tr meI LIV fhIk UI lieutenant ro major. Since: re signing from the Marine Corps lielbas been in the manufac- turers' agency -business in Cbicago. He wil serve as lieutenantý of the regimfental headquarters battery, ac- cording to Colonel Dawes'. announce- ment. >ALIL 653 Vernon I Captain Robert Bartlett, iwho has, made many voyages into Arctic -waters on exrploration-and scientific jotiriieys-,, .till epeak..oÙ Pridoy aftier-. noon and ezc;iing, March 4, 'at Neup Trier Towipishtip High school, under, the auspices of the Tri-Ship club. Above is show»i his ship, the Morrissey, and in inset Captain Bartlett, .who first sailed the scas of the far ;north with Admnirai Pcary. AII-Wagner Reeording to Be Presented March2Z An all-Wagner program of record- ings isto be played Wednesday eve- ing, March 2, at' the Dudley K French house, 503 Hawthorne lane, Winnetka. For the irst hiaif, Mr. Frenîch will play the first act of the -Walkure," which he considers one of the finest pieces of operatic re- cordings. The last act of the "G6ttérdâmmerung" will constitute, Roy Steffen Heads Greater, Hotel Body Roy Steffen, a resident of Kenil- worth and nianaging director of-the Bismarck hotel, Chicago, recently was elected to the presidency of the Greater Hotel association at the an- nual banquet which was held at the Bismarck. Mr. Steffen succeeds Wil- liam M. Dewey of the Edgewater Beach hotel who occupied the office for the past year. .' Other officers elected tn the aso -aECORDIa JN G S Dem onstration aand Slightly Shopworn DECCAS and BLUEBIRDS' Your Choice ......for»$ .0 VIOTORS ând BRUNSWICKS YoMr* Choice ................... 2 for $1.., Qumnian ,*R ecord Se-rvice 1131 Central Street Wilmette 81 merniers of the executive board wbich was increasedl from 17 to 20 members are Phil C. Caldwell of the Blackwood, Frederic C. Stilîman of the Park Lane, and Palmer Jones of the Arlington in Evanston. In bis speech of acceptance Mr. Steffen pointed out that the mnem- bership of the association rep- resented well over 100 million*dollars in invested capital. Consequently the association is greatly .concerned with the tax rquestion, as wellias ther EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEL A NEW IMENU - OLICY grrcatt tu«e <5 mouti. sexior. r- Mr. and Mi nd Abbotsfordr t;he leaving this tn- Springs, Va., weeks. ýR.sev.llons Sugg.sted--LQNGEACH 6«»M' $20 for mny sofa (plus fbis DraPeries lip Covers ELINORVWETSS: Glenco. 573 I CHOSEN y Y-1