Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1938, p. 54

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242 ACRE S-$36,300 - DAIRY FARM.. 10 ROOM HOUSE 1with runnlng water; 3 car garage; poultry house; barn 'for 46 cows, 7ý horses, also box stalle. Hlghiy produc- tive black soul. Orchard; deep well. 90. ACRES $13,500 1 miles sout*h>of Barringtofl. Complete set of buildings. VACANT ACREAGE, 40 acres south of Barrington, $8,000, 28% acres.wi of Barrington, $5.700. 20 .acres, % mi. e. of Lake Zurich, $2.500 Other town and country properties for. lease or. sale. Hee.S Ldeire EXCLU"SIVE AGENT Tel. Barrington 37 Chicago.Office, Franklin 9535 162LTN42lte 1 ACRE WOODJÉD 132 ft. frontage by 330 ft ln depth, near North Shiore and. Gienview Clubs. Private road, sewer, water and electricity. Rcstricted residential. Price $3,250. Also severai other parcels of 2 and 3 acres ln Glenview and Sunset Ridge district at ex-. tremely attractive prives. WYATT & COONS 1026 Waukegan Road G.lenview v7 16 2LT42-lte Bannockburn, Lake Cotun ty 10 ACRES, IN THE HEART O0F beautiful eountry lhomes, ail of whicb are an acreage sites. Close to sc.hools, etc. Price $400 Per acre. Samnuel McNab Camnpbell Northbrook 170 162LTN42-1 to 11FOR AL-HOUSEHOLD 00005 FINEST ANTIQUE AND DOM. FURN. .i. oriental rugs, chairs, tables, desks, dressers, beds, qilîts,. cabinets, rad., phon., ac. dlr., elec. refr., iamps, dishes, wash: mach. Owner at log 'bouse, 1258 %tt Ave., Winnetka, Sat. & Sun. mornings. 10-12, or tel. Rand. '1857 for appt. 171LTN41-t'fc 2 rHREE-QÜARTrR" SIZE BEDS. W.iimtte 7lL42-tp 6 RUGS, LARGE BOOM SIZESI, PflR- feet condition. Also 2 bedrooru sets, 1 dav., draperies, spleads, etc. Priced most~ reasonably. Glencoe.1343. l71L42-ltp 4 ýPOSTER DOUBLE B9D,- BOX spring and mattress; day bed (double bed size) ; man's bicycle. Excellent con-- dition. Wflimette309 171LTrN42-ltp 8-PIECE WALNUT DINING ROOM ',suite ln perfect condition. Blue leather seats. Gas stove. Winnetkca 20.9.4.: 171L42-1tp 'l'oît WASHIER AND IROXER !N e%-i c(>nlition. Late niodel. Sacrifice t"* vaxhI. 10)27 D>avis St. Greenleaf 4646. 17l1LTN42-4tp 10xl.2)RUG 0F -BEST GRADE CAR- peting lu, plain dark taupe. $20. 172. WTD.1TO MUY-HOHLD. 0001*8 CASH FOR YOUR USED FURNITURE, modern or antique, and other house- hoid articles. Wili aiso accept -your furniture on consigument basis. CROST FURNITURE STORE ý EstablUshed 1898 1004-6 Emersoni St., Evanston, Uni. 0189 ~.7-2LT439-tfe WE BUY FURNITURE RUGS, BRIC-A-BRAC, MEN'S & WOM- en's clothing, shoes, etc. Phone Uni- versity 0103. 923 Chicago Ave., Evans-] ton. 172LTN40-4tp M. BERG will pay top prices for your used furni- ture, bric-a-brac, household articles, books and men's clothing. Winnetka 1522. 172LTN39-4tp 173 FOR UALE-MISCELIANZOUS FOR SALE: I1IROYAL TYPEWRITER'; Corona Portable Adding Mch.; 'Cor- ona Portable Typeýwriter; F. &-ïG. Junior Check Protetor -,4. student lamps. Husak, 152.3 Spencer 'St. Wilmette. 1731,TN42-1 tu NEW PORTABLE ..TYPEWRL'ItTEIZ. $ 19.95. Remington adcling machines. Calculating . Machine, L sed 1'nderwood Portable. Al make-,I(tgit-Soli- R-ented and Repaired. W\\ilitiette 4545. ANýTIQUE, WALNUT MEAT SAFE EXCELLENT CONDITION GREENLEAF 3073' 173 L12-Itp 174 wTOD. TO UY-MiSCELLANE.OUU on thne saine as i mâtues. WHEREAS, the Village cf. Wilmette, Cook -Counity, -Illinois, haÉ. outstanding valià and legaly ibindlng obligations in. the aggregatc amouiit cf $56,519.34 rep- resented,,by Public en eefit judgments enteted in the Cpuuty ýCourt of Cook County on. account cf local improve- ments on special assessment warrants .numbered 213, ,257, 260,. 261, 285 and 62257,' which, . togethe 1r with .ifiterest thereon up to and including March 1, 1938, aggregate -the sum - cf $57,084.53; and WHEREA$, .there are nio funds ayail- able: for ' the. purpose cf, paying said judgments and it la decmed advisable- and for the best. intèrests cf sald Vil- lage that said judgments be funlded byý borrowing, money and issuing bonds ln evidence thereof; and 1 WHIEREAS, pursuant to the provi- sions cf Section 6, Article 5, cf "An Act to, previde for the Incorporation of cities and, villages,'. approved April 10. 