show swings into the last full Week ueciti n re naImULUUUy of practice, the full' cast of char- 'fen advanced pupils of Eu alia acters is announced by George Kempi Koher Stade wiIl give a piano pro- and Betty Garrison, show board co-1 chairmen. gr am at Nfrs. Stade's home, 1500! Thesho wll e, ien n te Na- %Washingtc>n avenue, at 4 o'clock Sat-' Thesho wil e gvenin he urday afternooni. The pupils and the. tional College of- Education theatre 1 'besthy~Ill play are as iol-' next week. .nlows Eigbcenprincipals are ýrequired rjîgùeColi for the proiessional vehicle chosen Buona Niotte -Nev..n for the annivcrsiary show, "Of Thee JoanBne Sing." AIthtough rehearsals haveé- qmnFlifAne been in progress for somie two weeks, Gondoliera......... LZ the cast b as just been, announced. ýClar df- Lune- H *î.eus Checking on eligibility and scholastic IHio.pak VrinaMoork- standings havée taken the general .%tinuet, offices some time? fl<P.,semarle Kuhn Serenade .Shuet-1z Ri4cb, DuBgesu aIl LedAnn Lane The two maini leads are played by Nfazurkt ula Godard Robert. Rich, in the. part of Win'ter- VaIse infli PFiat Chopin green, and Doua DuBeau, in the partt Frances Ietzger of Mary, Turner. A complete list 1 .Aria convariazioini .Hanidel and. those in u-t th usrseffrom Orpheus and characters, adtoei h hrss Iz .. 1 1 (Gluek-Friedman 1ia be fo nd belowv. Vaý.cin G<VFlat 'pi The show chosen for this year'S;Etude, op. 2.51 No.5 Chopin prdcinis one which received XTacî Ii; Mitchell production kMokrejo. much favorable comment durixig it5l Jeanne Mîoreaju New York run. Iu fact, "Of Thee IVillic,' tht-,Wisp MacDoweil 1 Sing" bas contributed sayings and 'Nyhlabeth Yates vocabulary. iJsually a student writ- ten play is used for Waa-.\Mu, but W a rp s on, tlus the tenth anniversary, nt was thought advisable to make use où, a prof essional play, and one which had had enough favorable criticism toin- sure interest. "Of Thee 1",,f ul- fluis the requiremefits with ease. The show will open March 15, and runs through March.. 19 (Tues4ay through Saturday). Tickets are on sale at Chandler's, the ÇCo-op, and at Tommy Airth's, ail in Evanston. Tickets inay also be .obtained at Lunit .Administration building on the North- western Evanston Campus. Reserva - tions by phone may be made at Lunt Administration as well.. The first night wilI be formai. Show ,books wili be distributéd free at the door. 1A complete list of characters folI- lows: Louis ,Lppniafln A. Jerome, Brown FlrancIi X. QflhooIOy..William Sprlnger Maid -*.. .. ...Detta Schmidt Mathew Arnold Fulton .......I.........JLÂI_ ,A .. ..... Frederick Kreemer Sudaor Robert g. Lyons w...... ..... The March issue, out this weelc, pre- sefts "The Five Conimissioners, e tells who they are and what they do outside 1 the commission and withini it. Interesting. facts about the members of the commission, appointed by Gover- pnor Horner to revise, codify, and amend the- election and primary lawsl of: Illinois, are that "'save one. they were born in 1lillois and range- in age* f rom 72 to 39,; al were educated in this state, four are college gradu.ates and Ihave law degrees;-, .thev represent the 'Catholic, Christian. Methodist, -and 'Preshyterian churches .denomlinat ion.; their « nilitary service varies f rom six months in the Student Army Training corps to 22,. years in the 'National Guard." REtURNS FROM WEST Mrs. John, Segsworth is again at ber home,, 1006 Forest. avenue,, af ter spernding s everal Months in the wvest. She went. to :Clifornia-lu November to make her headquarters ini Pasa- dena and from there to take trips to Visit friends. Mrs. Segsworth re-l turned Thursdav ofi ast week. sorne sort of cap pistol. The shock caused the elderly lady to fali backward, striking ber head on the hall radiator. She is :still ini a nervous state and confined to her lbed. jBecause oneéof the boys shouted to the, other, "îD'uck!, She's b lind and' can't, see you !" poice. who are, searching for'the cuiprits believe that thev are neighborhood, bovys. Prairie, Club Arranges> Walk Along North.,Shore The Prairie 1Cl ub of Chicago bas planned another of its popular 5.- mile walks along the North Shore- for Saturdav afternoon, March 12.: The group mwill leave the -Deerfield station of, the -Chicago, M,\ilwautkee-:and St. Paul -railroad at 2 :15 p. m. and pro- ceed northward to Sheridan Elms. following the North Branch as much as possible.. Prairie;club members in charge wvill be Edwin Schulze, Walter' Comstock, and Miss Gertrude Giel- steen. The public is ,wvited to jôin the group. 4d Disconne ction ..Would Meant. Sketches by -staff artist show , ivhat wuzld havé beeit resit of disconnectiom front the village. if Pro perty'-owners had been success-: ful in their litigation, amounced Iast week. Instead, this week, they withdrew their suit,. with the' resdt that Wilnette's bk,îuîdaries reain Miss Nellie Preston of Elmwood, Ii., *sa u st f M rs. Albert A. M c - Keighan, 661 Illinois road, this weék, while in attendance at the national convention of beauticians. The two were girlhood neighborsand friends. ~UU.8iI8~