Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Feb 1938, p. 48

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OPE'N SUYNDAYS 584 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 177î 14LT.X4I-1te DRV NVE$TORS!! t DRV TO 1347à SCOTT AVE., W IN - netka and see tii 4 bedroom home on beautituil 75-foot wooded lot. Heated Sunporhhot water où heat, 2-carj garag. ortgagor will sacrifice-510,500 mortgage for,ý Immediâte action. Try ,85M0. An, exclusive selection from ou r PHOTO-TOUR.. R.: B. 'WHITAKER CO.- 140 Green Bay Road . Winnetka Wlnnetka 3250 Roger>_Park 7302 91PONTIAC ROAD IndianHili ]Estates East, WIL'METTE ,.Open Sunda' 2 to 6 BRAND E 310D. '-WHITE BRICK, 7rooms, 4 bedrocms ' 9,bath ,làv-. dressing rm.L, sun deek, rc.rmgas heat,, air cond. 2-car att. gar. 60-foot lot., Reitricted section. For week day appt.L alUi 77. 17TS-t EAST WILMETTE ATTRACTIVE R E SIDE N CE ON large wooded lot. 5 bedrooms plus servants' Quarters, ex. lav., 2 -un rooms. H. W. heat, 2-car gar. Perfect lobcatibn. Ideal for large famiiy.. .Mcderattely, priced at $15,000. Exci. agents. 1 ,FRANKLIN REALTY, U'niversity 7777 .Il Evan.ton CORPORATION - - Ne~w 6. rm. white brick resi-. * dence on deep wded. lot in Highland Park, scr. pch. over- looklng garden, brkfst. rm.., lav.', reerea. rm.. with fireplace, 2- car gar. Nothing can e-qual this on North Shore. >rs. Starnes. THE BILLS REALTY, Ine. 529 Davis St., Gre. 1166 WI. 374() SKOKIE RIDGEF-G(LEN"COE 80-ft. Rolling, hlgh lawn adioining fine home. $10 Iess per f t. than ac- tuai sale, of last month. AIl specials. pald. Wm. Johnson. 522 Davis St. liol. 1855 Gre,ý, 1855 11WIS KENV.IT.WCRTl-i TONieOFFERS ____________________________seat, roi.e uarvi n c...une INDIAN HILL ESTATES tique maple bd, comPlete,~ $31: ae 80'x150'. ALL APF.ESFeMENT;: PAît>. years old, like new, $110; Oxford Uni- $3.500. -%ddress B86, Box 60, Wilmette, versai table top range (cost $95), good III.151LTN41-ltc cond., $.0- orientai rugs, 011 pai " igs, _____________________________pattern ga ss, miscellaneOis. itejfls, 13 ACREAGE AND EIATUS irnany fther good bargains., I3RRNQOXTHE FLAMNGO SHOP' !-50 iden AeHub'd 1V'd-.Wn 0; 3 'M ntsto LoopI7LN-l 37 MiutesOpportunity of a Lifetime BEAUT. FURNISHINGS OF, 5 1100M apt. Wll sacrifice to single buyer, 1 omîplete, inceludîing, oriental rugs, iii- tique pieces, twin beds, bedding, silver, A home in thé country and at glaFs, china, lamps, draperies. Apt, fur- 'thée same time.a- paylng. învest-> nished'by interior decoratoir and in ex- ment. (-ellehnt condition. For price and appt, We can produce records. s:howw-. Kathleen Crockett Van Fleet,> Win- ing a, substantial yearly 1 filI~ etka 2067.' 17LTN41-te on the followiflg farm- FINEST ANTIQUE AXD DOM. FURN. 179 A RES $358W ic. oriental rugs, chairs, tables,. 179AC ESQ('1 desks, dressers, beds, quilts, cabi*nets,ý Ili Cook ('ounfty 14 îoom doublei rad, phon. vac. clr., elec..refr., lamps, house, ecomplete 'set of farm buildings. dishes, wash.mah. O)wner at log bouse, Black cëIdy subsoil. orchards. 1258 Scott, Ave, Winnetka, Sat. &Sun. mô;rnings, 10-12, or, tel,. Rand.- 1957 ffor 80A R S -$33.ý6W ""pt . 1 Ii A GRES ()Ult-- 111trame bouse, PRIVATE WNER, FIAL71LN1tf large dairy. utarn and tconmjiite ,et o' Entire furniszhings. 8 room apt. Beau- Ibuildi.4gs. Entir ar ner cutva ful antiques; paintîhigs; oriental rugs; ! ion. 3 miles îý,oth ot Barr'ngton. ok;dnn'rm-erm sut; t many other pieces. Sacrifice. 771>1 Sheri- 100 CRE - 4000 'n Rd., Shedrake 5568. 71LTN41-te- VocnhU A , : Edro $409000bth, SINÇGER ELECTRIC CONSOLE, cadwr, floors, hot water heat, large KN-%EE CONTROL AND SEW LIGHT (111-haril 1 nlig aeran49.50. 5-YEAR GUARANTEE. eiectricity and complete set ()f new farni UNIVERSITY 5525 buildings . Tule drainage through fiýltl. 