1872, as amencled, the President and Board cf Trustees ls authorized te issue, bonds.. for the purpose cf payiing said Jud- ments; and . WHEREAS. said .'judgni.nts Can be paid lu full by the issuance cf bonds lu the principal anicunt cf $57.000: NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees cf the Village cf Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, as' follows: SECTION 1. That there be borrowed by and for" and on behaîf cf the Village of Wilmcttc, Cook County, Illinois. the sum cof Fifty-Seven Thcusand Dollars ($57,000) for the purpose cf funding and paying valid and- legally binding obliga- tions cf said Village in thc aggregate arnount cf $56,519.34, represented by Public Benefit j u d g ni en t s entered against' said 'Village in the County Court [cf Cook County, Illinois, -on account cf local Improvenients. on special assess- ment warrants nurnbered 213, 257, 260, 261, 285 and 62257, w'hich, together with' interest thereon up te and lncludiag March 1, 1938, aggregates $57,084.53,; that to evidence said boan, negotlable coupon bonds cf said Village bc lssued lu the principal anicunt cf $57,000. Said, bonds shahl be designated "Judgmeflt Funding Bonds" be nunxbered from 1 to 57, inclusive, shall be of the demoni- nation cf $1,000 jeach, be- dated Ma rch 1:1 1938, bear interest at the rate cf three per.cent (3%) per, anuum, payable June, 1, 1939, and seml-annually thcreaffer on thc flrst days cf' June and December cf cach year, and' flature as follows: $7,000 on December 1, 1939, $6,000 on December 1 cf each cf the years '1940 te' 1942, inclusive,' '$5.000 on Decemnber 1 of cach of the years 1943 tM 1948, inclusive. InC villae m... ...-..1 For the prompt paymieft' of this bond, both principal and lnterest at ma-» turity, as aforesaid, the full falth', credit and resources of said village 'are hereby irrevocably pledged. This. bond is one of a seriés of like, tenor and effcct except as to 'maturity, issued for' the purpose cf fund.WVand l)ayinS vaild and legally binding obliga- tions of, said" Village represented by Public Benefit judgments ; under au-, thority cf an Act entitled "An Act te provide. for the incorporation -cf cities. and villages," lu force July 1. 1872, a'nd ail iaws amïendatory thereof and, sup- plemneutar 1y ther-eto, and an. ordinance duiy passed by the.Pi'esident and Board of Truistees,.cf said Village and pub- lished as required by law._ It is hereby certified and recited, that ail acts, conditions and.things requlred to be doue preced ent to and in the issue of the serles cf bondscf Wýhich thims bond is- one,. and précedent te and lu the renidition cf the Public Beneft Judg- ments hcreby paid, have been done, have happened and have been. perform- ed iu regular and due formn as required by law, and, that the indebtedness reî- resented by the judgments hereby paid, 1wiere valid and legal obligations cf said Village cf Wllmette, and 2that the total Indebtedhess cf sald Village did flot at thle, uie of entering the Publie Benefit juidgments helreby Wald' andi dôes iot now exceed an-, statutory or constitu- tional limitations, and that provision, 'has been made for the. levy and collec-_ tion cf a direct, alifuai tax, lu addition to ail other, taxes, sufficient to pay prinicipla and interest hercof. This, bond is, subject te registrationi as "to pirinclipal in! the naine cf the hold- er on. the' bocks of the Treasurer of sa id Village, such, registratlon to -1w evidencedby notation of said Treasuret' on theý back hereof, and. after such reg- istration no. transfer, except upon suc-lî books antd simiilarly noted hereon shahl be valid, unless the last> registrationi shail have been to bearer. Registration hereof shall not. affect the negotiability of the coupons hereto 'uttachedý whichi shahl continue negôtiable by ,delivery 'merelY, notwithstandlng registration hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOFý, the Vil- lage of WVilmette, Cook County, Illinois,, by its President and Board cf Trustees,. has caused this bond te be signed by lits President., aind attested by its Vil- lage Clerk, and its. corporate seal here- te affixed, and has. caused 'thc annexed interest. coupons te be signed with the facsimile signatures cf said .offilers. which said, officers do by, the executioi oýf scaid bonds, adopt as and for their own proper signatures, their resp«)ective facaliie -signatures'.appëarliný on sa id coupons alI. as cf the first dayý of Mac,1938. M of Couipon) $a o ELEC'TRIC UTENCO IR cllent condition, 24", roil foot controis, variable h1 end roil. Cali evenlngs. Wi IIAHOGANY, 3 PIECE suite for sale, $20. Cali ALSO. ieat!i'ng, -o-pen1-i174LTN40-4tp 'ilmette 2999. 171LTN42-ltp £ITT Wanted BEDROOM LDS PLAYP'EN Glencoe 14 21. Folding type pref. Winnetka 2039. 17ILTN42-ltc ý174L42-ltp RICA No. $ I<NOW'ALL MNEN BY THESE PRES- ENTS, that the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, acknowlodgos it- self te owe and for výalue received. SECTION 3. That for the purpose cf 'providlng for the payment cf the princi- pal and interest of the' bonds herebY authorize&'as they respectlvcly bccome due, 'there be anid there is hercby levied a direct annual tax sufficlent for that purpose and there be and there is here- by lfvied on al cf the taxable property lu said Village, lu addition to ail other (Continued o'n page'55) N

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