home, 4853 Lake Park avenue, Chicago., The hom~e is famous for.its historical treasures, fa- mous ýpaintings, collections of ship models, anci ent. armour, admusical 'curios. Reserva- tionis for the tour are litnited to 200. Mr. Harding bas kindly consented, to open bis treasure house for clubs' and other organfizations each Friday cvening in March and on April 1, in corder that men, as weIl as women, who are interested may bave thé pleasure of seeing the valuable col- lection, made over a period of, many years. by his, father and bimfself. Needlessto, say, Mr. Harding is doing this beca use be is proud of bis mu- seuni and likes to takée appreciative groups tbrough: it. He receives ýno remuneration. Any time after 7:45 be receives the gust and they may sgtay and browse about as long as tbey wisb. He will conduct small groups tbrough, as tbey corne, and so will "Bill," bis curator. Reservations at a nominal cost may be obtained at tbe clubhouse tbis Saturday at tbe Men's nigbt meeting of the club, or next Tuesdav, Wcdnes- day and Tbursday at tbe Better Homes exbibit, or from Miss Rebecca Fitch at tbe Wilmette Home Owner's association, 1155 Wilmette avenue. . The 'great privilege of going tbrough the Harding homne again, came to the clu~b through Mrs. Paul K. Robertson. chairman of tbe tours committee of the ways and means comrittee of wbich Mrs. Howard Ringholm is cbairman. Mrs. Robert- son and ber committee conducted à large and very appreciative groupof, members of the Womans Club of Wilmette through ýthe' Harding- gal- lery, October Il. Because tbe mem- bers enjoyed bis treasures so mtich and kept wisbing that their bus bands- could see theni too, Mrs. Robertson received the invitation and arranged for a tour April 1, tbe last Friday night the galleries will be open. Beta Mothers MeIf A lunch eon meeting of Beta Theta Pi Mothers' club of Northwestern university was held Monday at the home of Mrs. C. D. Mack, South Justine street, Chicago. Ji, The. cleverest fricks in bats you've seen and tre- mendously smart because they're fr om our new HAat Bar-at Ieff à' suede turban that you can. twis and. mold ény way you want, in a dozen ~colors,. $1 .95-0; at right a Tyrolean -feif, $2.95. f rom, the R iglih f. filred to j unior sizes I1I to 17. iaok.t wifIý round ' larifl. g sir. s $11.95 dgar A, . Stevens, 1 lac.. 1624 Orrlaglfow Av... IEva»st*X ..and$2.93