171LTN39-4tp Dredged creek and woO>ds. SMALL COLES HOT BLAST EXCLUSIVE AGENT HEATING STOVE. u TI gond condition. With, pipe. $10. ,IHi~I~TrI ~1066 SPRUCE ST., WINNETKA 505J. I 171LT41-ý1tp JI9 REALTOR 13West -Main Sti. Telephone 37 Barrington_ LIVE IN THE COUNTRY. BUY THIS HO1MESITE 0F ALMOST 2 cres wîth water, gas. electrie and paved roads ail for $1,950. A real bar- gain. Also larger and smaller. acreage. LE7WIS T. DODDS, Northfield Village Hall Willow at Skokie Winnetka 1111 Greenleaf, 2738 162LTN4«,2tc 11" ACRE S-WOODEI) 165-ft. frontage by 3.30-ft. in STUDIO COUCH, R.US~T COLOR, twin bed style; large slze, maple-- spIinduie baby crib; antique bed,. eprings and mxattress. Glencoe 355. l71LT41-Ilp DINING ROOM SET, TABLE A-ND buffet, excel. coud. ; 3 chairs; smalil ,)val, mabogafly. parlor table. Cali Sat.. aft., or Sun. 602 MýapleAve., Wilniette. 171LTrN41-ltp BABY GRAND PIANO, EXC. DINING RMi., SUNRM.1 TUBE, TABLES AND OD OF F'URN. WINNETKA 1910. 171L BEDROOM %fSUITE, .%MAH-OGAN- FURNI- PIECES LT41- tp size 40, andit ar uF Pair ()f satin daflamk be4spr5S.ds for twln beds, new, very handsomel, $25._ Cail Glenview 235-. 173L41-1tp 17j4 WTrD. TO pUy-MISLLANICUS North Shore Salvrage. WILL, BUY >YOUR FURNITURE. bric-a-brae .and ,househflld ,articles; books; magazines, 35ë per 100 lbs. 'ragg, $1 per 100 lbo.. Winnetka 1522. 174LTN40-4t1) jÜnk Dealer Goidmian WILL BUY yOUR BOOKS,' MAGA- zines, papers, ragg, furniture and pay best market prices, Cail Wil. 5426 or Wil. 481. 174LTN39-4tp Junk Dealer Phil Schum an ..W ilI buy furiture, bath tubs,ý old trou, washing machines, any .klnd of junk; pay best prîces. Wiimette 744.. 174LTN40-4tp BOOKSý WE W.L 8UYYOUR BOOKS.,ALSO private librarles. WiIl call. Wllmette 3214. 174LT>40-4tp V'ILLAbE F FWILMETTE ,W.LMETEILLIN~OIS and the oar f Trustees ot 'fthe Village- ni'WLîett~,Illinois 1, Harry W. M ii T1rea.surer cof the ÏVillage of Vilrnette.ý Illinois, wllii iake a îiÉo-r*ata 1pay3ment on special assessinent bonds of the Vil- lage of Wilmette, Illinhois, (Cook Ccuntv), rnaturing December, 31, 19.38. Payments wili be made thr'>ugh thé Wilmette State Bank, Wilmette, Illinois,. or by the Treasurer, Village H1all, Vil- mette, 1Ilitois, to whomn bonds s;hould lie forwarded. for collection and endorsu- ment of the undernoted paymnents. FROM AND AFTE NIA RCH 1t 19-8, SAID) BONDS SHAIL BE PAY- ABLE. IN PART ON DEMAND) ANI> 'NO FURTHER INTEREWyr SHJALL ACCRUE ON THAT PORTION 0F THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF T~HE UN- DERNOTED BONDS TO BE PA-ýID IN PART. INTEREST C OUPONS DUE DECEMBER '31, 1938, MUST BE AT- TA'CHED . TOÏ BONDS RECEIVJ NG PAYMNENT AS NOTED BELOW: Per rent <of Mptiai A*îsessn1t Pro.R ta Ps',. Nuniier Jniinîî ent on Bonds 206 10 4 20R 10 4o 2 1 1 . 1 O z 1 31 212 10 36 21:1 . 9 4$ý .214 .10 30 2 15 10 4 217 10_-)a 220 10 . 41 221 10 20 223 1 54 225 1 1 L J-44 4 -L r-1> i L A. 4b' ____________________ gI6O'. ASSESSMENTS 107 EXC4ANg-'UALMSTATE - IN MY 7 ROOM HOUSE CHEAP. 274 IAddress B85,. Box 60, oIGT NO DEALERS. FOR~ APPOINTMENT 276 151L!ýI'1-l cin who CALIFÔRNIA? CALL WILMETTE 4508. 277 ___________A_________ A owns a beautîful Cali- I-%ACRES DOG- 1 fornia home le willlng to trade for 173LTN41-4tp 295 s g Deep driven d ml ot hrpoetprf AYBGY YERTRAD62257, a pla for lovely home erably a. home with 6 or 6, bedrom.1 desk', ahigo machine and man- $7,0W. Mi. Weber- CalMris., Wlnaott, Wlnn. :1267. gle. 'W lmetteý 3660.1 173LTN41-lte, 151LTN41-tc- 167LTN41-ltp 7* 30 .7 30 7 .30 35, 7 30 7 50 7 50 7 0 32 6 35 17i 1938. HARRY W. MILLER, Treasurer Villag<.e o'Wilmete, Illinois Franklýe S5.1 1 l

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