Rosalie Roa&h. Fasseit WaU .end Floo Coverlngs Slip Cover u ms nd Accsoi Patronize Our, Advertisers 77 PlCT UR£ ~~1 4 Frames Repaired sud Regilded Paintinis ,Restored Delverry $rvice-Etmatus Prime 1729e rman Ave. UNI. 0770 amnA-LAAM » n àd of tbe German departnentôof Brooklyn college, 1 Should Have Stayed Home by Horace McCoy, and The Wild Goose. Chase by, Rex Warner., Thomas Mafnn author-of Bmuen- brooks and 'The Magic Moupitain, was the winner of the Nobel 'Prize for Literature, in 1929. Jo'eph ant Egypts a. novel complete int itself (two vol- unes), yet. continàues. Dr. Mann's monumental ,retelling of the joseph story f rom the timne he was sold ta the Ishmaelites 'througbbi sIsave ry in Egypt and the episode of Potiphar's wif e. COunint on ma=n The commentary on Mantn by Prof. Slocbower provides not.onfly an accotant of the development of the author's nar- rative, but .al.soý an original- interpreta- tion of its meaning and pur-pose. It con- tains, too, a -biographical sketch cf Mann, a Elst ofAbis principal wvorks in German and Engýlisb, and a brief bibli- ographyr of wovkf about hlm. Horace 'McCoy bas written without gloves of the hopes and hearbreaks of two movie extras in Hollywood. î Should Have Stayed Home depicts how to one in a million the breaks'are good; to the rest, the movie mnetropolis is a long beartbreak, a business of a rare day's work as an extra at best, and of grubbing a bant living otberwise- cadging a meal when possible, stealin, one sometimes, sleeping in shacks or parked automobiles, while manners, mnr:l-zndlanQ nrsa',nk1o moffett Photo Carroll D. Mlurphy, 875 Hill road, Winnetka, hosý collabo rated- with -f erL'ert V. Prochnow of Ev- anston in zwriting "The'Nezt Cen-. tury Is Americc's." 1j.ust published by Greenberg, Publishers, Inc., New York. The foreword is by. Dr. Glenn Frank, f ormer president of. the Univîersity of Wisconsin. Coffee. Grower Turns fo Big Game Huntingj Twenty-fiveyears ago Baron Bror by C. D. Mrphy ànd Hfl. V. Proch- now. Greenberg, Publisher, N. 'Y. The defeatists, the weepers. the wallers, the detractors of the capital- istic sy'stemn, of democracy and private enterprise have, been so boisterously and preponderahtly voluble. since the depression: that Carroit D. Murphy of Winnetka, and Herbert V. Prochý- now of Evanston, co-authors of "The Next. Century Is. America's.", sound voices crying in,*the wilderness. Successful business menbotbi,they havethe bhindsight, the'.foresight and the courage to take a- backward, glance at history, a quick survey of the preçsent, a breath-taking. glimpse into the future and to. predict. that if we sit, tigbt, apply the elbow grease, and bang onto those prin- ciples for Wbich millions fled Europe and settled America, we are "hell bent for e lection" in the next cùtur and nothing, can stop us. 'N0- Faldew Plain fact ini plain business mans~ Englisb, the book' makes its appeal flot with falderal but by bringing out the startling contrasts in various ages. In the "golden age" of Greece three out of every four Athenians were slaves; in medieval France famine was expected one year in every four; at the glorious time of Queen Elizabeth plagues decimated whole populations; in pioneer Amer- ica men had their brains dashed out by Indians, and slept beneath rafters with the snow sifting in on them. The WiId Goose Chase bias at variotas times been called-a fairy tale, ail ad- venture story, a satire, a, vision, a Pilgrimr's Progress-and is the story of three brothers, Rudolph, David and George, who set, out separately on a quest to the country where the Wild Goose is to be found. It bas an ap- peal of terror, and -a nightmare -quality as well. ins tnrougn ail ot ans wr s. constructed a ful and liv andl appreeiation of Barrie, a fortune growing- coffee. The war listens to the radio, attends the came too soon ; the coffee market was movies, drives his own car-rnean- ruined; the farm had to be sold. white runinating that "civilization is There remained only the Baron's going ta the dogs." love of bunting and bis sporting rifle. Mr. Murphyý and ýMr., Prochnow Witb these he bail to make a living, foresee more, amazing progres s in so be became a professional liunteri the next' hundred year s than anytbin g and tbe leader of expeditions. Dur- we bave known in the past, providing ing the years that followed he bas, private initiative, inventiveness, orig- built up a reputation among sports- iaiy and in dust ry are permitted to men eerywere, nd afirst-laan.d flourisi,. They say we mnay some day knowledge of the wild things it 's be münching vegetables chemically TiT buiness-ta purs.ue . raised without soit in cabinets-' in ni'? KnOW nerwU4iUa as wen as .... er of St. Loe Stracbey ought 'ro bear two men like this deal them" and., accordifig ta Re,. propogandists, intelligensia, and ag- t, diwrites witb an acute in-. itators a blow i the solar plexus 18 and the keen eye of enthus- exhilarating and inspirationai. More e is the sister of John Stra- books like this 'and mnôre men like* or of The Coming Struggle this andAocwuljsplenn on ber shovel andl stant going places. OO~SKOI CÂ5J~S Z.IU~AEY StBII...ty IMM. L-ý" 7 17 777,