BARRINGTON A 'IVITATION TO THOM' 1XTERFZTýED Dg A 11GH bookas ow a uulitantlaWal iue»undwr premt teàanue. Who ars wlUlng to .continue ,naaagn Ail lve stock zXCLtsWE AGENT Earrlngton -37 ChaoOMS Franklmn 85U 3 INVESTMENT b57 acre farm near Lakce Villa. Mu«t be iold to settle estat*e Igind bigh and. relling uttbcx-ietie vrok in ak.set-of eld faim, butid- ing. Godinvestment at E WYATT & cooxS Waukganri o'ad 4nlw5 WuIBO lacelept yrie f uritmreon CROST FURýfTME STORE WBR7BUT FURxI1TUB RUOS,, BRIiC-A-BRAC, MEWS & WON- eu**,clthing. ho, .ete. -Phone 'i vuekmty 0103. 923 ChicagO AVe. Evans- ton. 171LTN4"-tP IL. BER-G wml pay top p=ie..for JOur naed -furni- te.brlc-a-bm 1c housebod artile, boks, 1 nd men's clothlug. Wlnnetka 1522. 172LTN43-4tp lis P SAI.-UNacLANUOID ALL.DZ PER?. CONI). AN2%D CHE-AP -Philco cabinet radio. Brunswick cab- le ftoa- Dinlng table. Brown .c1 th' Coat. size. Winnetka 1031, FO)R SALE: EýNGLISEI BABY COÂCH gooKd condition. 112."0. Wilmette 167. BABY I3U(-GGT TYPEWRITER A:ZD desk : Wash ing mnaehine and mangle.I Wilimetle l3«0. 17 3LTN%43-tp PORTAIKT TO CON2[DER UN BUT: XNorth Shore Salvage MIG AIL REAL ESTATE SEE US U F -Q Z P. PAVmiç, JE. (XB. ODMÂN-). 5à WML 1U3L U YRITR GREEN BAT RD.. KENILWORTH 201Ï brie-a-bac and househoid articles; 140L,43-ltpý books; magazines. 35e- per 100 lbs.; ___________________1_per_100______Wianetka 1522. _____________________________ ga.1.1pet100174LTN%40-4tn .... .... . 4 a U 'Va-Va-Eab 2. 38 .200 "C" LEAGUE The Uknôw quifltet by defeating the bernons, 40 to 32, have won ai 10 gaines scduled in the first two rounds of play in; the "C' basketball league. This assures the 'Uknow of the c hampionship, of t his league, for they have' defeated :each.of the other teâm5 twce. U4DO LEAGU9 Hawkeyes ....... .-:8 Willie& IngaSX ...... B19W outs .. 4 Merciiry...... 2 Con-Ya-Mutii . ...... Pet. ..8So .700 .700 .400 .200 "E" LEAGUE > heCacomo, by defeating the W. WY. L., 36, to 7,%von on~e of the rounds of play in the -"E" league. This definitely puts 'the Cacomo in running for the championship of the league. The Groucho- five won, the otlher round oi play., If ei ther of these teams wvin the third round, they win the championship of the league. The Super Stars won a close game from the Imps, 15 to 13. Both teams* plaved a strong defensive game as is shown by the score and the fact that there were nine fouils called on the Imps and seven on the Super Stars, but the Stars were more accurate s h o t s . 1I l1 FINET AIMQUEAXD >wLJunk Dealer Goidman wares. mercliandîse or services te be hbeL orientai ruags chairs. tables, WfLL BUT TYOUR BOOKS. MAGA offered by the applicant, (6) the per- d*kdsrs , bedi>s, quiltz, c1)inetiS tes ppse raja. f uruiure ad ay..onal description of the applicant. Suob ru, pion. vc. lr. elr.ref, lmpa hst maket priomC&s 0 1WiL5426 orapplication salal be ac<cotpan&1o4 by at&.log bouse, WIir. 4l1c.1reL-, lampet 1 sueli credentialsandmuiother evidences ofÇ ~ Ic.OuRer a-jog thegcc8ld14 cN434hai-acter, and ideftity 1*S~ouAve,. Wlmaetka, Sat. &' Sun. mônlng, 013 r e Rn. 8? othe applicant, as may be reasonably mam1 g, 012 r e. ad.7 fo~r junk Dealer Phil Schumran required by the Chief ef Police. , c7LX1-f Wili buy turfltture, bath tubs., If the Chief of Police shaîl deterrnine cMB DZK-RDIOc.n. î.&io Iold iron. washing Macieaykd afier reasonable investigation that the coffée, card,. and nest of tables-; cioo junk; pa>' best pites, Wilmette 744. applicant is of good mopral chazacter cab: raps ains ~174LT.Nl40-4tP~ and purposes to, engage in a lawful and mach, etc. Sac. NO, dealers For appt. BOO)KS leitimate commercial or professlonal olil GIeëneoe 43. 1 14 3-tp WE WTLL BUT YOVR B0OKE3. p,,sO1 enterpise, h. shall tien issue the per- private Uare.WiU oeaIL mit applied for, which permit shahl TRO WSER NDJOER i .1176 TN404ie&expire on lthe 31st day of Deeero A -1 cmdition.î l.tte 33eL Scrfie14LTN li te year in which such permilt Sha bave for càsh. 1027 DavisSi Greenleaf 4646.1 . been lssued. 171LTXq42-Irp 1.%-ehw~wS~c permit shall be caried at al ______________________ t hé%.,a K, .K - .I ..I.mlain aa bal er of the C.hi 0association, m De the in'-, etructor. The afternoon c lass. will be open to aselected group of fi fth, sixth, seventh and eigbtb grade girls and will start promptly at 3 o'clock. The ev ening classes will be open to a'selected group of girls of higli scbool age and will begin at 7:30 o'clock. »if you are interesed in this cal enroîl at.once by going direct to the Wilmette community center on,,Wil-.- mette avenue west of Ridge road or bc( caling the-recreation office as the casses will. be limited in number.. Mrs., Lippincott is also qualified to teach acrobatic, ballet, and Spanish dancing, and classes will be organized, if a sufficient numnber of childre.n- with special talent are interested. For aniy ftrther information aboui these classes call Wilmette 48 Heavyweight I$asketball Squad Trounces Nichols The WVilmette public sýchool heavy- weight basketball team defeated Nichols heavyweight teamn from Ev - anston on Thuarsday in a close garne, 18 to 16. Sçhweger, Kalinka and; Benson divided scoring honors for Wilmette with two. baskets each. Zielinski of Evanston was high -scorer of the gaine with four baskets. 1 ilmette also look the Nichols lightheavies into camp 7 to 4. TO W$IOM IT 31AY CONCEEN: Publie notice is herebY given that-an examination will'be given by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the Village of Wilmette. Illinois. for the, office of Firemnan, In the Fire Depart- ment of the Village of 'W'lmette, Illinois, and 'that said examination will corn- me*nce on the 26th day of March, A. D. 1938, at the hour of 9:0O0 o'clock A. -'%.. BEAIFUL UAHOGA.%Y GRA2ND- fater clock wlth chimnes. Reas. Seen at 2210 Maple Avenue. Evanston. Fotter. ice of ployer, nature plicant (5) the1 Attest~ NICHOLAS P. -LLR, Village Clerk. Published ln Wllrnette Life this Strd day of Mardi. àA.1D. 1938. NTICH0)LA2- P. MILLE, Village Clerk. FUR.NITURE OF 6 BOOM BOUSE ineding ectrie- refrigerator, aquarunu, lectre doks. vaoeum cleaner. Wlmette 4054. lui ý 1