Amh or Trim. to Zk WIU~WW........... to theol mark. tOther stars of the meet were Kim c>UndotCr 0.4Brown and Bob VeVinny, winners of the- high and low hurdle events, )ho re9.pectively.- Evanston Township High, school. 4g& U»" mi Ave., WloID@I$ .,and University Higb scbool of Chi- cago will invade the Indian Hill field- PhIMMn WiIIIW4f 44M,4 cbouse next Saturdway afternoon at AU, WORK GUARANT5O 2 o'clock for a return triangular v a rs it y and. freshman-sophomore mneet. In -a former clash, with these Ai.two teams earlier in the 'year, New AP O Adertfbe trier.was7victor. TRAVELING? * se« Our F sI..Sefi.. Of Trumis. v.. éigu C»s.. lMet mmd Sb..Box. * WARDROIE CAS.S KAEHLER'S LUGGAGE SHOP 11421 SOUMNAN MIE, EVANSTON UNI. Su? March 18 and 19 wnen the senior pay 'OCarence" will be presented. The NeiW Trier play in itself is enough to encourage basketball se; anyone to corne, but besides this there ning, by def e are superb casts. the local floor In any play there are, production technicalities whicb have to be taken care of.LI this. respect -one, of the initeresting "props" thatmust bç used' is a set of. automobile tools -with which Clarence. tunes the piano. The stage settinigs for this particuler play are going to be built one within an-, other. : 1 % . ý ý. 1The first act takes, place in. the ante- chamiber of Mr. Wheeler's office and the second in, the drawing-room of bis country home. Therefore with the plan adoàpted it Will only be neces- sary to take down the first scene1 in preparation for the. second. There are many, such. technical, problems which must be solved, and these in themselves are an important part in the production of a play. Minor Coburn and Gordon Van- Kirk are directing- the play. Robert C. 0. Garni Harper, C. Herbert Jones, anid Mrs. and green lad jane Lighter have charge of thé by bowflrg oi stage settings, lighting, and decora- to encounter tions, réspectively. They are alil mm- son li a slurmj bers of the school faculty. they were out. Lafayette President to. Speak at High Sehool Dr. Wiiliam Mather Lewis, presi- dent of Lafayette coliege of Eastoil, Penn., and also president of the American Association of College Preidnts.ui1 si)eak toiuinr ind league. champi New Trier tests and Iost 'I'm very coolness our floor last Frid; Clyde O. Grat ýed its 1eve- rk on The Treviai, Vic-F tory ave Inged 'an c-arlier defeat-suf- fered at the High- land Park court. Once moreNe Trier's Reynolds was. higb - point man of the game, bas- kets and two free tbrows. Ne w 'Trier' D e a c 0oil. lanky center, was second. wit'h seven points. The, ga 'me clos- ed a season that wvas, filled *with surprises andà*up-* tr sets. The gray ds' started the schedule, wter all oppositionx, ontv bad going in midsea- ip that did flot end until. tof the running for, the )ionship. VelPI.aied Won seven league con- Lfive. well pleased *ith the team exhibited on the lay evening," was Coach ter's comment after the ately. nounce, - tek' e. the adures.s, -t _was an- I EXPLORER I Alummis 10 Coach Niles Center and 'Palatine 'Il rüp- resent the Wauconda district in t'le team, defeated by New Trie r, 34 to 28, in a practice game. just 'before Christmas, is coaced by a'New Trier alumnus, Les Jalitze.- Coach Grater was to have selecte<t by Wednesday the tournament squad of ten which will be picked from the following list:. Deacon, Thompson, Reynolds, Lingle, Borre, jennings, Diirr, Carey, Nevin, Seifert, S. ,Jorg- pices of the Tri-S hip club, boys' organiat ton of the 'insitution. He will show motion Pictures of north-, ern lands. Recently, Ca ptain Bat-- It headed a scientfc expedition. to Gréeeand. TOUR COMPANqY A group of pupils of, Miss Edith Ray Young made a tour of the Stein piano company Iast Saturday. As a result of the visit,- Charles Frederick SteIn, company officiaIs, 15 giv-ing prizes to the three children who, write the, best.letters on their observations. iii :