Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1938, p. 14

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y-four fDURs, of -wnîch about one-, half will have talking and other9 sound effects, and the. balance will be silent films. Among the widely varied subjects are natural -history, travel, adventure, and .Anerican his-1 torical incidents., The series will open on ýMarch 5. Ail programs will be. given in 'thei James Simpson The atre of the mu- seum, and ýthere will be> tw<> show-l ings of thefilms on! each, one be- ginning at. 10 a. m., and one at Il. Several thousand chldren can, bc accommodated a t . each program. They .may corne -Mont, accompanied.i mi Office:. April 2--IfThe Settlemeflt of Jamesl- towfl" ine1uding "Life Within the Stoccade," "The Village of Powhatan," *'The Capture of Pocahontas," "'ne Spanish Spy,,"."The Marriage of Poca- hontas and JohnRolfe." April 9 "The Farmer's Frlend," "lPecular Pets,"l "Cairo toý the, Pyra- mids," "*TheVet. April 16-"Gold bMinlng in- theéKMon- dike,'l "Animfais of the: %Iton Sea,"! -The WorMd of Paper,"l "The Art of the Cavema.n.". April 23ý-Fromn Red Earth to Steel Girder." "lA, Viit to: Czechoslovakia." April 30-- "Magie Myxies,'" "Hindu, Holiday,,., lThe, Bittern," "200 Fathoms Deen"1 Winnetkei..2050, FOR fINEST LAUNDERINO. and ZORIC ODORLESS DRY CLEANINOL: SOne Phone cail, on. courfeous routernan, one pickup and delivery wiII tae care of your Iaunderin g and cleaning requfrements. Lie.,Ave, MEAT 'PRICES great miasters both in the States and in Europe. in- cluding Harald Kreutzberg in Austria; Hanya Hohun, Doris Humphrey and Charles Weidman' leading exponents of; the modàem dânce; Mar- tha Graham; the Beninigton School of the Dance in VTer-ý mont.. She bas been influen- *tial in bringing such artists as Kreutzberg,; Humphrey and Weidman, Martha Gra- bam, aà .nd .ôthers 'to Chicago this seasoii for' recitals and' tea Ch ing programs,- spon- sored by the .Northwestemni college on. Chicago camn- pus. ýImmtediately after the lec- ture-recital in the large audi.- torium, guests, are invited to the discussionwhich will follow in the social- roomn; In addition to havinig their usual guests who are members of the North'Shore branch of, the Progre sive Educatioîi association, Phi Mu GQammap ill have as their special guests at this meeting, the niembers of the 'McDowell 2'lied Arts society on the North Shore. Acting as hostesses at this meeting will be «MissN Theodosia Paynter of 449 Jiazel avenue ini Glencoé, Mrs. Ernest Ford of UEvanst'nil and Nfiss Grace Bradeti who is president '>1 the honorary. dance orgalnizatliuii., Orchesis, at Xorthwesterxi university. ?hristmas Seat Returns $1,900 Leaders Report uled to > continue until New Year's day, totaleci $1,906.10, an increase of $200 over last year. At a meeting of seal sale chairmen throughout Cook county, to, be held tomorrow (Friday), under the spon- sorship) of the Chicago Tuberculosi s institute, whic.h conducts the annual sale, the Wilmette committee will deliver to the institute a check for the above amount. The comm-ittee consists of the following: 1,'inrary journalism sorority. Miss. Jacobs, a senior in' the school ot Aducation, is a member of Kappa Delta s;orority-. She hias been xery active on the campus, havingpr Miss. Gertrude Pape, 1100 Ridge avenue, entertained hier bridge club at hier home iin Wilniette Xednesdayý evenling. FRATERNLTYHEADI e e e e .the Northwestemn university stu- 'nts honored with an invitation to tend the Matrix banquet held bruary 15, This banquet is given nually for outstanding women on ýe campust by Theta Sigma, Phiî, E. IL. Ray Piol John R.i Adamns, soi, of Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. A dams of WiI- mette,,has beent electcd President of the Acacia fraiernity at North- western university wvhere he is.,a junior û,: the Pre-medical school. 181/2C

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