Any MORTGAGE MONEY AS DIRECT, INSURANCE COMPANY representatives we, -make ôans lu Chicago and suburbs a t the lowvest pre vaIIIng. rates - frequentlY WITHOUT COMMISSION, Inu other cases we charge such reasonable comimissions ab may be agrecd upon. For boans of satisfactory amounts and terme at lowest interest (4% and up) teleplione Davis 2233 (Hollycourt 4220 In Chica- go), or write George T. Coonley, 15680 Shermanl Ave., Evanston. SLN4-f FEDERAL HOME LOANS LOANS ON NORTH SHORE HOMES. Borrow up to 610%,of value. Conven- icut nionthly repayment plan over 5 to 15 eaýrs. Deal',wlth a local Institution. Ful details by',lnquiry at FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OP WILETaEr! Mr. Clitton, Secretary 1126 Central Avenue Wlmette 1623 87LTN35-tfe RIEAL ESTATE LOANS WB ARE IN THE MARKET FOR First Mortgage loans on North Shore property. Interest 4%%l to 6%. Joiseph C. Cormack & Co. 1569 Sheruan, Evanstoit Uni. 3353 87LTN6-tT< Real Estate Loans APPLY AND GET ANS WER SAME <ay-Frank Pavlik, Jr. (Robertson), 562 Green B3ay Rd.;- Kenilworth Ph. 2016. 87LTN42-4tp FREE SERVICE TO EMPLOYERS. High grade help, ail nationalities. References POSITIVIELY investigated. LEE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY L. C. Ravlln, Manager WINNETKA 132 DAVIS 8116 1631 Benson Ave, bet. Davis & Churchi 92LTN43-ftP 54 SIUATIN WATED-EMA7 FOR1 54 IýtUATIONw WANtmDMALIK 2 GIRLS FOR i HOME: 1, a cook Who can please, any appetite; 'the other,' Just as good in her, special, duties. A qualified nurse for younig'children. Central Dom. Employment Agency Winnetka 3613 94LTrN43-ltc COMP. WOMAN W ISHES WORK ANY DAY-LAUNDRY - SPRING HSE. CLNG.-WASH. WALLS, ETC. PRE- PARE DINNERS, ýCARE FOR CHIIL- DREN. EVES. BEST REFS. ý WIN- NETKA 1511.: 94LTN43-tp NURSE COMPANION,, HOUSEKÉEP- er, in motherlesa home or as mother's helper. Also capable of driving car, sewing, and fulli qualifled to teaeh music. Middle-aged, strong and efftel- cnt woman. Good home with modest wage. -Winnetkg 773. 94LTN43-ltp BETTl'ER HELP FOR THE BEITTER HOMES, 46 SHORLINE EMP. AGCY. 76Elm St. Winnetka 3012 94LTN43-lte LAUNDRY OR CLEANING, MONDAY or Friday. North Shore references. 9 hours, $3 and carfare. Davs 22494LTN43-ltp alter care f netIka during T3, W O M A N WANTS WORIK ioons or Saturday mornlngs and or children evenings. Caîl Win- 043 evenings or Winnetka 566 day. 94LTN43-itp launid. Bes EXPER. WOMAN, COOK AND SERVE luncheons, dinners,> tea. Also have Wed., Sat. open -for cleaning or latin- dry. N. S. refer. Wlnfletka 1468. 94LTN43-ltp COOKS - GENERALS - COUPLES Reinhart Empi.. Agency 748 Elm Winnetka 3399 94LTN43-ltp A YOUNGWOMAN noneMi.; will u-vel, uPtu LIlnUMW IV £ B7105, Box 60, W.Ilmette, Illinois. 9tILTN43-3tp UNIFORMED CHAUFFEUR, 'GARD- S ENING OORRoK.As iCOUPLE. RAS SCHOOL-AGE D AU G HT ER.' WINNETKA 2917.ý 95LTN43"ltp EXPERIENCED MAN., H OUSE AND, .window cleaninig, 'floor. waxing, paint- Ing, calcimining. Also odd Jobs by hour or contract. A-i N. S. refs. W11_ 2088. 95LTN43-ltp PAINTING AND REPAIR, 0P WIN- *dow screens. Also house, cleaninig and oddJob. efeenes. Call Winnetka 2936.95LTN43-litp, all branches. By theý day or, stay on premises. Married. No childreni. Tele- phone Deerfield 2e7-W. 9LTN43-2tp EXPER. HOUSEMAN, CHAUFFEUR, .gardener, .Wants steady, posiltion. Married, best N. S. references. W'ilmette 4579. 9SL43ltp uive in your'51< erty, and manag4 whill you,.are ay rent. Write B-97, B, or Onl same if y, ln exi ýox 60, Wl EXPERIENCED WHITE wlshes a permanent p* Good cook; hoiuseman and North S-;hûre refcrences. Wil 5 COUPLES A-1 LOCAL REFERE SHORLINE EMPL. AGCJY. 74 1451F WANTED-FEMALE SEE BAKER FOR BETTER JOBS-BETTER PAY Tel. Winn. 3012 Cook, Winnetka home,,$18 Cook, Highland Park home, $l.e Pract. nurse, $20 Nursemaids, $15 General rnaid, $124$18 1135ChiagoAve. any truck. ND rp Et COMPANir Greenlaf 8788 106LTN43-ltP FOR 'SALE:- AT A REASONABLB pRICE, MODEL 4A" FORD PICKUP TRUCK. 'PHONE GLENCOG 800. MR. JOHNSON. 105L;T43-t0 MODÈL A FORD COlUPM. GOQD condition. Reàsonab1eý. 1428 Shrld9m Rd., NoMan's Land. Wilmette 700-w. 105L43-ltp ls POU MENT-ION WELL HEATED. NEWLY DEC0R- ýated room lu center.of H. Woo bue- inçus districet. Càlli aftt 6 p.m., apt. 1, 946 Linden Ave. 116L43-ltp NIEWLY DEC ORATED,, ATTRACTIVE- ly furni3hed large, light, room, -I block east of station. For i or 1 554 Arbor Vitae,.Winnetka 1921.. 116LTrN43-ltp CHEERFUL FRONT ROOM NEAR TRANOPORTATION, 725 PRAIRIE AVENUE, WILMETTB, 116LTN48-2tp LARGE CHEERFUL SUITE OR SI- geroom, batha adjolning. View or laite and No man's Land. Kenilworth 5262. 116LTN43-ltp LARGE FRONT RM. WITH SINGLE and double beds. Hot and cold water. South apt., 654 Green Bay Rd., Win- 11W HOftLS ATTRACTIVE SUITE FOR 1 TO 3 people ln private hotel. Convenient to transportation. Excellent mùeao, moderate rates. 1406 Judson Ave.,, Greenleaf 7991. 118LTN39-tfc 119 FOR ENT-LOT. HMIP. 500MBON 1-2 RM. APT. AND 1-3RM .APT. Refereric EXP. COOK N dinners, tea. Sat. open for cl Winnetka 1468. liwortti 2591. p $15-$150 76SHORLIN19 EMPL. AGCY. 746 lniSt.Winneti<a r. Em t 9SLTN43-ltc 1 « » 1 'ý - - - ---- -- -1 - -, . - ý , , , 1 a , a ÈR -1 1 i