber outstanding per- sonality invariably ýholds thé interest of ber audience. lHer- wide, exÇ- perience with Sisterhood' work and' young people- gives her *a. profound understanding of the subject. she bas chosen for the twenty-first and, al- though "The Sisterbood and its P ro- gram for Youth" offers a tremnendous scope for ber lecture, she is sure to end. anecdote and, dance, create a varied and authentic picture of this encbanting country. In ber travels to remote sections of the country, Mrs. Case collected colorful cos- tumes reflecting the regionial char- acteristics. The musical education of' Mrs. Cage was obtained in this coun-, try and Italy. Helen Hawk Carlisle is a pianist and accompanist well known in Chii- cago and on the north shore. She ùAlltnear n. exian costume and will be Dr. Blanche int professor of re- on at Northwestern will talk about "Re- of Otir Children." Wednesday, Pt 2 o'clock. Luthermn Cirçiles Schdule Meetings The Evening circle of St. John's Lutheran church met Tuesday at 8 r',1ruk attheliphome of Mrs. H. Fi Hostess +0 Club Mrs. Robert R. Fontham was host- ess at her home at 121 Third street Wednesday of this week at a lunch- ton for the: E. 0. 'JT. bridge club. Mexican Exhibit to Be Part of Tour, March 23 Those wvho are flot arnong tbe fiortunate 120 menibers of the Wom- an's Club of WVilmette wvbo have made reservations with the tours NewiYc Dy oxcart into the interior asures off the beaten path. she bhas returned fromn where she ivas asked to do mann's tallc by a piano program. Miuss Younker is a young musician of de- cided promise, and is at present stuidying wîth a niember of theChi- cago Musical college' staff. Ms Younker will nnounce ber own'pro gi-arn,whicb wil consist. Of botb modern and'classical selectiôns,. The general public, as weéll. as- Sis- terbood members, is invited to attend the meeting on Marcb 21, at .the temple. The programn will be fol- lowed by an informai tea served in the lounige.-M. C. L. a Mexican table-setting for "House and Garden" magazine. This was photographed ini color by Anton Bruebl. The table wiIl also be in the Chicago Flower show at the Navy pier, April ?, and Mrs. Lee will show the same setting -te members of. the Wilmeite club on Maich 23.-F.B.M.. WJLMETTE LIFE