headed by Ann Burnhamn and Jim Ulin. Officers of the s t a t e association are: president,. Lois Fullerton, St. Anne; first vice- presient. J ani e s ?Grebe, P e o-ia second' vice-pres- Sident, Robert Dun- can, Bloomington; secretary,. Norman Wilhelm', Collins- vî il e ;treasurer, Ann,,Burnlham. Miss Fullerton,, Noruma. Waih.lm now a senior,. has been an active member of the student council of bier scbool since bier f reshman year.. She bas served as treasurer, vice- president, and president of the group. She bas represented St. Anne at the state association conventions for the last four yearg n dahas been a speaker at the last two. Twice class president, she h as been active in draniatics, glee club, orchestra, and journalism. Orne Peoria Paper Grebe, first vice-president, has been active in bis own student council and bas served as head of the Pekin district *of the association. He bas been a writer nôt :only for the paper of- Woodru;ff' -lent. H-is activities incuue aietVic., (le- bate, dramatics, and Boy Scout work.- Wilhelmn, secretary of the state asso- ciation, is president of the student couin- cil in Collinsville and is active in' a mnovement to hold the next district con- vention there. State Treasurer Miss Burnbamn; treasurer of the. state organizat'ion, and a senior at New Trier, bas been active in the student council of the Indian Hill schoot for R. H-. tiencerson in char~ge. Friday, Mardi 11-9 to 12 a. nm.- St. Francis School dental clinic. Dr.i C. Reeb, Miss R. Hansen, R. N. . Tbursday, March 15-9 to 12 a. in.- Howard School dental cliffic.. Dr. P. Bass, Mrs.. E. Stopka. RI N. Wednesday,' March '16-9 to: 12 a. ni. -New, Trier High scbool dental.clinic.. Dfr. E . Christie,, Mrs. I. Bliss, R. N. Tbursday, March l17-2 to 4 p.'..- Eye clinic, aduits, and cbildren. Dr. R. H. Henýderson in'charge. Friday, March 18-9 to 12 ýa. nM.- St. Francis school dental clinic. Dr-." C. Reeb, Miss R. Hansen, R. N. Monday, March 21-1 toe4P. ni.- Chest tclinic.- Dr. Julius Novak, mied- icldirector _Chicago Tuberculosis IIi- stitute,' incharge. 1Tuesday, March 22-9 'to 12 a. ni.-- Howard. sthool dental clinic. Dr. P. Bass, Mrs., E. Stopka, R. N. Wednesday, March 23-9 to 12 a. mi. -New Trier school dental clinic,. Dr. E. Christie, Mrs. 1 Blils, R. I Out of town visitors to the Heafth Center last week were: Mrs. Theodore Sachs, executive director Chicago Tu- berculosis institute; Miss Marie C. Buckley, superintendent of Nurses, Chicago Tuberculosis Institute; A. Reiger, manager, Ublemann's Optical company, Evanston; Emil A. Lamos, special representatire..ýrber Product3, Freemont, Mich., Miss Agnes McNeill, R. N., Evanston. Urge Golfers to Ener News of interest to golfing enthus- iasts is the announcement that the b ig spring opening golf tournament for Chicago district ýplayers will be held April 21-24 at Hot Springs, Ark. Ernst L. Heitkamp, the "lHeit oif Golf," who conducted the spring trek te French Lick. last year, will again have charge when the players journey to Hot Springs, one of America's most famous resorts. Chick Evans,, former amateur 71004t6! ,Iedges have .%;I iat more are et STANDARD OI1L m ror Lt 370 and 1 Wý,.Ma