.. e e party. which, this season occurs Thursday, March 17, at Shaw- nee Country club. Mrs. j. J.,.Tracey, -chairman:of the department, and. ber committee. have plans well arranged for theý benefit which ail members of the Club are. urged to atten d and bring their friend S* The many attractive prizes for the party- include one for each table. ,Réservations are made %wIth Mrs. Tracey. This coming Monday, th e regular meeting of the 'Catholic action and civics group of the 'club will be held at, the, home of the chairman,, Mrs. Henry G. Dalton, 1029 Chestnut avenue, at 1 o'clock. This is to be a ývery importantmeet- ing *Mrs. Dalton, announces for new pamphlets are to be discussed and work for Lent outlined. Ail members of the 'club are intvited to attend. A -Day of Récolection will be held at the Cenacle Wednesday,. March. 9, at 9 o'clock iii the morning, with the Rev. James Gailagher, S. J., the Re- treat master. Inasmuch as Father 1 'Gallagher is considered an outstand- ing speaker, a large attendance is expected. Reservations are to be made by' calling Mrs. Dalton. The fine arts department and the regular business meeting of the club will be combined on March 11, at which time a Jesuit priest wiIl speak.__ TIhe climax of March, and tihe gala Balfour Photo Mrs. George Vaught will con- clude, her two-year tenn of office as presidene o! the Neighbors, of' KeenIlworth tuith the concluson o!, the'cusrrent club year. Eastern Star -Evenis, A bridge party willI b. held4 at the~ home of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Morgan, 411 Ridge road, Kenilworth, on Saturday evening, March 5, at 8 o'clock . There will be initiation at our next meeting on Mgnday, March 7, at 7:30 o'clock. A very enjoyable unucheon and bridge was held at the temple on March 17. The Smorgasbord supper dance was a gala event and was creatlv enioved. Our associate mat- atMilburn's Tl;ey're here! 1T he new Bradleyktt will make your spring a triig season glamorous «gay deceiver» styls ... deuas:aàtinýgly simple town costes ... casual country. dot bas. Bit fèatures of the new spring Bradley KWIs aret/w slimm;ing linoes, sheer s"rig textures and unexpected colors. Re sur# to corne n' right away.1t oea t/w 1Signs o0S/ ig BBBâUb~w' Sportswoar Evanston 74Churoh St. nîarkeq Uby a juoiJS*'-,S Shawnee Country club at 12 oclock, at which ail living charter members will be present. Not 0111Y its owti birthday, but those Of its miembers will b celebrated, and individual miembers are asked to, s end in, notice of their birthdays., t is hoped al members will be present and that foîiner memnbers willbe invited to the event which is in lionor of charter .members of the club. Mrs. Clif ton Wilk.41 so~cial chairman, is réceiviflg A daughter, weighing 7 pounds 43/ ounces. was born to our conductress, Mrs. William Oakwood, at Evanston hospital on February 12. An Eastern Star Baby spoon was bestowed on the baby by the.chapter. Our matron was the récipient of a lovely birthday gift from ber officers, on February 12. The sewing meeting held at the home of Mrs. joseph 0. Converse was devoted to making lay- ettes for the Wilmette Health cen- NEW SHOP A NEW IDEA. Pe~ ÇorJni IiLORIFIEII FLOWERS ARE NEWS Onl loft rsi oss à Si- wood avenue, wil .an ing the meeting.' Sportswear Evanston