Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Feb 1938, p. 7

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com[modate JUJV ppqus, 4Ianu iAD 8A5 the needg of the next five or 10 years, but apparently the bigh school popula- tion will flot stop-at that figure. ýWhat solution 'would best meet the needs and wisbes of the parents and taxpayers ? There are tbree solutions, that, corne to > mind. Fressure of Numes First, if would be possible to. expanid the. presentý plant. The original build- ing witb tbe tower, now. largely use- less for class rooms and used for ad-. ministrative purposes, could be re- placed by, a large modernm building' in keeping, with the architecture of the rest of the plat. Large units could re- place the old pool and old gymnasiumn wings, s Pace could be taken f romn the *girls' atbletic field, and building could extend along Woodland avenue, etc. Tbis b as the definite advantages of keeping the unit intact 'and using comn- * mon -facilities-7-athletic fields, labora- tories, libraries. It bas the disadvantage of increasing pressure of numbers, of bringing so many pupils to one. center of the township with accompanying * traffic difficulties, parking difficulties, etc.. Set Up Brakaches A second solution would be to setý I up branch high schôols, but this would be expensive. It would be a long time before facilities equal to those of the present plant could be duplicated and the unity of the school wouldbe difficult to maintain. ing young chilciren one year more in smller schools and nearer home. The disadvantages would be thbe break in continuity of tbe four years of high school work. Moreover, some children at -this, age .need the stimnulation ta cornes f rom being with the larger group- and. the- older cbildren.. Asic. Public A situation where thoe ight remain for a nini Aid se wbo desiiý ith year in il ;e wlio.wish! an- Mathew F'ranels Photo The Horner -. Courtney- Jarecki *Democratie ticket, organisation on Tue;dây endorsed Ralph IL. Sin- sheimer, 935 .SI'ruce street, Win- nzetka, (above) for state .enzctor from theç Sevent!, (Chicago subur- b<m) district. )lis Pétitions are now in circulation anud will be filed within the next feu' daiys, it wvas onnounced. Mr. Sinsbeimer bas held the office of justice of the peace, in Winnetka, since 1925. By virtue of that office he bas been a member of the board of auditors of New Trier township for a like period, during which he bas been a leader in township affairs, as well neariy support. FROM MR. HOOVER Editor, .Wslmz'TIL 1 hivereeie FIRST CHURCH, 0F CHRIST, SCIBENTIST Tenth Street sMd Cmtral Avenue WILUgmrm, ILX.uwo SundaY Servics-i i, a.m. Wednedy-Testimonial Meeting-8 p.m Sunday School Exercises- 9:45 a.m. Fiebruary Mi, 1938, Subject: MIND READING ROOM-113Central Avenueý Opéa Daily (cxcept Wedueoda)9 Ae M. t. 6 P. M. Westud4y g A& M. te 7g P. M. ,Me Bible and Works of Mar yBaker Eddy, maan .1 .dnr authorwld COmaium Science Literature #nsy be rend, borrowed or porchud ntte R eading JRooa TUEEPUBLIClà CORDIALLY ngYT» 70ATTENDS Ta CBURCE flRVIC& ^NE ID VT TOUEREADINO NIBU PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS At one time it wus thought tliat a cure for SLEEP- WALKING was to suddenly cut off a pieoe of the sufferer's night-gOWn . Im m p n w. One is on the paving' oUtfle first will be the speaker at alley south of Elmwood avenue, frorn Stolp - Central - Laurel Ninth to Tenth streçt,,The other associationl Tuesday ev( is on the sanitary sewer and main i. the Stolp scbool.e water supply pipe in Miami, road, Barton will discuss Seminole, road, Shabona lane, Osage things the work bis d lane, Ottawa lane' and Cbippewa ing to eliminate, traff lane, ail iiiIndian HilI Estates. Pay-: affects the lives of cl ment is scheduled for March 21., way to and from1 scho )arrmern t » I- hazard. as it Idren ün their

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