Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1938, p. 34

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,MrsL JohnsrSoddie of WolnmWef to Giv. TAi on Hisfory end Sgcni-' ficance of Radio An extensive talk on radio,, whîch she calis, the. "sixth, estate," will be given by- Mrs., John B. Boddie of Wilmettefo the programn of the Woman 's Catholic'Club, of Wilmette: Fn- day afternoon of this week at, 2 Qo'clock, at the Womnanscl. Mrs., Boddie, a member of the Wotnan's Club of Wilmette. and well known for her wonk in the state fed- eration of women 's> clubs. will. dis- custhe history, development, and social significance of radio. Mrs. Boddie's interest in radio started 1f- teen years ago when one. of her sons became au amateur operat or. She, has been, radio. chairman for theý tenth district, Illinois Federation ot Womi.'s clubs, bas gîven numreous lectures, one of which was at 'the U'niversity of Chicago iast summer. She has also been on a commercial series for some tim, e. The hostesses scheduledW for the afternoon are-'Miss, Gertrude.Stack. Mrs. Henry Schmidt, and Mrs. M1an- tin Lynch. The most recent gathering for- members of the club was the charm- ing Valentine party and dance pro- gram staged on the afternoon -of Against a background of sof t pink hangings, pahns, and pôtted cinner-. aria in deep reds and pinks, the pro- gram of dancing, poetry, and music. was given. With MiÉss MNary English neading a brief paper, on the history of the, dance,' pupils of the Betty jones school appeared in delightful illustra- tion. Dancing, one of the oldest forms of religious expressions, with he p n- e c 'LA i~~ woman there, v 1 tbem for their r. Many held soioe of the> A humorous 'lecture by Chtarles Milton Nezicornb, philosopher and hunorist, an seJ-syed "studeit~ of hurnaiî behaz-ior," u-111 bc t/he addrcss of the e'veiiig u-hen the * Jen's n,prograni of. t/eIVoin- an s Club of Jimteis giVen Sat- * udo ecniIu .IaCh . ut P:15 ura- - d ck. dMû h Baptist Fri.ndskip Links' Meef This Week The Friendship Links of the Wom- an's society of the Baptist church will meet tomorrow (Friday). Lunch- .eôn will be served at 1 o'clock. 11 Link R, M.\rs. William Frawfond. chairman. meets with MNrs. Uarrv Kerr, 423 Tentb street, witb Mrs., M\.. M. Bo*-en ass$isting. Link E, Mrs. Evald Anderson. chairman, 'meets with Mrs. R. E. Bell, 807 Chestnut avenue, mith 'Mrs. R. F. Lynch assisting.* Link 'X, whose chairrnan is 'Mrs. Paul Keller, will meet with Mfrs. Around the tea table with its lace cloth over red, its red roses and candles, members remained for ne- fresbments.-J. T. B. stunt Lenten Prograin for M. E. CuiId The March meeting of thv Woman's gruild of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church to be held. Thursday. March 3.ý. will be. a Lenten Retreat. devotional in character. Spécial music s uita ble to the Lénten season has been arrangedby the pro- gram chairman,:,r,. R. W. Mitchell. IC-singasymposiac mnethod ,NMrs. Rov Lundin, Mirs. John D. Stewart. MIrs. C, B. Cochran,. and 'Mrs. Daniel Stecker, will review "Religious -Liv- ing," the vital little book by Georgia Harkness. .'his reiglous -message fromà the pen of the dean of religion at M-Nounit Holvoke college w-aswrit- ten, according to the ioreword bv- the author. -'to, suggest as simply as, possible how to find religion and how. tô grow in reçligions poweré." 'The RýecôVery of Ideals" by the same auth- or, -%as the subject of Dr. H-orace Smith's book treview in the vvinte, series given at the church. In the absence of the guild presi- dent,' Mrs. A. L. Fuller, Mrs. R. W. Mitchell, the first vice-pres ideîit. vil11 preside. at'the m-îeting of the exec- utive board at 10:30. o'clock in the morning and at the afternoon business session and the Lenten Retreat. Silice th,~ programn chLi'rnan vvill be in the chair, -Nirs. Amos Thornburg wiil ini- troduce the numbers on the after- noon program. Several women meet monthlv on Guild dav to sew from 10 to l", on articles for the Lake Bluff orpban- age. At 12 o'clock they will be joined by the board and others w-ho wish to enjoy the lunch.eon prepared by the women oi the First division.' Ni r-. EB.Sn'-der is chairma of thisd vi'sion. Arrange OId-Fashionecl Party Meeting for Cirdle nôvel, Yooys ini Womnan's Club fo Offer Harmony Masters and Charles N.wcomb on Saturday, Marcb 5 Once a. year, the Womnan's Club of Winette arranges a spec ial evening program for hus- bands and friends of miembers and niakes the occa sion, a gala, one. Nen's,.night this season. occuring Saturday eve ning,. MNarch 5, atR8:5 o'Clock. wilI he marked. by the appearance, of The Hairmonv Masters. ini their entertaining singing. and( a hu- morous lecture bv Charles MNii- ton Newcomb, philosoph er and, The music' furnishied by The Har- mony Mfasters*, will be sung by an unusual ensemble of sol oistsdoing the unusual in quartet singing,. The per-* sonnel includes Bernardo Vanni, first tenor., and Ieading tenor with the late DeWolfe Hopper: Fred Pohlmann, second tenor,: radio artist on NVLS for two years; Charles Willis, bani- tone, an outstanding young singer froin -Holly,,ood Who lbas appeared in two pict unes; Ray G. Steiner, bassýo. soloist on Farm and Home hour over NBC. Philip Jorgensen, the accompanist, is organist at the Peoule's Churcb of Chicago. This group bas appeaned with the WVom- an's Symphony orchestra of Chicago at vari'ons times, and bas been asked to sing for the National League of Amenican. Penwomen inWashington, 1). C., w ith a special appecarance at the White House:- Mr. 'Newcoffb, in bis address of the evening. .,will deal with famiiar as- pects ofevervday ýlife, presented from. lhe viewpoint of a trained psychol- ogist .and served with an abundance ,)i humor. -MnI. Newcomb was former- lv head of the department of oratory, riey's home i riniuIALIIVVI and 1cart party Oii ýad, at Mrs. Tuesday, March 1, at 1 o'clock. Mrs. enleaf ave- Anna Winands is chairman of the 28, at 1:30 luncheon, Mrs. Celia Zeutschel is R. Mansel ýer's latest chairman of the card and bunco gamies.. WILMTTELI-FEý

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